Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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It should have more mod judges and EEer judges. maps cannot have any name or identification. all voting is anonymous (voters dont know whose map it is). the prizes that are smileys or brix arent exclusive, they are released later in the future but with a lot of energy required. there are many hard owrking EE collectors out there!
While it'd be nice to have all voting anonymous, it's also not practical to implement especially when the links to the maps are sent in. It's much more effective to have trustworthy judges who will not base their decisions on who is who, and I think that will be solved by having a mix of past contest winners and mods.
I'm fine with the prizes being released later, but not for energy, only for gems. If the exclusive prize can later be bought with just energy, it makes it essentially free and that devalues it as a reward. This way everyone is happy, collectors can use gems to acquire contest prizes, and the contest winners can feel happy they got a truly valuable reward for all of their hard work.
I agree, having them available for gems would be fair IMO.
What do other winners of this contest think? Would you be okay with these smilies being available for gems?
I agree, having them available for gems would be fair IMO.
What do other winners of this contest think? Would you be okay with these smilies being available for gems?
Probably it would be best if there were a delay for availability for a couple months. That way the winners would still have time to be smug about being the only ones who had them, but eventually the completionists could collect them too.
^ A delay is perfectly fine. Anyone else have an opinion on contest prizes being offered a few months later for gems?
Also BEE, I might be mistaken, but your sig appears to have changed multiple times today.
Yes it has changed, I apologize lol. I cant decide what I want so I keep changing it.
Well, I would be perfectly fine with the smileys being offered in a few months. Or now. As long as it's for gems.
How about a delay+gems
It would be cool if winner's account got visually marked with something to show they were the winners of the competition somehow. This way there's still a separation between the bought and won smileys.
A nice way would be to have it in a profile, but EE doesn't have profiles (which would be pretty awesome) or some special name colour or sign behind it.
No u.
don't ever release the prizes, then noone would bother to make a good map for upcoming contests; only hasty half-attemps.
don't listen to these morons^ :rolleyes:
You know what Johan? As a Scandinavian you should follow the Jante Law a little bit better. The Jante Law is a great thing to keep harmony and peace in a smaller community, whether you think so or not.
Edit: Talking about the last sentence of yours.
Last edited by lillsneppe (Apr 23 2011 5:20:42 am)
mustang is right
Sell it for 50 gems in a months time, dont sell it for less than that because it would be easily avalible.
So the general consensus so far is that eventually releasing the smileys after a couple of months for a certain amount of gems is alright with the winners? Gonna need all the winners to post here so that I can gauge your opinions.
So the general consensus so far is that eventually releasing the smileys after a couple of months for a certain amount of gems is alright with the winners? Gonna need all the winners to post here so that I can gauge your opinions.
*Jojatekok wants from every winners to say "YES"*
EDIT: LOL I exactly posted a minute after RPG.
Last edited by Jojatekok (Apr 23 2011 7:00:13 am)
So the general consensus so far is that eventually releasing the smileys after a couple of months for a certain amount of gems is alright with the winners? Gonna need all the winners to post here so that I can gauge your opinions.
Why? Because that every kids cry that they are not going to get the smiley because they lose the contest.
The reason i was for this contest was to maybe got to top and get energy and those smileys. And have fun of course.
Why release it to other guys? Let the winners get something that other peoples doesn't have.
If this is going to happen, I'm going to left this game forever. I'm so tired of all this kids that need everything.
"Oh i didn't win, i want the smileys plz plz *cry to mommy*"
What about the santa smiley and new year hat. and the bricks for that too. I don't have the new year smiley, so for the bricks for new year and the bricks for the christmas. And i don't cry about that because thats what happen when i didn't pay or use my energy on it. Chris had it on for x days to be so. Why change that? What's the point?
Let the old players have the hats and not give them to the new guys.
Instead of typing the last thing I just posted again, I'm just going to post my solution: that a different smiley/brick/whatever be made for all who entered their levels.
I think that if you're really going to release the smilies at some point, you should just give out the bunny, and NEVER the bird. That, however, may require the bird smiley to go to second place as well, though.
EDIT: And, if released, do it relatively soon (before the next holiday ), and, yeah, for gems only. Of course, not many gems... it's not exactly the same worth as beta or a massive world.
Last edited by shift (Apr 23 2011 8:53:36 am)
I think it's the best to release it next year easter, because it would be strange to get an easter smiley at Halloween, or Christmas.
And a new contest that Easter. =]
But still I would like to keep it exclusive, see it as a trophy, you get a trophy and a month later someone can just buy the trophy in a shop?
Of course it's sad for those people who want to collect everything, but sometimes that's just impossible, if a swimmer wants all medals at the olympic games, and he wins 5 of 6, would he cry?
Most important, if you decide to release it, do it for gems only, if you do it for energy, it's actually free.
And please don't think I'm saying this because I won the 2nd place, I would also say it when I lost, believe it, or not. 1smile1
Last edited by Fir3Fli3 (Apr 23 2011 8:48:36 am)
I'm tempted to say don't give it to them (see:
Let us wait. If there are still complaints by summer then we can think of a solution. I can understand how this may go against some moral standings, but since everyone seemed to accept it as "fair" before the contest, it shows that the true reason behind being upset is not for the system, but rather, losing.
I'm tempted to say don't give it to them (see:
Let us wait. If there are still complaints by summer then we can think of a solution. I can understand how this may go against some moral standings, but since everyone seemed to accept it as "fair" before the contest, it shows that the true reason behind being upset is not for the system, but rather, losing.
People like me put a lot of effort into this one, i have stopped being so mad because its just a game but others are still angry. The same winners win and people feel very dissapointed. It is fair to say a lot of people put a lot of effort this year.
In my opinion all the winners should get the bird smiley and the bunny should be released in 1-2 months for about 50 gems. Next year there should be a few more judges and there should be a 3rd group of people who were close but not close enough who recieve less of a prize, e.g get one prize no energy.
Sadly in contests effort makes no difference. If life were graded by effort, people with disabilities (mental and physical), cancer survivors, and abuse overcomers would rule the world.
Also, it seems like you are implying that the winners did not put in effort and therefore do not deserve the prize.
I'm with you guys. The smileys should remain exclusive to the winners. Otherwise, the contest would be pointless, other than for bragging rights.
Sadly in contests effort makes no difference. If life were graded by effort, people with disabilities (mental and physical), cancer survivors, and abuse overcomers would rule the world.
Also, it seems like you are implying that the winners did not put in effort and therefore do not deserve the prize.
Building on this, I think a large part of the problem here is many people today (especially the young) have become accustomed to the prevalent notion that effort alone is enough to be rewarded, a philosophy which is becoming the standard mantra in schools despite how this rarely if ever happens in life.
As BEE already pointed out, everyone gives a lot of effort in any sort of competitive environment, and yet there are always going to be winners and losers based on the final quality of the product and/or performance. People compete for promotions, for contracts, for houses, for items on Ebay, and I could go on. The fact is most of the participants will give much effort, but there will be at most only a few winners.
Giving everyone the exclusive prize just for competing really defeats the purpose of the contest and will seriously reduce the quality of submissions, and it also opens the door to a new slew of problems including how much effort is needed to earn the prize (e.g. does the submission need to even be completed). This effectively just kicks the can, and the problem will continue to exist with players arguing they did in fact give enough effort to earn the prize despite what the judges decided, while the winners and those who placed higher will feel slighted for having no true reward for their efforts and talent.
Also, it's interesting to note that there were no concerns before the contest over the exclusive similes, which does support the notion that some people are just upset over losing and not getting the smiley, so hopefully this blows over soon.
Given all the feedback and recent posts, I think the smilies should remain exclusive to allow time to help cool off those who are upset at not winning the smiley. Then this issue can be revisited later, although I am now personally leaning towards retaining exclusive items as a way to motivate contest participants and for other similar promotions.
Sadly in contests effort makes no difference. If life were graded by effort, people with disabilities (mental and physical), cancer survivors, and abuse overcomers would rule the world.
Also, it seems like you are implying that the winners did not put in effort and therefore do not deserve the prize.
i know they put effort, i was sticking up for the losers side
I already posted this in the winners thread, but it got locked right after I posted so I'll repost it here, I suppose.
I'm not saying that it is wrong to be thinking of yourselves, some of you probably simply don't have the brain development to see the world from others points of view very well (clarifying: because of their ages), but I'm honestly going to stop responding to the complaints about the exclusive smiley unless you can link me to a complaint that happened before the results were announced.If it truly bothered you, you would have complained about it before the contest was over.
I have. Several times.
People who win get energy and a smiley, unless you got first place, then you get energy, and TWO SMILEYS.
Energy is enough of a prize, in my opinion, but two smileys is overkill.
Here's the logs of my complaining.
Saturday, April 16th, #eeforum
[14:24] <+Zoey2070> Also, the exclusive smiley thing just seems cheap and unfair.
[14:24] <&RPGMaster2000> Zoey2070: how so?
14:30] <+Zoey2070> This is late. Rpgmaster2000: [Of the smileys being unfair] Well, it's pretty pointless to have an exclusive smiley for people who are super good making levels which honestly is not very many. but TWO smileys. That's just bs.
[14:36] <&RPGMaster2000> Zoey2070: the way i see it, the reason that we have awesome levels to play is because of awesome level creators
[14:36] <&RPGMaster2000> Zoey2070: they are literally the reason why EE is fun to play
[14:36] <+Zoey2070> Yeaaaaah, well, they shouldn't get TWO smileys
Exclusive things bother me.
It's pretty BS that 'Oh, good job for trying hard and entering a contest, but you get nothing for your hard work lol'
'here, winnors get ENERGY
and another SMILEY
Enjoy! No smileys for the general public!'
Seriously, maybe one smiley I would be a tad okay with, but two is just stupid.
Last edited by Zoey2070 (Apr 23 2011 12:50:20 pm)
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
I don't think the smileys should be put in the shop.
It was a prize for winners to get in the competition for working hard. Even if there is a delay and even if there is gems, I don't really want to see a person who worked hard , wear the same smiley as someone who has money and just bought it randomly because 'He's a collector and just can't stand not having every smiley he can get hands on'
It just wont be fair imo.
EDIT: Also, remember gems can be simply gained by filling out some surveys. So you would be able to get them for free :/
Last edited by DK Levels (Apr 23 2011 12:59:44 pm)
So the general consensus so far is that eventually releasing the smileys after a couple of months for a certain amount of gems is alright with the winners? Gonna need all the winners to post here so that I can gauge your opinions.
more gem exclisive stuff, WHY??? just release it for energy, the winners get it for free, get the energy, and (most importantly) the PRIDE of winning. (but i know it is NOT that simple!!!:mad:)
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