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#1 Before February 2015


Good Maps Bad Maps

Ok, so this is my opinion on maps in general.

  Most people say that because a map has smiley art or stairs it is a bad level. Most people say that if it has box minis and lame minis it shouldn't be there. I do not agree with this at all. See you have to take a few things into account.

  First, map comparisons. You cannot compare an EX Crew map to a stairs level. We all know that EX Crew is very talented at what they do. But not everyone is as talented as EX Crew. You cannot expect all maps to be perfect, or even enjoyable. But that's just life. Sure we all enjoy EX Crew levels, as they provide fun challenges. But then you look at a stairs level and most people automatically think, this sucks! You have to take into account that even though the map may not be as good as an EX Crew map that doesn't make it a bad map.

  Second, hard work. We all know that people who make "good" maps put alot of hard work into them. Well does anyone know how much work it takes to make stairs and box minis? Sure it's faster but it's still just as time consuming. Those "1000 minigames" levels probably took a long time to make. Now you might say, well since there is no originality there is no effort, but this is not true. Just because a map looks lame, or isn't even that fun doesn't mean the owner did not try their hardest. Often times people get so consumed with "pro levels" that they forget that all not all players are "pro".

  Third, having fun. The most important factor. Everybody Edits is not a competition. It's just a small sandbox game, for fun. People often try to justify trolling by saying that "noob" levels need to be destroyed. But they do not often think of the level owner. Say for example I make a stairs levels. I'm having so mmuch fun hosting it. Chatting with the people who come in and I put the code at the end as a treat for those who want to help edit. But then some person comes in, trolls the level, so I loadlevel and half my progress is deleted. I WAS having fun until someone ruined it for me. Maybe people have fun building stairs, maybe people enjoy making bxs minis. So what? Since when is it our right to tell them what is right and wrong? Everybody Edits should not be about who can build the best level, but who is having fun.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is to forumers to please stop being so judgemental. I know there are alot of really talented users on Everybody Edits, but you cannot assuse that everyone is as talented as they are. And as long as people are trying their hardest to build. And having fun at the same time there is no such thing as a bad level.

And like I always say, if you don't like it don't play it.

Last edited by Calicara (Aug 13 2011 12:40:05 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Bad levels are bad therefore must be eradicated by trolls, except this fact

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps


#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Failgirl101 wrote:

And like I always say, if you don't like it don't play it.

I go by this rule all of the time and it works really well //

Last edited by Bobithan (Aug 13 2011 1:22:09 pm)

aka towwl


#5 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

You do realise that being noob friendly allows noobs to make more noob maps therefore increasing their population.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

I agree with Bobithan.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Wow, earlier today I thought about the exact same...
Before EE was just a normal sandbox game, now everyone is so seriuos about everything and gets **** only if they see a stair level... :/

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Well, if you want to cuddle with the noobs - do it. But shame on you, whom on the day of reckoning realizes that the noobs never should have been cuddled with.

#9 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

NotAnAlt wrote:


This. So you're saying that you don't want bad maps to be hated? Probably not going to happen.

*u stinky*


#10 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Failgirl101 wrote:

And like I always say, if you don't like it don't play it.

Oh god failgirl, what have you done. You've pretty much eliminated all the pros from EE. Shame, SHAMEEE.

#11 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

treejoe4 wrote:

Bad levels are bad therefore must be eradicated by trolls, except this fact

Accept. I wrote a guide for that kind of stuff, you know.


I hate tall signatures.


#12 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

I give up on the trolls. I really do. You are twisting my words into saying something I don't even mean.

No, I am not saying you should make stairs and box minis. No, I'm not saying you have to like them. I am not even saying that I like them. All I'm saying is that we as forumers should not be so judgmental of other peoples levels. Just because we all make "good" levels doesn't make us better than anyone else. The game is supposed to be about having fun but all people seem to care about is who makes the better level.

And no this is not me saying you should stop making good levels. I'm just saying to try to be a little more accepting.

#13 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Nope, they are bad, stupid, unoriginal and they shouldn't be accepted, therefore they must be destroyed. Stop 'cuddling the noobs'

#14 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

I justify trolling this way: if they make a bad level and it is destroyed, it tells the owner, "Hey, my level got trolled, but the 32Crew's level **The Stomach** didn't.   Maybe I should be original like them."



#15 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

treejoe... you are the biggest idiot ever! i saw you today on my level begging for code like a noob! you can not be calling other people noobs when you are a code begger!

green troll you are an idiot.

and d-rock, if she has chased away all the pro it would be a very happy day for me. i used to be one of those noobs! people even crashed my levels back then with cheat engine! pros were so horribly mean to me! ive always hated most pro creators. there are a few that were nice to me.

im with failgirl, most of you dont even realize that they think this is just a regular old sandbox game, they dont know that stairs are bad, they enjoy spending time on stairs levels or if there having fun then let them
SHAME on the people who hate noob cuddlers and noobs!

#16 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

I justify trolling this way: if they make a bad level and it is destroyed, it tells the owner, "Hey, my level got trolled, but the 32Crew's level **The Stomach** didn't.   Maybe I should be original like them."

But what if they are brand new to the game and never heard of crews or pros? See it's easy for you to think that because you are adapted to the EE terminology. You cannot assume everyone is like you and therefore cannot assume all people will have the same logic. Even if it makes sense to you, not everyone is like you.

Also it is possible to make good levels AND be a nice person. I'm not saying that all "pros" are jerks.

#17 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

shmirt wrote:

treejoe... you are the biggest idiot ever!
green troll you are an idiot.
people even crashed my levels back then with cheat engine

1. don't flame.
2. don't flame.
3. you can't crash a world with CE!

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#18 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

shmirt wrote:

treejoe... you are the biggest idiot ever! i saw you today on my level begging for code like a noob! you can not be calling other people noobs when you are a code begger!

green troll you are an idiot.

and d-rock, if she has chased away all the pro it would be a very happy day for me. i used to be one of those noobs! people even crashed my levels back then with cheat engine! pros were so horribly mean to me! ive always hated most pro creators. there are a few that were nice to me.

im with failgirl, most of you dont even realize that they think this is just a regular old sandbox game, they dont know that stairs are bad, they enjoy spending time on stairs levels or if there having fun then let them
SHAME on the people who hate noob cuddlers and noobs!

I was gonna troll your level, TGT is not an idiot and the pros are mean to you because you made noob levels. Your just mad.

#19 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Honestly, I agree with Fallgirl. There is no need to troll a level just because you dont like it, as there may be others who are enjoying that level. In fact, if you are going to just troll the level and leave, why troll it in the first place? Those of you that claim trolling will make the owner attempt more original worlds, let me ask you this: What is stairs or box minis are the peak of the owner's capacity? If they worked hard on a level, no matter how lame it is, destroying it would upset them. Be respectful of others and their work.:cool:

#20 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

You know what makes me laugh? You trolls agree to be reffered to as trolls, correct? You do know trolls are mythological creatures known to be abnoxious, harmful, and unfriendly to the heroes and innocents in stories. You're pretty much saying 'hey, I'm a jerk' when you say you're a troll. You also overuse the term 'cuddle with the noobs.' Can you please think of something else than the same term over and over again? And while you are trying to eliminate the 'noobs', others are trying to get them to stay, and encourage others to play the game. Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean no one does. Noob is a very opinionated term too. They just enjoy those levels and want to have fun in a beautiful game Chris created, just like everyone else. You are the vandalists of EE, destroying something that does not belong to you. It's like you have no ability to comprehend right from wrong.

Last edited by Hybrog (Aug 13 2011 2:59:06 pm)

#21 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

Their work is a copy of someone elses work, and so on and so on. They didnt spend time thinking about how there gonna make it they just copied. And dont compare irl troll to an internet troll, trolling is an internet meme. And actually people arent trolling, they are greifing on ee.

Last edited by treejoe4 (Aug 13 2011 3:00:24 pm)

#22 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

The meaning of the word "troll" has drastically changed since it was used in mythology.   Also, lrn2spelling.



#23 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

I justify trolling this way: if they make a bad level and it is destroyed, it tells the owner, "Hey, my level got trolled, but the 32Crew's level **The Stomach** didn't.   Maybe I should be original like them."

That is the most blatant attempt at self-promotion I've seen.


#24 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

I figured, I was going to make a point, why not give an example of a good level?   I didn't help to make it, if that means anything.



#25 Before February 2015


Re: Good Maps Bad Maps

i really hope decent levels make a come back

however if your making box minis and your having fun its ok not good but its ok...sometimes i teach noobs how to make good minis

on the other hand...stairs are really sad...just really sad...and stupid...and i could add more words here like pathetic but it wouldnt empasize anything and just be a waste of time

Calicara 142388232479108

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