Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Great news, everyone!
I've made some tangible progress on animator (now a misnomer) and I'd like to present my progress.
Second alpha (4/05/2011):
Third alpha (4/16/2011):
Fourth alpha (4/18/2011):
Fifth alpha (4/28/2011): 7Zip file (645KB) Zip file (848KB)
Sixth alpha:
Seventh Alpha (6/11/2011):
Eighth Alpha (6/14/2011):
As you can see, it's coming along nicely. I am now trolling for UI requests. Get your vote in now!
About this version: ANY mouse button can be used to draw with. All graphics are placeholders, contributions ARE welcome. CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y work as undo/redo (I finally got it done! Yay!) and other background workings are on their way. Enjoy!
[color=#ff1111]EE animator is now open source and I will NOT be maintaining it.[/color] If you are a serious programmer and choose to start work on Animator, I MAY help you. I reserve all rights to the source code that is not marked as not mine. You may redistribute the source as much as you want as long as you make no money off of it, even if it's a derivative work. I reserve the right to update this file at will, as well as the right to even revoke open source status. the GMK can be found here: [url][/url] Scroll down for the original post. [color=#00ff00][center]Everybody Edits Animator 4.5[/center][/color] [color=#ff0000][u][b][center]For problems USING animator (so things like you can't work WPE or whatever), use THE TROUBLESHOOTING THREAD This thread is for BUG REPORTS and FEEDBACK and FEATURE REQUESTS. Thanks.[/center][/b][/u] [/color] [quote][center][b][color=blue]I will release a new version of animator on request! (Just not more than once every 24 hours)[/color][/b][/center][/quote] I was introduced to Everybody Edits for the purpose of creating a program that allows one to animate maps. Since then, Mr. Benjaminson decided to cripple the upload rate of the animator, reducing it to a lowly autobuilder; however the name Animator stuck, and hopefully one day it will once again reflect the functionality of the program. As of now, Animator provides tools such as line and rectangle drawing, copy and paste, selections, image importing, drawing text, and much much more. For a detailed description of how to use animator refer to the readme, OR use one of the many guides found online, such as EDJ's: [url][/url] Screenshots - Contributed by Urunberkay12 Download - [url][/url] Mirrors: Latest release - January 28th, 2011 (v4.5) Version history: 4.5 -Massive bugfixes 4.3 - Coloring on the border - Selection transparency - Save more settings - New icon - Fewer popups on startup - Screen resizing - Checks next to menu items that are toggle-able - Fixed image importing bug: Errors when all blocks are deactivated - Rewrote the packet exporter to support rooms with more than 64000 blocks 4.2 - Vastly improved the GUI - Blocks are now grouped, and groups can be disabled - New draw ellipse functions - GUI item that displays size of lines, rectangles and ellipses - Fixed floodfill's problems with the border - Made room resizing as idiot-proof as I can - Fixed rare bug when you could draw through the minimap 4.1 - Use L*a*b color formulas to vastly improve image importing - Add construction blocks and oldblack - Update colors to more accurately reflect what is seen in the actual game 4.0 - Selecting large areas or making large text no longer skews - When you hit the "new" menu item (File->New), you can specify room size Bugs to fix Features to add [color=#ffff11]- Autonomous uploading / no more WPE[/color] <-- Shouldn't be finished any time soon [color=#999900]- Coin Doors[/color] <--- I need to figure out a good way to implement this [color=#ff0000]- Undo/Redo functionality[/color] Key: [color=#ff0000]Not Started[/color] [color=#999900]Started[/color] [color=#ffff11]In Progress[/color] [color=#55aa00]Nearing Completion[/color] [color=#00ff00]Done / Will Be In Next Release[/color]
Last edited by Aslai (Jun 14 2011 5:50:24 pm)
What about coin doors? Just curious
animator not for mac
They are working on GM for Mac
And I'll add coin doors to the todo
Wow, would love to see uploading without wpepro
There is a bug when you use the fill tool when grayblocks are touching the border
I don't know how to upload it to EE, can anyone tell me please?
I don't know how to upload it to EE, can anyone tell me please?
See my Signature and click on guide
Thanks for fixing Aslai! I recommend you to fix the bug where the "Undo" and the "Redo" commands are not working.
1. Possible to create circles.
2. Count blocks easier.
1. If you don't change any size, it's crashing.
2. If you toggle line interpolation, you can't draw with the pencil.
3. If you move the rectangle inside the minimap, and have the line/rectangle/fill tool. You draw them too, sometimes.
Last edited by doh (Jan 21 2011 9:39:02 am)
Can anyone send me some fotographs about this program?
- Autonomous uploading / no more WPE
I love you.
Can anyone send me some fotographs about this program?
Do you want pictures or what?
Can anyone send me some fotographs about this program?
Sure, here is one:
- Autonomous uploading / no more WPE
^ I love you
Last edited by Jojatekok (Jan 21 2011 9:56:22 am)
Is the fully black block available? I would love to fill my world with only black blocks for a future level.
Is the fully black block available? I would love to fill my world with only black blocks for a future level.
Yes it is, the factory pack is there too
aslai haven't seen you in a while
yea so when i hit export it asked me for something so i just left it blank and now wpe says error:1 then 2 then3 so on so fourth
how can i fix this :S?
Nightmare wrote:I don't know how to upload it to EE, can anyone tell me please?
See my Signature and click on guide
Oh, I can't install WPE because I play a game which detects hack programs. And if it does, I'll be unable to play it.
EDJ wrote:Nightmare wrote:I don't know how to upload it to EE, can anyone tell me please?
See my Signature and click on guide
Oh, I can't install WPE because I play a game which detects hack programs. And if it does, I'll be unable to play it.
Don't run wpe and the game at the same?
I need wpe too?
I need wpe too?
Yea, and knowing you, you'll probably not download it because it comes up as a virus for pretty much every anitvirus software.
Can i do blocks move? Cuz i never used an EE Animator...
In the next release,I don't need WPE right?
Its asking me a password, what i put there?
In the next release,I don't need WPE right?
Not sure... I think the very next release will not contain the function to upload maps to the server without using WPE PRO.
Saw that it says aslai soft 2010.... Isnt it 2011 now?
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