Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-28 03:46:36

Tomahawk, technically it's the whole reason of pre-releasing, to fix major early bugs.
Anyway, I've got my suspicions it's being caused by not having gtk+ installed, and i'm trying to figure out how to bundle it.

I mean, you definitely don't want to find those bugs in a full release.

#2 Re: Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-27 07:17:07

glib.. glib..
buh... wu..
it's literally right there in your folder screenshot.
C# what are you doing.

Anyway it's late here, i'll see if I can fix it tomorrow :/

edit: Came back, apparently i'm blind and didn't see the spoiler containing the full XML dump.
Probably should have looked at that. Sorry.

#3 Re: Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-27 07:05:38

Hmm, specifically i'm looking for an error related to the program itself. It should just contain some plaintext, with either a stack trace or DLL blame. Unfortunately I can't really do much with dump files because I don't know how :/

#4 Re: Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-27 06:58:13

That didn't fix it? How strange, I got it working on my test computer.
Do you have anything in your event viewer?

#5 Re: Bots and Programming » The Official Unofficial Forums Guide to Bot .NET Frameworks » 2017-01-27 06:47:00

The only thing wrong with this that I can see is that it hadn't existed yet. This is quite a valuable resource.

#6 Re: Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-26 04:50:35

That's interesting, i'm not sure what would cause that. What version of .NET are you running, and if you run it through a commandline, is there any sort of error shown?

Edit: I've reproduced this on another computer, and I think I screwed up and published the debug build without the debug libs. Once my IDE stops being broken i'll send out a release build.

#7 Bots and Programming » [Pre-Release] LuaBot 2.0: Nope still broken. [NONFUNCTIONAL ATM] » 2017-01-26 03:49:13

Replies: 17

So about a week ago I had an idea...
Hey, I should remake this so it isn't terrible!

LuaBot 2.0 is in the works, and is availible on GitHub

LuaBot 2 features several improvements over the original...

  • (Mostly complete) An actual GUI

  • (Partially complete) An on-screen reference you can click on to insert a reference

  • (Complete, still adding events) A full event-based structure instead of every script for itself

  • (Complete) Ability to pause, kill, or re-open running scripts in the editor.

  • (Complete) An established, well-developed code base for interacting with EE, plus a degree of futureproofing, both from BotBits.

  • (Unstarted) A debugging system which allows you to pause a script, then explore it's global environment in a dropdown TreeView

Because let's face it, the original was pretty terrible, for both user experience and codemanship/maintainability.


Releases: … n/releases

SomeMost users have been experiencing problems with missing DLLs, we've released a patch to hopefully fix this.


  • Official first release coming once I work out a few minor bugs with MoonSharp not correctly converting types for some of the functions. This has been fixed, forgot to register a few of BotBit's extension classes.

  • Application crashes immediately on startup. A patch has been released to hopefully fix this, but it's been unconfirmed. If it's still crashing on startup, please check your event viewer logs

See the GitHub readme for basic API references.


  • Q: The Open/Pause/Stop buttons aren't working! A: Please make sure you double click on a script entry, highlighting it isn't enough. Same goes for the player menu (e.g. kicking)

  • Q: Something's broken or doesn't work as expected! A: Report it on the GitHub page issue tracker

  • Q: How do I save scripts? A: Currently there's no file IO, you'll have to save your scripts using a text editor and copypaste.

#8 Re: Bots and Programming » Storing Data » 2016-07-27 03:15:06

cercul1 wrote:
ashtoin wrote:

Are you using an SDK like botbits, or just the client library?
Do you want to save it to a file, or just keep it in memory?
Do you want to do this for every player, and do you want it to persist even after they leave?
Does it make a difference if they're using the // smiley instead of the // smiley?

I am using botbits but i'm going to be getting rid of it because it didn't do what i wanted.  I want to be able to access the file and edit as needed.  I need it for every player and it saves as they leave.  It doesn't make a difference at all what smiley they're using.

capasha wrote:

Best ways. XML, MySQL, JSON. Choose something of that.

I was thinking JSON because I've been recommended it before but I'd need someone to teach me.  Will you be my sensei? ^-^ I was also thinking of using a text file, but I'd also need help with that.

XML and JSON are simply a way of storing data in a text file.
What you are talking about could be achieved by using some of botbit's events (e.g. player joined, i don't remember the exact name) plus botbits ability to store arbitrary data associated with each player.
When a player joins, just load the file, and when they leave, save it, using your language of choice

Then just use the stored data in the player variable for what you want to do.

#9 Re: Bots and Programming » Storing Data » 2016-07-27 02:06:17

Are you using an SDK like botbits, or just the client library?
Do you want to save it to a file, or just keep it in memory?
Do you want to do this for every player, and do you want it to persist even after they leave?
Does it make a difference if they're using the // smiley instead of the // smiley?

#10 Bots and Programming » [Beta] JumpSigns <MAJOR UPDATE: Variables & Multi-sign calls> » 2016-07-25 23:50:29

Replies: 0
JumpSigns - Event based command signs for automating everything!

JumpSigns! is a work in progress bot which, using an event based structure, creates simple sign-based scripting.
It requires LuaBot in order to run.
To use, download JumpSigns, place it in the /scripts/ directory inside of LuaBot's unzip directory.
Run luabot (or do command 'reloadlua') and then type in 'lua jumpsigns'!
note: Signs are parsed at program start, you have to restart it manually to see sign changes.

Bot download link: … pSigns.lua

A quick example:
Whenever someone jumped while on the sign, or if the red key is activated, the block at position 1,11 would be set to ID 115 (left booster)

Note that the documentation heading the JumpSigns.lua file is going to be more complete than what's posted here! Look there for details.
Currently the available directives (triggers) are:
[trigger:jump]                   (Triggered when someone jumps on the sign)
[trigger:key, <key name>]  (Triggered on a key going from inactive to active)
[trigger:gate, <gate id>]    (Triggered on an orange switch being turned on)
[trigger:direct]                  (Triggered using the call assertive

And the available assertives (commands) are:
<setblock, x, y, blockID> (Sets a block at x,y to blockID)
<getblock, x, y, variable> (Gets a block at x,y and stores it's blockID in the given variable
<call, x, y> (Calls a direct trigger on a sign at the given location)

Using variables:
Replace any parameter with a %variable%! For specific usage and special cases, see the script file header.

As you can see there isn't much you can do with it yet other than create a door, or something similar, but new triggers and commands are in the works!
Have any suggestions for features, or general feedback? It's much appreciated.

#11 Re: Forum Games » What's that world? » 2016-07-25 21:52:49

Correct! maxi123 gets to post the next world.

#12 Forum Games » What's that world? » 2016-07-25 21:02:48

Replies: 12

How to play:
  Take a screenshot of a world. Crop it. Smaller is better, but don't make it too hard. (Hints are allowed)
  First person to correctly guess the name of the world wins, and they get to post a new cropped picture of a world.
  Once a world is solved, whoever posted it must confirm the guess.
  You may not use your own worlds, and please try to avoid worlds which are likely to be wiped.
  Campaign worlds are allowed, but please don't reuse the same ones.
  You may only guess ONCE per world.

Current wins:
  maxi123: 1 [Phina and the rose]
  pingohits: 1 [Arris dome]
  12345678908642: 1 [br]

I'll start:
    Hint: The world is divided into 4 stacked layers which play sequentially.

#13 Bots and Programming » [Release] BefungeBot - Output buffering update! » 2016-07-25 07:25:05

Replies: 0
BefungeBot - A Befunge interpreter which uses the EE World!

BefungeBot requires LuaBot
To use, download BefungeBot, place it in the /scripts/ directory inside of LuaBot's unzip directory.
Run luabot (or do command 'reloadlua') and then type in 'lua befunge'!

Befunge is an esoteric programming language which pioneers something known as a 2d programming language.
Commands are made up of a single letter, or in the case of everybody edits, a certain type of block.
Read more about it here

Bot download link: … efunge.lua

Chat commands:
   !cachetime [time]: adjusts the amount of time the bot waits for each output command before flushing the buffer to chat.

   !string [a string]: Passes a string into standard input
   !number [numbers seperated by commas]: passes numbers into standard input

   !hyperspeed: 100x speed, disables drawing of the current program position
   !fast: 10x speed
   !medium: 5x speed
   !slow: x1 speed (once per second)

   !reset: resets the script completely
   !pause: Pauses/unpauses the script

The command blocks
Hello, world!

Feedback? Bug reports (Actually these should go on github, but post them here too!)? Post it here!

#14 Re: Game Suggestions » We need this » 2016-07-11 07:06:18

Xfrogman43 wrote:
12345678908642 wrote:

and be allowed to be in the world twice


Bot assisted levels, possibly. It's helpful to be able to log into the same world twice, once with a bot and once with an actual client.

#15 Re: Game Discussion » Imgs of chats on ee/forums » 2016-07-11 06:57:52

The walls of the maze are white, the same color as players on the minimap.

#16 Re: Forum Discussion » Official Intro/Outro Thread » 2016-07-10 05:34:47

Well, welcome back! If you haven't noticed, there is quite a bit of new and interesting content //

#17 Re: Game Discussion » Imgs of chats on ee/forums » 2016-07-09 23:30:03

Playing on my world when suddenly...
He joins, cusses me out and then leaves.
I have no idea what he's talking about.

#18 World Creation » [BAL] Castle Siege (v1.4 out as of July 25th) » 2016-07-09 06:55:35

Replies: 0

(*concept art may not reflect actual graphics)

Castle Siege is a playable, bot-assisted map which centers around smashing things with catapults. And who doesn't love smashing things with catapults?
The map itself is in a playable state with no immediate plans to change, but as the script is developed and I get feedback I will adjust it. (It is therefore not a finished map)

The core game play consists of 2 teams, each with a castle and prebuilt catapults facing each other. Each player has 3 lives, and when those are used may respawn once with a curse.
Matches are limited to 10 minutes each, although they often end in stalemates before then. To win, A player must invade the other team's castle and steal their trophy.

Update v1.4!
* Added 2 more types of bombs

Update v1.3!
* Adds the shop!
* Fixes being unable to place bombs if you try to place a bomb on the first game tick!
* Cleans up some code!

The shop (Added in v1.3)
You can buy a bunch of few useful thing in the shop

Shop listings
The nuke
Gameplay screenshots
Mechanics in-depth (Wall of text warning)

[Note: because this bot is bound to a specific world and won't be used otherwise, I found it more appropriate to put this here instead of in bots & programming]

Questions? Comments? Speculation on the ??? ? Post it below!

#19 Re: Bots and Programming » [Alpha release] LuaBot v0.1.4 » 2016-07-05 20:07:22

Thanks for the suggestions! I released a minor patch to cover them.

#20 Re: Bots and Programming » [Meta!] A Census! [YOU THERE. POST HERE.] » 2016-07-05 04:59:09

Well, hopefully this isn't closed so I'm not making a fool of myself...
Never actually met a wolf. Mostly brought up by cats and video games.
I'm an avid coder, liking to take up personal challenges to make stuff easier for myself, or random games I usually never finish past the concept stage. I'm proficient in Java, can get by in C++ & lua, and came back to everybody edits after a long hiatus as a fun way to learn C#.  I'm actively working on an open-sourced bot called LuaBot, as well as throwing some of my random ideas at my horribly bloated and slow testing bot.
I haven't made any bots in the past other than my current project however.
Something akin to this
I like to think I know what I'm doing, even if I don't strictly follow conventions... (I like to abuse threads. A lot. Usually stuff I make is either non-threadsafe, or too threadsafe)

#21 Re: Bots and Programming » [Alpha release] LuaBot v0.1.4 » 2016-07-05 04:20:34

DarkDragon4900 wrote:

Although I can't test it right now, this seems pretty interesting. But how exactly is it different from making a PlayerIO API for Lua?

It handles running scripts for you, and can concurrently run many scripts through the same bot. The goal is to basically make things as easy as possible.

For example, placing a block is as easy as putting
Block.setForeground(1, 2, Foreground.Gravity.Dot) -- x, y, blockID, you can also just use a number directly
into a file, then going back to the program and typing 'lua [filename]'

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