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#1 2019-10-14 11:09:49, last edited by mutantdevle (2019-10-25 23:12:38)

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Rules (Stolen from Onjit):

1. Respect everyone, it's just a game, don't be a jerk.
2. Do not gamethrow. Play your role to win even if it seems dire, you never know what might happen.
3. Only discuss the game in this thread, or threads I assign to you.
4. Dead men tell no tales. Please use the graveyard thread if you have been eliminated.
5. Make all night actions via PM to me.
6. Don't use the mod text color please.
7. Try to post at least once every 24 hours.
8. Days will last 72 hours, nights will last 24 hours.
9. If you break the rules I will be rather bad-tempered or difficult to deal with (informal North American adjective).
10. Have fun!

For further rules read this: … meSpecific

The rules are pretty much common sense tbh. I reserve the right to punish you for doing anything that breaks the game even if it is not explicitly stated here.

The setup is this:

I have used a random number generator to get 7 numbers. These numbers then decide what roles are in the game. If you do not fully understand how the setup works then all you need to know is that the only roles possible are listed in the 'example roles' section of that link. I will be using the role PMs stated there.

- Despite what is implied in the example roles, all PTs in this game will be open both day and night.

The players whomst are alive:

3. ZeldaXD
7. TaskManager
8. Daneeko
9. ShadowsEdge
13. NoNK

Those whomst reside in the grave:

peace the vanilla townie died day 1.
Crybaby the vanilla townie died night 1.
NorwegianboyEE the Doctor died day 2.
Kira the vanilla townie died night 2.
Slabdrill the vanilla townie died night 2.
Onjit the Serial Killer died day 3.
Different55 the 1-shot vig died night 3.
mrjawapa the vanilla townie died day 4.

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


Wooted by:

#2 2019-10-15 16:19:14

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

vote taskmanager

is mafia every game therefore he is mafia in mafia 33: … 46#p764446


#3 2019-10-15 20:02:16

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

I'm calling the dibs on

!vote Peace


#4 2019-10-15 21:59:13

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Onjit wrote:
!vote ZeldaXD

it's been like 12 hours and he hasn't even posted yet. How scummy is that?!

(I'd join the peace wagon but I don't want to push it to L-2 when we have like 60 hours of discussion time left)

Vote Zelda

I trust anything Onjit says


#5 2019-10-16 11:51:59

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

i hacked peace's account and he received a mafia role card from Mutantdevle

vote peace


#6 2019-10-16 12:48:21

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

vote norwegianboy

i hate weebs


#7 2019-10-16 15:38:40

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

TaskManager wrote:

@Mutant hey it would be cool to have a timeanddate countdown for the day end
That would rid you and the players of the burden of asking and answering the question "how much time left"

Kira wrote:
Onjit wrote:
!vote ZeldaXD

it's been like 12 hours and he hasn't even posted yet. How scummy is that?!

(I'd join the peace wagon but I don't want to push it to L-2 when we have like 60 hours of discussion time left)

Vote Zelda

I trust anything Onjit says

I feel odd about this post
I have a slight town lean on Onjit, but this post feels to me like Kira setting up a post to potentially paint a bad picture of him later
Why do you trust Onjit so much, kira?

Peace's wagon is gaining votes too quickly
There's a sound reason to lynch him, yes, but since we still have some time on our hands I'm going to play around

!vote Daneeko
vote taskmanager

Voting task because he started suspecting me


#8 2019-10-16 17:21:08

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Vote peace

i believe peace is the way to go, too many ppl suffered from wars and disasters


Wooted by: (2)

#9 2019-10-16 18:31:09

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

mutantdevle wrote:

Okay, day 1 starts now. Have fun. It will end in 72 hours.

This post is highly suspicious, anything to say in your defence?


#10 2019-10-16 19:40:03

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

peace wrote:

goddamn this threead escaletes quikly if your gone fore a few hours lets asnwer themmroe clearly

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
peace wrote:

really feeling noweg/tasl/cry scum team

Peace i want you to answer three questions.

1: Why exactly are you scumreading me? Is it because i voted Crybaby and ShadowsEdge? I did so because i wanted to get the game out of the no discussion state, it was also scumprobing to see if any mafia would react to it. With that information in mind, do you still think i’m mafia?

2: TaskManager and Crybaby had barely even posted real content or voted anyone before you accused them of being scum. Can you explain what posts by Task and Crybaby made you believe that they are scum?

3: What is the connection between me and Cry/Task? Why are you so sure that we specifically are in the same scumteam? And why are you sure about 3 mafia in the scumteam specifically, you know there can be only 2 mafia as well right? I want a good answer to these questions, or you are going to eat rope.

1. you suspecte djawapa in the first post i quote aboutyou then your net  post inmediatly after it was a rnaodmvot on crybaby? you hopped later to shadow but he posted after your crybaby vote so that might b eOK
2. crybaby was trolling around task im not sure anymore what made me think he was scum
3. i dont specially see connectios between you 3 and rihgt now i dont really suspect you anymore but i have suspsitiolous on daneeko and kira i just picked 3 mafias and in this steup there is only 1 scumteam asfar as i know right? leaving SK to neutral

The more you do typos, the more people will think you're mafia. To my eyes you are the godfather right now


#11 2019-10-16 19:49:10

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

!revote Peace

My suspicions has doubled on Peace.


#12 2019-10-16 22:29:15

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NoNK wrote:

Kira is a double voter


Fr bro


#13 2019-10-18 21:36:50

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

vote NorwegianBoy


#14 2019-10-19 01:10:25

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NoNK wrote:
Vote: Kira

Yeah, no. That's a scummy vote. You know better than that 100%. We're not going to play like a bunch of idiots where we keep suspecting townies for being wrong, and open up the door for a mafia to potentially bus his partners and steamroll the game.

1. Any townie could reasonably have expected peace to be mafia based on his actions. I know because certainly did. Being on the wagon in and of itself is not scummy, and leading it was not scummy either.
2. Despite the fact the wagon made sense, it can be reasonably expected that one or more mafia were involved in the whole thing just due to the speed.
3. Mafia have a tendency to hedge, so in addition to finding the scum on the wagon, I would be suspicious of anyone who discredited the peace wagon without actually pushing for a viable alternative.

Here's what I've got:

Peace: NoNK, Slabdrill, Daneeko, Kira, Onjit, TaskManager, NorwegianboyEE

Other: mrjawapa, ZeldaXD, ShadowsEdge, Different55 <---- The laws of hedging say there is probably 1 mafia in this pool, I think it's less likely to be mrjawapa just because he actually took a stance yesterday.

The reason I don't put daneeko in red is because his actions can be from a disoriented mafia, but they can also be explained from the perspective that he's a new player and he's just doing whatever the heck? Like both are plausible to me, perhaps the VT read moreso considering how he has not really responded much to the pressure on him, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was mafia in the push on him? Lynch the new guy is easy money for scum. But I'm just making that up, I would actually need to go back and read to see if that's likely.

All of this is just off the top of my head.

If I can find some more spare time, I ought to go over the ISO's of everyone in white.

Simple minded, but makes sense. I've honestly not played this mafia seriously as everyone typically trolls on DAY 1 (Like seriously, look at all the posts and tell me everyone is giving their best). You really think a scum would be that careless? Think twice.
This is a very Townie post and I'm going to trust you from now on. I'm being very cautious of everyone, as a lot of people here showed flexibility in the previous games, and quick adaptation on whatever side they're on.


#15 2019-10-19 01:10:53

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]


I'll start playing this serious as things got spicy


#16 2019-10-19 18:18:05

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

!Vote NorwegianBoy

I agree with TaskManager's post, Norwegianboy has a tendency to play aggressive, going for the peace lynch was a safe lynch, since he can always use that excuse "It's very obvious when Peace is mafia and when he isn't!"
I am not 100% convinced that Norwegianboy is mafia, however he really comes out as such.

This was Norwegianboy's answer when I voted him Day 1:

Norwegianboy wrote:

Kira don't be so simple-minded. While i did indeed raise suspicion on Peace, that doesn't implicate me as the villain here. The wagon on Peace grew very quickly and that did tipped me off that something might be up, but i still believed i my scumread on him so i kept it going regardless.
Killing Crybaby was a safe nightkill, he was trolling and didn't really add much. So his death gives us no information.
I'm thinking that the people who were encouraging are rather suspicious i'm going to have to look more into the voters and their reasoning for voting.

TLDR: Reconsider your vote, Peace is obvious mafia!


#17 2019-10-19 18:18:36

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Day 2* my bad


#18 2019-10-20 01:49:43

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Anyone else feeling that Norboy / NoNK teaming?

It makes utterly no sense as to why Different55 is getting voted.


#19 2019-10-20 15:42:21

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

mrjawapa wrote:

Just want to point out that Daneeko is still following Nonk.

Every vote Nonk has cast, Daneeko followed. Some of them were just a couple minutes later.

I'm really seeing a NONK / Norboy / Daneeko Mafia team right now, I'm ready to bet anything one of them AT LEAST is mafia.


#20 2019-10-20 17:02:40

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

If Kira flips green, me, NoNK and Daneeko are suspicious. If he flips red, we are town and Jawapa is suspicious.
How’s that? Diff’s allignment depends on who he choses to vote.

no ****.

Jawapa is town remember that. Vote me peeps!


#21 2019-10-20 18:21:24

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Diff55, now that i’ve freed myself from the shackles of tunneling you. And had a short break to think about everything. I think your slot looks much better. Through my constant attacks it never seemed like you were trying to sidestep or feel sorry for yourself. Which would be typical for scum players. I know you probably will still scumread me based on my progression. But i personally think your responses have been largely town indicative. Isn’t it good we had this spout? It made me change my initial read of basically null on you, to actual townleaning.
I highly suggest the town to vote for Kira, his posting has been opportunistic. Jawapa is also suspicious.
I’d never advocate voting me because another mislynch will lose us another two townies, but if it does happen then the town should really focus on those two suspicious slots that have been largely staying in the background and casting shade.

You're either trying to lead the town into a garbage can or you're scum. Can't tell if you're bad or just obvious scum.

I don't post much these days because I am busy teaching students.


#22 2019-10-20 18:40:45

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

TaskManager wrote:
!vote Kira
Kira wrote:
NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Diff55, now that i’ve freed myself from the shackles of tunneling you. And had a short break to think about everything. I think your slot looks much better. Through my constant attacks it never seemed like you were trying to sidestep or feel sorry for yourself. Which would be typical for scum players. I know you probably will still scumread me based on my progression. But i personally think your responses have been largely town indicative. Isn’t it good we had this spout? It made me change my initial read of basically null on you, to actual townleaning.
I highly suggest the town to vote for Kira, his posting has been opportunistic. Jawapa is also suspicious.
I’d never advocate voting me because another mislynch will lose us another two townies, but if it does happen then the town should really focus on those two suspicious slots that have been largely staying in the background and casting shade.

You're either trying to lead the town into a garbage can or you're scum. Can't tell if you're bad or just obvious scum.

I don't post much these days because I am busy teaching students.

Awful defence.

Town will lose if they decide to follow Mafia's lead, simple as that.
Day 3 will have 4 townies, and 3 scums if I get lynched, and judging how good the mafia is leading the town by the nose, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends in a perfect game for Mafia.

I suggest that we go for a safe lynch, Daneeko. As Jawapa said previously, he has followed NONK's posts within minutes without providing any clear argument as to why he would choose to follow NONK. Furthermore, I highly believe NONK/NorBoy/Daneeko to be scum for obvious reasons:
-Norwegianboy is a passive player when he is town. He plays confused and ask a lot of questions around: He needs someone to lead him. However, when he is mafia, he plays confident, he knows in which direction to go. He is not scared to play aggressive (See PurgatorEE for instance). And this is exactly what he is showcasing here: aggressive play.


Vote Daneeko


#23 2019-10-20 18:49:15

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
Kira wrote:

-Norwegianboy is a passive player when he is town. He plays confused and ask a lot of questions around: He needs someone to lead him. However, when he is mafia, he plays confident, he knows in which direction to go. He is not scared to play aggressive (See PurgatorEE for instance). And this is exactly what he is showcasing here: aggressive play.

Filthy lies. What the heck do you know about my playstyle as a town player? It's scummy how you are now trying to turn your wagon around because you sense that Daneeko is someone people might be redirected into.

You play like a sheep when you're town, like a lost little lamb in the middle of a plain. Obvious defence that I was expecting from you though, you feel threatened by my attack because it puts you in very bad light.

I'm choosing Daneeko, but I could be choosing you. I just feel like town would be more inclined to vote Daneeko than voting you.


#24 2019-10-20 18:53:42

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I'm not threatened by your attack, i'm simply pointing out that you are making up garbage to justify your scumread on me.

You were so lost in the previous game that you couldn't even claim a PR on the verge of being lynched, and suddenly you're confident enough to be lynching everyone blindly. I don't buy it.


#25 2019-10-20 18:55:12

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Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

mrjawapa wrote:
Kira wrote:

You play like a sheep when you're town, like a lost little lamb in the middle of a plain.

Citation needed, because I don't remember that being true

See post above.

Even Peace would've played the game better than he did. Go through French Revo mafia and see by yourself. The playstyles are painfully different.



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