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#176 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Lopoi2 wrote:

No way, they can lie.....

I don't understand why EE need this verify (I didn't read that text on EE game), all the games (MMORPG in the majority) have chats for free and just ask the age......

Ok, I will think on something to help you.


Usually parents want to know what their kids with 9 or 10 years old look at the computer.

#177 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Yeah, this is..... but it's impossible to do some verify system that only kids would not pass...
In the internet everybody can lie, just paying, but some kid can ask for his father to pay for he....
Or use one survey method....

well, it's more simple to use some miracules system I don't know how...
Ask for us what is the cube of 3, or what means pi, I don't know...

#178 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

The kid can ask for someone what's pi or just google it ._.

#179 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

yes, but I'm just saying that there is any system that is totally protect.

Including this payment system.

#180 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm not good in English even my father and mother, they worse in Math.

This helps only for people who can really good English and Math.

Last edited by lord (Jan 24 2011 2:16:34 pm)

#181 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Okay, I have been on this small community dominated by kids but it has a VERY secure method of parental confiration. To get the account, the child has to give the website his/her parent's email and the parent recives an email that has a contract on it about the terms of use and the "dangers" of a child being on the website and the parent as to sign it a send it to the staff that has made the website and then they activate the account once they get it. My mother recives updates about what I'm doing on the website by showing what I post, what my comments say, and what people are commenting on my profile. When my mother sent the contract, she scaned it on our printer and emailed it to the staff. This might be more complicated but it's just a thought.

aka towwl


#182 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Kids can lie his/her fathers/mothers e-mail.

#183 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Nightmare wrote:

What about ask for your parent's email?

It's a good idea, except children may use a fake account to be their "parents." So i think that it should be a part of the system, but not by itself. They should have to do that as well as something else just to be sure //

#184 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

DNA test! oh nvm we dont have the technology.

Last edited by spartanstare (Jan 25 2011 6:37:34 pm)

#185 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Again, I think that a simple math problem in something like Algebra 1, timed, with multiple choice answers. If a person can solve it in approx. 20 seconds, then it is apparent that they are of enough age to use the chat, and have not asked a sibling for help. What I think they should do is make you enter the email before this, and if they fail (maybe let them try again one more time if they fail, adults might not remember stuff from middle school immediately), then they will not be allowed to attempt to make an account using that email. I suggest using Paypal as an alternate form, because some adults may not remember these things.

#186 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

First off, I would like to congratulate whoever decided to implement this decision; you have forced me to make a account here to protest and attempt to find a solution.

Neither me nor my mother owns a credit card. Simply put, we are astonishingly poor and can't afford one of those moneypits. No credit card, no chat for me.

I am only 16, but honestly how is this going to help at all? All you are doing is handicapping the players and upsetting them.

Honestly, is this game going to cater toward the whining parents who cannot stand to see their children be exposed to "OMG HORRIFIC LANGUAGE"? I understand how you may think ownership of a credit card may stop children from chatting but let me throw this out there: At my highschool there are a sizable portion of people (23-27) who play EE. Around 12 of them own credit card. 12. A bit less then half. Of those 12 most of them have payed the 1 cent and went on their merry way. 5 or 6 others 'borrowed' their parents cards and paypal accounts. The others were out of luck, their parents were too suspicious or like me did not own any credit cards. 2 of those were so upset that they ragequit the game.

Now, with that bit about the ineffectiveness out of the way let me address some of the proposed fixes:

1.The math problem fix: Sorry but that wont work. A sizable portion of the kids who play are teenagers in highschool like myself. Unless you are planning on asking calculus or physics questions, we will be able to solve it.

Also you may not know it but education is getting more focused at earlier grades. It is quite possible that a 7th grader may be able to solve your algebra questions.

Other then that, this solution may be effective.   I highly doubt that the parents who complained were the parents of high schoolers whos children ran to them after seeing a dirty word on the internet.

2. Swear filter.
Haha, no. This would be a headache of complexity and trouble.   First ou would have to program a massive database of words, workarounds and the like. And let me tell you you will have to constantly update it as workaround are created. Second, what about when the words are used innocently? Such as "Dammit I fell down at the end of that huge tower of hangman blocks" or "This level is a pain in the ****" or howabout "Holy crap I love this"!

3. Watered down preselected words and phrases chat.

No. Why not call it reading a script then? If I want to chat to someone about the level this would be a pain in the **** with only some precanned words that I can use. Simply put this would not even be a actual chat.

4. Mods and reports.

So and so. This could work but the report feature has the ability to be abused. How are you going to ensure the mods know what someone said about someone is actually what they said, not some bunch of trolls trying to kick someone? Will you have it so it sends a snapshot of the chat, or prehaps just have the entire chat stay logged?

Also, the issue of the innocently used swearwords comes up. Are you going to ban someone who says "Son of a **** I Just got sent back to the beginning"! like they said "Hey fa***t, your a black n***** who sucks tranny ****"?

Mods cant be everywhere to deal with all the issues of a hundred rooms.

So, there are probably more then a few ideas that I missed but I think I covered the basic ones.

In the end it depends exactly who you are trying to keep out. "Under the age of 18" is a huge area were the differences can be as vast as those between a 20 and 60 year old man living at opposite sides of the earth. If you are trying to keep out just the preteen kids, that would be fine in my opinion (assuming you found a way to let me and everyone else get to the chat). If you are trying to simply throw a net over everyone under the age of 18 I would urge you to reconsider. Most people around my age are quite mature (or mature enough to not act slow and curse someone out on a chat or act horrified and tell their parents if they see that).


Not all people or parent have credit cards. Teenagers have credit cards or borrow their parents credit cards. Teenagers around my age are mature enough to use a chat without their parents permission and by blocking them, some of them (like myself) gets cheated out of chat.



(Sorry for the wall of text but I felt it necessary to argue several things and make some points clear)

#187 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
alex wrote:

I think a point system could work, where 100 points disabled chat, and you lose 1 point a day some works like crap or damn could be 1-2 points, more offensive ones like **** and such would be 5-10, and racial and otherwise 'offensive' words could be 20-50 points.
This could even work on an honers system, people report it swears, then the mods can gauge how many points the person should get('oh, ****, I fell' would get less warning than 'you ***ing loser!!!').

Also, restrict use of god mode while banned, give ~50 warning for trolling, and you'll get rid of most trolls simultaneously.

I like this idea. Though it world require a very extensive library of swear words and all variations of it.

Extensive library of swears? Done. Don't you just love me? (No I'm not homo)

#188 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris, it's simple:

Whenever a "newbie" create an account, you should put a notification text, as below:

"You are 13 or older?

To prevent chat abuse, we installed this filter.

If you are younger, we are not responsible for what is said by you.

[ ] Yes, I am older and agree. [ ] No, I'm younger."

If people will lie, remember: Chris, you are NOT responsible for what is said by kids.

Plus, add chat filter too, to censor bad words.


Without chat filter wrote:

Shut the **** up, ****!

With chat filter wrote:

Shut the **** up, *****!

Hope you read this, Chris.
You kicked everyone on my world, but I still like you.

SkyEye here.

#189 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Everyone should have a censor turned on at first, but people can choose to turn it off if they are over a certain age.

#190 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^ If censor will be turned off, children will be able to see bad words. Remember that.

SkyEye here.

#191 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Somewhere i read that you can enable our chats for free if somehow we could verify our age. I have the proof(state documentation), but am unsure how to get it too you. Im 18(nov 30. 92')
now to make this post worthwhile, i have a suggestion. I am a member of gaiaonline. the reason i bring this site to attention is that the initiated a very neat way of filtering the bad words everyone says. They will allow you to literally post anything(within tos guidelines) and then automatically censor words like **** so that way they now say one of three things depending upon your profile settings.
now unfortunately this filter dose catch the word 'glass' but most people are intelligent(i hope // enough to realize the true text.
Sorry if i seem... out of it or randomized. I gotz me some issues. //


#192 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris I'm 14 years old, but my paypal account is ? 0.00 and my parents never liked to use credit card on the Internet!

A payment method that you could enter was from PaySafeCard!

(I did not read all of the topic, if this example has been called into question, I apologize for putting this message)

#193 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Cheezburger wrote:

Again, I think that a simple math problem in something like Algebra 1, timed, with multiple choice answers. If a person can solve it in approx. 20 seconds, then it is apparent that they are of enough age to use the chat, and have not asked a sibling for help. What I think they should do is make you enter the email before this, and if they fail (maybe let them try again one more time if they fail, adults might not remember stuff from middle school immediately), then they will not be allowed to attempt to make an account using that email. I suggest using Paypal as an alternate form, because some adults may not remember these things.

What if the person was a child prodigy? XD

I don't have a suggestion for this but I just have a criticism for the current one. Parents may be okay with allowing their child to chat, but not to give their credit card info. And I am aware that PayPal does not disclose that info, so don't say... what I just said.

#194 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i have two solutions that will eliminate the reasons for that type of parental control:
1. auto swear word censoring, if gris was a banned word you can censor it like so: **** not g*** or gr*s, etc. because doing those would have such word removed from the chat.
but we still have harassment and flaming problems that can be solved a more direct way:
2. report command, doing the /report (username) (reason) command would report that user, putting him onto a list of reported users for mods and admins to go through, the report command would also show the last 5 messages from each user (of course if you want to you can increase the number to like 7 or so).
with both of these in place there would be almost no need for the current parental control.
of course, most email accounts belong to people 13+ but that doesn't solve everything.
a parent (if desired too) can input a password to turn chat off, and you'll need the password to turn it back on.
so, with all this in place the one cent method would not need to be in place.
of course the password would be like the login system password system.
and with this, everyone can have chat worry free //

Last edited by highwindgamer (Feb 6 2011 10:37:32 am)

#195 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-23
Posts: 306

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

if we can use the forum, why no chat? :/

and someone had a idea to put a chat here...

Last edited by Nico1a5 (Feb 6 2011 1:49:17 pm)


#196 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Alex wrote:
Peber wrote:

All this banning. Soon there will be no one left.

Thats the thing, no bans will be permanent, it won't be getting rid of people, it will be more like punishment.

Thats why my point system would be best 100 points=lose chat and god mode ability, you can have more than a hundred points, but its virtually impossible to gain more once you have it(however, you can have, say, 90 points, and then you commit an offense that gives you 20 points, then you'll have 110...), you lose 1 point a day so if you swear once in a while on accident, you won't lose chat privileges at all. I'm thinking with this method, someone was banned from chat for three days, and now they have 99 points, they're not too likely to swear, because they don't want to be re banned(which isn't too far away for them //

Great idea! Although i'm only 11 years old this would work great. My parents wont get chat because one cent sounds kinda fishy, but this is perfect.:) And BTW I don't know about some kids but i'm in GT (gifted and talented) and   we already know pre-algebra, and i can indeed pull stuff off in 20 seconds.

Last edited by narutovsdbz (Feb 6 2011 10:26:31 am)

#197 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-23
Posts: 306

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i have an idea big_smile.png
everybody will have chat but their parents will can lock it with a password


Chris wrote:

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.



#198 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Alex wrote:

I think a point system could work, where 100 points disabled chat, and you lose 1 point a day some works like crap or damn could be 1-2 points, more offensive ones like **** and such would be 5-10, and racial and otherwise 'offensive' words could be 20-50 points.
This could even work on an honers system, people report it swears, then the mods can gauge how many points the person should get('oh, ****, I fell' would get less warning than 'you ***ing loser!!!').

Also, restrict use of god mode while banned, give ~50 warning for trolling, and you'll get rid of most trolls simultaneously.

i like this idea, but one way to get rid of trolls is 125+ and you cant edit any lvl except your own and 100+ you cant chat, that way if they troll they lose chat and editing, and trolling gets an automatic 50 points, swears peak at roughly 15 and racism at bout 100, pls let me know what you think //

Last edited by Purefear (Feb 10 2011 5:25:01 am)

#199 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

hey cris and oters mi beta acount supermarioman639 asben hacked and mi email not resieved the oter emails to change mi pasword! help no change mi password to back plis

#200 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control


Chris 142393302928403

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