Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

i have one question for the people that dont support helvi. how can you not like boobs??!!??!?!??!!

Last edited by RhazhBash (Jan 28 2012 10:48:39 am)


#27 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Brawler700 wrote:

i have one question for the people that dont support helvi. how can you not like boobs??!!??!?!??!!

I'm more of a fan of the pelvis area and below..But I agree.

#28 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

I think that if you have the right to keep your old signature, that there must come new rules.

So maybe its anoying you but I think you dont have to keep that signature. It was good but it does not belong in this game. ( I am not supporting you :L )


I also dont support the moderators. Just becouse there are so many things in EE that should not belong here either. And they dont give a f... about it. So that is my opinion.

#29 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Sefanja1, I don't understand why I am not allowed show my EE maps on a EE forum ^^

It was said, there were "too many" reports - which indicates that in first instance everything was fine but turned out to be annoying to "read too many reports". Therefore the signature was removed just to get rid of needless reports...
edit: Oh and my current sig was approved stangly - what justfies this descission?

Last edited by Helvi (Jan 28 2012 11:21:19 am)



#30 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

I support you all the way, Helvi. //


#31 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

why would someone report that? i liked it.


#32 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

you dont see it? People under an age of 16 are playing this game to. And it is not good to support that kind of things on the internet. thats all im trying to say.

#33 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

^ Alot of people who support this thread are under 16..

#34 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Isn't censorship what we are trying to fight? Come on people.

#35 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

D-rock2308 wrote:

Isn't censorship what we are trying to fight? Come on people.


#36 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

So far, I thank you all for the support. Still waiting for a reply of the responsable personnel.



#37 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

As for the official response from Forumify, it isn't allowed per #4 in their TOS.

In order to comply with Forumify, this signature may not be reversed.

#38 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

It broke the rules and the forum is full of 5yr olds.

#39 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

If the people who were *****ing about helvi's signature about "HERP DERP NUDITY"

They shouldn't be on the ****ing internet in the first place.

#40 Before February 2015

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,007

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

I was going to support Helvi, but the rules say:

No adult content is permitted (including nudity)



#41 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

its not nudity kinda

Rules wrote:

Clauses: The staff reserves the right to remove content, warn and ban users at any time for any or no reason. These rules are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to remove content at our discretion, and are not liable for any user-submitted content.

#42 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

bass5098 wrote:

As for the official response from Forumify, it isn't allowed per #4 in their TOS.

In order to comply with Forumify, this signature may not be reversed.

I dont understand where this is about nudity. It covers critical parts.
Adult content means inappropriate content, excessive violence and such. This does not apply to my art map, which shows not more than any cloth catalog or any designer store.

Last edited by Helvi (Jan 28 2012 6:13:40 pm)



#43 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Helvi wrote:
bass5098 wrote:

As for the official response from Forumify, it isn't allowed per #4 in their TOS.

In order to comply with Forumify, this signature may not be reversed.

I dont understand where this is about nudity. It covers critical parts.
Adult content means inappropriate content, excessive violence and such. This does not apply to my art map, which shows not more than any cloth catalog or any designer store.

That image has nudity, that was the one that came back as a no.   That is the image linked in your original post that you want back.

#44 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Alright then, I admit I made an error on this //

I ask you to approve this image:

Is shows nothing innappropiate.



#45 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

There are American children here. American because I'm pretty sure we are the only ones who won't let kids see nudity but will show all the blood, gore, and violence they want.

Just make different art, it's not that bad.

EDIT: nvm, after seeing the post right above me.

Last edited by xputnameherex (Jan 28 2012 6:38:48 pm)

#46 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

I support any signature Helvi wants, including the one with bare breasts. It's natural, it's artistic, and it's in EE.
If anyone dislikes it, then they could simply disable signatures or adblock it.
Artistic nudity should always be allowed.

edit: @ put name here ^

Pretty much.

Last edited by Zoey2070 (Jan 28 2012 6:46:38 pm)

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


#47 Before February 2015


Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

Zoey2070 wrote:

I support any signature Helvi wants, including the one with bare breasts. It's natural, it's artistic, and it's in EE.
If anyone dislikes it, then they could simply disable signatures or adblock it.
Artistic nudity should always be allowed.

edit: @ put name here ^

Pretty much.

Yup. Go over to Germany, show them COD, they will flip out. (With a N*** past, you would too)

#48 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

xputnameherex wrote:
Zoey2070 wrote:

I support any signature Helvi wants, including the one with bare breasts. It's natural, it's artistic, and it's in EE.
If anyone dislikes it, then they could simply disable signatures or adblock it.
Artistic nudity should always be allowed.

edit: @ put name here ^

Pretty much.

Yup. Go over to Germany, show them COD, they will flip out. (With a N*** past, you would too)

This is actually not right // Here in Germany many computer games are either censored, or only available at the age of 16 or 18, depending on the USK rating. USK is the company responsable for rating entertainment products blah blah.

Therefore I can legally buy any game here at full content - being old enough.
Any younger cannot.

This also applies for explict content on the TV, no gore before 10pm. Sex movies at midnight.
About nudity: You see it on the TV at any time, on the newspaper at any time, on any magazine at any time. Open and visiable on any store.



#49 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

I can tell you nothing is going to happen until some more mods/admins voice their opinions. Currently only me and bass have discussed this.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#50 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: [Petition] Reversal of Signature

It's a real toss-up, isn't it? I'll take Cyclone's side on this one, although I could honestly argue both ways.

Reason #1: Thousands, if not millions of parents do not want their children involved in any website where erotic pictures are allowed and used. Respect them by not showing children erotic art. If a parent wants to show their children art at a museum, let them. This doesn't mean you need to shove nudist art in their face.

Reason #2: When your mom says "Don't touch the stove!" at an age like 5, your main priority in life is to touch that stove. When you live in a household where inappropriate content websites are blocked, and you get a "taste" of inappropriate content art, it is your main priority in life to find more. Not because you're sexually attracted to such art, but because you're just curious. Erotic art is, in a sense, luring them into research.

And when children don't have "adult" sites blocked? You're not just luring them in, you're pushing them in. All it takes is one Google search with SafeSearch off to access millions (282M on Google Images alone) of images.

I've heard of some kids who've lost their virginity in elementary school. Whether or not this is truth is beyond me, but I am willing to bet it's not unheard of. Is it common? No, but it definitely says that sexual intelligence is being taught at too young of an age. Let's not promote that.

Last edited by Tako (Jan 29 2012 9:04:28 am)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.



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