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#1 2022-08-29 15:50:57, last edited by Norwee (2022-09-15 23:04:05)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Setup information

- 13 player slots
- There will be only 2 factions, the town and the mafia
- Mafia has daytalk.
- Closed setup, meaning most of the roles possible to find in the setup is a strict secret. However this will be an balanced setup with not too many power roles! (Hint: More than 2, less than 13)
- The mafia is confirmed to have an Traitor. The traitor is an member of the mafia that knows their teammates but can not communicate with their faction through other channels. And can not perform the factional kill unless they are the sole member remaining. The other mafia is not informed of this players identity in their role.
- Multi-tasking is in effect for any roles with multiple powers.
- Sample VT role pm:

Hidden text
Game information

- 72 hour day deadline. 24 hour night. Majority vote to eliminate an player ends the day. Deadline ending without an majority vote results in no elimination made.
- To vote for an player type "!Vote Username"
Preferably with bold text. like so: !Vote Norwee
Unvoting: "!Unvote"
Additionally you may vote for no elimination by doing so: "!No Elimination" or "!No Lynch" or "!Sleep"

SURVIVOR: Minimania Mafia Goon
SURVIVOR: BuzzerBee Mafia Role Cop

ELIMINATED D1: AllenCaspe9510 Vanilla Townie
KILLED N1: Lumi Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D2: ShadowsEdge Traitor Watcher
KILLED N2: ElijahBaley Town Cop

ELIMINATED D3: Marshmallow Marshall Vanilla Townie
KILLED N3: Grilyon2 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D4: 2b55b5g Town Neighbour
KILLED N4: Big Bon Jovi/Oliwaz144 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D5: Nuclear Gandhi Vanilla Townie
ENDGAMED: Pqwerty Miller Vengeful Neighbour
ENDGAMED: Onjit/Gikkle Ascetic Fruit Vendor

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


#2 2022-08-30 16:01:24

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?



#3 2022-08-30 16:23:25

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

bacon and blue cheese

that wasn’t the question



#4 2022-08-31 16:31:19

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

BuzzerBee, what do you think of Elijah, of his justification for the vote on you ("it's a joke"), and I guess of being the leading wagon for now?

nothing really lol it’s day 1 so i’m taking everything with a grain of salt



#5 2022-08-31 16:39:28

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

i guess i will ask if voting on day 1 is normal or helpful?

i haven’t played mafia in probably a year or two but voting on day 1 with no information seems like you have a better chance of random lynching someone from town than actually getting the mafia. is d1 not just for introductions and getting reads?

serious question lol correct me if i’m wrong



#6 2022-09-01 00:18:57

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

i guess i will ask if voting on day 1 is normal or helpful?

i haven’t played mafia in probably a year or two but voting on day 1 with no information seems like you have a better chance of random lynching someone from town than actually getting the mafia. is d1 not just for introductions and getting reads?

serious question lol correct me if i’m wrong

It is my understanding that…

It's silly to play/hope for mechanical solving as the main strategy when the host claimed the intention to host a setup which requires social deduction to win. Not voting Day1 means you must vote more accurately in the game overall while also having less information to work with due to no voting patterns to analyze.

this is actually really helpful, ty. i love social deduction and that was one of the reasons why i decided to join norwee’s game in the first place so now i’m even more excited to read into the subtleties of everyone’s posts lol

anyway if it matters to anyone i *don’t* like pineapple on pizza



#7 2022-09-01 00:42:40

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

btw @norwee does lynching require a majority (in this case 7 or more people) or is it just whoever has the most votes



#8 2022-09-01 08:59:25

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

alright guys i have a long post incoming but first i would like to offer an invaluable tool for everyone, the ~isolated posts link list~

(0.) Norwee

1. ShadowsEdge
2. Onjit
3. Marshmallow Marshall
4. 2b55b5g
5. Pqwerty
6. Minimania
7. AllenCaspe9510
8. Big Bon Jovi
9. ElijahBaley
10. BuzzerBee
11. Nuclear Gandhi
12. Grilyon2
13. Lumi



Wooted by: (3)

#9 2022-09-01 09:54:57

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

okay, i work a shift from 10am to midnight tomorrow lol so there is an unfortunate possibility i won't be able to post again before the end of day 1. so i'd like to give as much information as possible in this post just in case


they haven't really said much of anything which is a little concerning but since the game just started i'm not reading too much into that. i am however reading into this post that they made where they suggest we "wait till night". i'm assuming this means they don't plan on voting today. new or not, Nuclear Gandhi was kind enough to make a whole post laying out why voting to lynch on Day 1 can be very beneficial for us and Grilyon seemed to just ignore that.

maybe i'm biased because they have an active vote on me right now, but their gameplay just seems a little aggressive. also while i do see their point about wanting to lynch scum and not town, if  Pqwerty's role is beneficial to mafia, then they'd probably be trying to keep Pqwerty alive


Nuclear Gandhi
i'm almost confident Gandhi is town. or otherwise an extremely high IQ mafia member. their long post about voting on Day 1 was extremely thorough and only beneficial for the town, not for the mafia. they also have a pretty laid back attitude and don't appear to be hiding anything. they have been active, and they voted for someone (2b55b5g) and gave a solid explanation as to why they voted instead of just casting a random vote to lynch

also pretty confident that Shadow is town. they've only made a handful of posts, but the more recent posts are pretty dense with gameplay talk and strategy and they seem to be actively engaged and reading people's posts thoroughly.

right now i don't see any reason not to trust their claim of being town-aligned but negatively impacting us. not really sure what that means but it's a closed setup so i guess anything goes.

Marshmallow Marshall
wasn't sure whether to put marshmallow in my townreads or in neutral, but overall i think i lean more towards town for Marshmallow just because they seem to be creating discussion and also voted for Pqwerty, which i doubt the mafia would do immediately if Pqwerty's claim is true

pretty much the exact same as Marshmallow Marshall. i could go either neutral or town-leaning with Minimania but they're also creating discussion and like 2b55b5g mentioned in this post, Mini briefly voted for Pqwerty which is kinda town imo

she's been very active and has offered some really useful reads and information. leaning strongly towards town for 2b


hasn't made one post that provokes any kind of discussion yet. but it's onjit so, yeah

seems innocent enough but i haven't seen enough from them to form an opinion

other note: i'm against voting to lynch AllenCaspe9510. doesn't look like he's said anything yet so i'd like to get a proper read first before just lynching for inactivity. hopefully he and Big Bon Jovi come back to say something soon

that's it for now lol. i'll try to keep up while i'm at work or when i take my break, but if anything i should be back to cast a final vote before Day 1 ends

but for the moment i'm gonna go ahead and

!vote Grilyon2

just for the reasons i listed above in their scumread. it's not a strong suspicion but it's the best lead i have at the moment



#10 2022-09-01 23:48:05

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

hello! i’m on break at work so i thought i’d come back to chime in

first, welcome bon jovi & allen, im glad y’all could make it

second, who is Beepboop?? am i missing something

third, if i were to update my read list i would add Allen to the neutral category. i appreciate the reads but i think i still need more

since we’re nearing the day i would like to hear who people’s main suspicion is for scum. i know it’s tough to get reads on day 1 but i think it would be helpful for everyone to give one scumread instead of being so wishy washy.

your read probably won’t be right and that’s okay, it’s just helpful information to go off, especially on future days in the game it will be useful to look back to what people said on day 1

grilyon i appreciate your explanation. i’m going to keep my vote on you just because you’re still my primary suspicion right now.

okay back to work ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ



#11 2022-09-02 00:53:58

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

second, who is Beepboop?? am i missing something

He is from EE

there’s no one named Beepboop in the player list which is why i am confused



#12 2022-09-02 06:56:11

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Lumi wrote:

BuzzerBee, 2b, and AllenCaspe all committed the crime of townreading ShadowsEdge for "having good reads" despite ShadowsEdge's contributions so far being very sparse.

They all need to answer for their crimes on what read exactly they even found townie

because there's literally nothing there.

i didn’t ever say shadow had “good reads”. i said they were actively engaged. their posts (besides the first few they made) don’t seem empty to me at all. not really sure why you’re stating your opinion of shadow’s post like it’s some objective truth



#13 2022-09-02 15:31:24

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

welp we don’t have a lot of time but looks like we’re trying to reach a majority

!vote Allen

maybe one more person will swing by in the next 30 mins and we’ll get to 7



#14 2022-09-04 07:03:58

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

anyway BuzzerBee is mafia I do not buy the "he is busy" story one bit just get him

what does this mean i work full time and have class twice a week i’m really trying to be active at least once a day and day 2 barely started like 15 hours ago  //



#15 2022-09-04 16:40:59

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

I think I'm going to leave the thread for a few hours because I'm about to burst.

and yet you explain yourself here lol? sorry for explaining myself i don’t really know what else to say

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

If anyone's interested in looking into past gameplay by Elijah to see if you can figure something out:
Town Game (April 2022)
Town Game (October 2021)
Town Game (June 2021; replaced out)
Town Game (June 2021)
Town Game (Jun 2021)
Neutral Game (July 2021)
Mafia Game (March 2021)
Mafia Game (February 2021)
Wolf Game (December 2020)

Went to December 2020 because wolf games seem to not be common for him, skipped a number of town games.

these posts aren’t loading right on my phone, would you mind giving a summary?



#16 2022-09-04 16:44:16

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

going back i definitely don’t see grilyon as a threat anymore. some of his actions seemed weird to me but he explained himself and he seems like he’s been really genuine

right now my main concern is onjit. didn’t vote day 1 and hasn’t really said much of anything?



#17 2022-09-04 16:45:51

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

same with big bon jovi. i haven’t played a game with big bon jovi though so i’m not really sure if inactivity and not voting is normal for them lol



#18 2022-09-04 21:02:20

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

i’m just gonna move forward lol your read doesn’t make a lot of sense to me but i also haven’t given a lot to base reads off anyway

i’m curious to hear peoples opinions on onjit, bon jovi, and minimania

mini being the most active out of the three but still not providing a whole
lot of content to really base anything off of

i know onjit is on kangaroo time so i’m waiting for him to come back and offer some kind of defense

i guess my main suspicion right now is bon jovi



#19 2022-09-04 21:03:17

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

oh and when i said “your read doesn’t make sense” i was talking about elijah, not gandhi



#20 2022-09-05 18:30:44

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

hi gikkle!

here's the isolated post list if you want to look at everyone's posts individually:

(0.) Norwee

1. ShadowsEdge
2. Onjit / Gikkle
3. Marshmallow Marshall
4. 2b55b5g
5. Pqwerty
6. Minimania
7. AllenCaspe9510
8. Big Bon Jovi
9. ElijahBaley
10. BuzzerBee
11. Nuclear Gandhi
12. Grilyon2
13. Lumi

i'm not quite caught up on Day 2 but i'm reading everything right now

currently it looks we have no concrete information (which makes sense in a town without many power roles) and so everyone is going off of their own methods of social deduction, but as you can see from the votes being so split we don't have a clear consensus right now



#21 2022-09-05 18:38:25

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

one thing i really appreciate from Elijah is that he's pushing to vote people.

i'm actually concerned about all the people who immediately voted for elijah (marshmallow, pqwerty, shadowsedge, and minimania)

elijah seems like the only person today who's actually trying to solve the game and not just waste time



#22 2022-09-05 18:43:05

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

also one more thing about elijah, everyone was accusing elijah that he was being too defensive

are y'all forgetting that 6 votes on someone and the day ends?

elijah had 4 votes on him at one point. two more and we would've lynched Elijah who i personally believe is town. why wouldnt he get defensive he's not only trying to save himself but trying to quickly prevent a mislynch



#23 2022-09-05 18:49:49

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Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Gikkle wrote:

Also a 300 second post cooldown? What's with that lol

sorry, we get a lot of spammers and bots here. should be fixed now



#24 2022-09-05 19:02:27

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From: Texas, U.S.A.
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Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

i think Pqwerty is flying too far under everyone's radar

it's interesting to say "i'm anti-town, lynch me if you want"

well maybe today is the day we get Pqwerty? it seems like everyone is at a stalemate, so lynching Pqwerty would at best get rid of 1 scum and at worst get rid of someone whose role could be detrimental to us moving forward



#25 2022-09-05 19:02:57

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,572

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

**** it

!vote Pqwerty




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