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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

1000 posts? That's incredibly easy to reach if you really wanted to.

#27 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Some how 1000 post has been difficult for me to reach.

#28 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

I think once this forum gets rolling 1000 posters will be common.

#29 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Simpy put - Killcreek already has over 600 posts, and these ranks are already in place. We're going to hit 1000 sooner or later.

#30 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: More ranks

Well, our ranks go to 1500, so you all still have a ways to go.

#31 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Today, me and Flare got crazy with the forum games. So we both got ca.100 posts in only one day!

#32 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: More ranks

What's the last rank to achieve?

#33 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: More ranks

Chief Architect - 1500 posts.

Cmon people, we need some more!

#34 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

"Legendary" -2,000 posts?

#35 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: More ranks

Doesn't fit the theme

#36 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Maybe we should just spread the ranks out more. It's extremely difficult to to make more ranks out of the limited synonyms for architect. I myself am having a hard time getting ideas, and I've been using ._.

#37 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: More ranks

They're hardly synonyms, they're words related to construction. Some of which, yes, are synonyms.

#38 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Cheif Engineer-2500?

#39 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

^ Me no want.

Possibly Developer, Manufacturer, I don't like the feel of too many 'Chief's, but with the 2 I listed, they apply to Technology, which is like a 'step up' from the previous ranks which usually apply to housework or the such.

Synonyms of 'Construction'. Usually you can just add 'er' to the end of the words given and it should work, like the 2 I listed.

Last edited by Flare (Oct 14 2010 11:14:09 am)

#40 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: More ranks

Give me a post count needed as well, I'm not thinking of those by myself.

#41 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Delete the post count would be better. They spam like holy... in forum games.
Now they are proud coz' they spammed their 1000 Posts.

#42 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

-_- It's not damned spam unless you don't think at all before posting! Damn it! Well, that's not EXACTLY what spam is, spam would be posting that's not constructive and unrelated to the thread, but I DO post things that ARE constructive and relative to the thread!
I didn't spam my Engineer rank! Gah!

Anyways, another rank for 2000, then 2500, then do what you want, maybe take a huge jump to 5000 :/

#43 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: More ranks

0 - New Recruit
10 - Laborer
50 - Bricklayer
100 - Carpenter
200 - Landscaper
300 - Surveyor
500 - Foreman
750 - Architect
1000 - Engineer
1500 - Chief Architect [builds the stuff]

2000 - Designer [makes blueprints]
5000 - Electricion [wires]
8000 - CEO [of the building company]
9000 - Vice President [of the building company]
10000 - President [of the building company]

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
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danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
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#44 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Zoey2070 wrote:

2000 - Designer [makes blueprints]
5000 - Electrician [wires]
8000 - CEO [of the building company]
9000 - Vice President [of the building company]
10000 - President [of the building company]

To me, the fact that you have to specify that it's the ____ of the building company, makes me think it wouldn't be such a good idea. Those three ranks remind me of.. a more political approach, rather than a building approach. Electrician and Designer are nice, though.

Last edited by Flare (Oct 16 2010 1:03:16 am)

#45 Before February 2015

I Like This Game2

Re: More ranks

2000 - Electrician
3500 - Cheif Electrian
5000 - Site Manager Junior
7500 - Site Manager
10000 - Site Manager Senior

#46 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Heres my suggestion:

----- Basic labor -----------------
Recruit - 0
Laborer - 10
Bricklayer - 50
Builder - 100
Plumber - 200
Carpenter - 300
---- Land Design & Planning ----
Landscaper - 400
Surveyor - 500
Designer - 600
Urban Planner - 700
---- Skilled Labor ----------------
Electrician - 800
Technician - 900
---- Technical/Planning ---------
Civil Engineer - 1000
Engineer - 1500
Architect - 2000
---- Overall Management -------
Foreman - 2500
Contractor - 3000
General Contractor - 3500
Project Manager - 4000
Construction Manager - 4500

It involves a restructuring of the current ranks and adds several new ones.
Edit: I added a new rank, 'Builder - 100'.
Edit2: I added a 2nd new rank, 'General Contractor - 3000'.
Edit3: I added a 3rd new rank, 'Urban Planner - 700'.

Last edited by Rurigok (Oct 16 2010 11:25:35 pm)

#47 Before February 2015

I Like This Game2

Re: More ranks

Rurigok wrote:

Heres my suggestion:

Recruit - 0
Laborer - 10
Bricklayer - 50
Plumber - 100
Carpenter - 200
Landscaper - 300
Surveyor - 400
Electrician - 500
Designer - 600
Technician - 700
Civil Engineer - 800
Engineer - 900
Architect - 1000
Foreman - 1500
Contractor - 2000
Project Manager - 2500
Construction Manager - 3000

That sounds like a good idea!

#48 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

Rurigok wrote:

Heres my suggestion:

Recruit - 0
Laborer - 10
Bricklayer - 50
Plumber - 100
Carpenter - 200
Landscaper - 300
Surveyor - 400
Electrician - 500
Designer - 600
Technician - 700
Civil Engineer - 800
Engineer - 900
Architect - 1000
Foreman - 1500
Contractor - 2000
Project Manager - 2500
Construction Manager - 3000

I love the names of those ranks, but I don't like that you changed some of the ranks that were already in place but had a long distance between each other.   (eg. current Foreman-Architect-Engineer changed to Engineer-Architect-Foreman)

(After talking to you on the chat)

Well, I guess that they work if you apply the definitions to them. :3

#49 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

I updated my suggestion so it goes up to 4000 posts.

#50 Before February 2015


Re: More ranks

I support ruri's idea.
I think people should be able to make their own title, however

Meredith 1423708702252730

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