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#1 Before February 2015

St Cool

I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

I have noticed when getting the wizard or witch smilys most of the time its people with no or few other smilys and bricks, i have seen very few or no people with lots of smilys getting the wizard.

I for one have every other smily and brick but the wizards and wished to have one but i feel i am at a disadvantage to others, i know magics and wizards are meant to be random but it feels like its only random to people who arnt getting stuff from the shop or are new get the wizard.

Any of the forum mods can you please pass this message on to one of the game mods

#2 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

The system is completely random and favors no one above anyone else except for those who play more. Personal experiences aren't very useful when dealing with a random system, so nothing will be changed, I'm afraid.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

yh and why do you need a wizards, well its cool smiley but its more for lucky players =p

#4 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

theredtigers wrote:

yh and why do you need a wizards, well its cool smiley but its more for lucky players =p

Smileys are collectors items. I am currently trying to get fire wiz and witch :/

#5 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

yh k thats true XD but you need to have luck to get them

#6 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

Stop complaining and just play, you'll get it eventually.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

I doubt that Chris would change the magic coin etc. system just for you. Just keep on playing and you might get it, it's all chance you know.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

Getting Magic coins are completely random.
you can get magic in Any World,
but not in Every World.

#9 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

i didnt want the system change as much i just wanted to see if it was like that

#10 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

is there any specific coin i need to get? because then i would know which coin to go for.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

You get magic by running into any coin ONLY if you get lucky. There is no other way to get wizards other than coins.

#12 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: I have noticed something about the wizards and i want it changed

midevilangle dont post on an obvious dead post

St Cool 1423750358211074

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