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#1 2015-09-09 14:55:54, last edited by Calicara (2015-09-09 14:58:50)

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

People are Too Sensitive

This is kind of a mix of Game Discussion and Off Topic, but I'll post it here just to be on the safe side.

I don't play EE a lot anymore because I'm in college. I still care to a small extent because I've been a part of its community for five years. I've seen it flourish, and die, and go through a rebirth. I've made countless friends, and enemies, though as I got older some of those enemies became my friends. The only people I continued to dislike like are those who dislike me.

Now, I don't try to go and openly insult people, because that would be wrong. But once in a while I'll crack a joke about how I don't like certain users, but it's all in good fun. It's like when you're hanging out in a group of friends and you make a mean joke because it's funny, but you don't mean it because you care about them. There really isn't anyone on EE I would intentionally try to hurt. There are certainly people I crack jokes about more than others, and they know why (regardless of outside opinion).

But then yesterday I made this post: … 46#p540246

Three people responded with a paragraph length response about how much of a bully I am, and then I got this ridiculous PM from Tomkakaz.

Tomkakaz wrote:

I thought we have left things behind us long time ago... Your post was degrading and malicious. Never would I expect to see something like that written about me. Utterly disgusting of you.

Since when did this community become so damn sensitive? People need to lighten up once in a while. I get that we are a community should be fighting back against meanness, but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to have our own opinions about people. Furthermore, you can't always assume the person who makes the joke is the bully. The bully may also be the victim. One of the reasons I dislike ipwner is because he used to spam my worlds in EE and sexually harass me. What a great guy right?

Beside, as I said before, there are also the times when people are making a joke that they don't mean to hurt anyone. So there's no need for six people to give a lecture about cyber bullying, when a certain post was hardly bullying to begin with.

It's ok to be mean once a while. Jeez louise //

EDIT: P.S. On a personal note, I don't take any 'online' insults seriously. I know this doesn't apply for everyone, but I think it's a philosophy worth considering. Because in about 15 mins I'll close this laptop and then I'll be in the real world. This world ceases to exist for me. So it's hardly worth worrying about what someone halfway across the world thinks of me.

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#2 2015-09-09 15:08:37

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,708

Re: People are Too Sensitive

gotta flag that sarcasm and jokes tho



#3 2015-09-09 15:20:03


Re: People are Too Sensitive

They probably got sensitive when you threw the term "enemies" into that post. Without it, it would've sounded more troll-y and funny. Just my two cents.

Wooted by:

#4 2015-09-09 15:50:19

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: People are Too Sensitive

Itsmeandersonlol wrote:

They probably got sensitive when you threw the term "enemies" into that post. Without it, it would've sounded more troll-y and funny. Just my two cents.

beacuse the word enemies is the ultimate insult. Seriously? There are a million worse things I could have said lol

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


Wooted by: (2)

#5 2015-09-09 15:51:34

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: People are Too Sensitive

I wish it was just this community. It's everyone. Everyone needs to take a chill pill and stop being so damn self-righteous, stop being such kittens (you know the word I mean). Learn to take a joke, if you see everything as a personal attack and for some reason feel the need to defend yourself every time, you're going to have a tough life. Chill out.

While "offensive language" generally doesn't help the atmosphere in completely open settings (as opposed to small groups of friends), I can't stand people who are offended by "offensive" language (between quotation marks, because people often seem to choose to be offended).

Of course the issue with the interwebs is that it's hard to convey a proper tone in writing, some people won't catch the sarcasm/joking tone, which also doesn't help.

No u.


#6 2015-09-09 16:14:42

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: People are Too Sensitive

Just a wild theory - and not personally attacking anyone, but I believe some people in this community have autism-spectrum disorders and "friendly" banter isn't perceived as so friendly in that case.


#7 2015-09-09 16:41:49


Re: People are Too Sensitive

Not going to do a paragraph of 200 pages,

Weed is always your best friend to chillax bruhs.


#8 2015-09-09 17:08:46, last edited by Calicara (2015-09-09 17:16:47)

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: People are Too Sensitive

0176 wrote:

Just a wild theory - and not personally attacking anyone, but I believe some people in this community have autism-spectrum disorders and "friendly" banter isn't perceived as so friendly in that case.

I think that's a fair point, but I also think it's a matter of knowing the person you're talking to.

For example, I would never insult Dazz because he/she is the nicest person I know. But I don't feel bad for making a snide remark about someone who generally tends to insult others. But, if I come to an understanding the person who I'm insulting has a mental disorder, or language issue, then it changes the whole situation all together. For example, even though it took Zumza some time to learn some English, I would never insult he/she for using improper grammar.

I think it's best to consider these things on a case by case basis. But there is no reason I can't make a legitimate complaint or insult toward a person who is a normally functioning human being and has insulted me in the past.

@Kira: I would man, but weed is illegal where I live //

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#9 2015-09-09 19:35:59

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: People are Too Sensitive

In my humble opinion, this topic is pretty much the same as "RAWR ALL THESE SJWS ARE ATTACKING ME FOR NOT BEING POLITICALLY INCORRECT!" when someone says incredibly offensive things. I believe that calling out Tomkakaz specifically, by name, basing a topic around him saying that "people are too sensitive, cri moar pls" and that people should "lighten up" is... still kind of mean, and incredibly unnecessary.

I'm not saying we should coddle people OR that people should stop being such big babies, but like... understand where someone's coming from if they do get hurt by something? Tomkakaz took it to PMs where you could deal with it one-on-one, and then you in turn make it public again? You're turning it into everyone's business.  Don't just be like "chill, it's just a joke, and you're being a child about it" and blaming them doesn't really solve anything. It's like how people are like "LOL PEOPLE GETTING ACTUALLY UPSET WHEN CYBERBULLYING? IT'S CALLED TURNING OFF THE COMPUTER" like yeah congrats you react differently to situations than someone else does. amazing.

I'm going to close this topic because honestly, it's just going to start more pointless drama, and this isn't really just a black and white situation.

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