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#1 2019-07-18 23:11:13, last edited by NoNK (2019-08-13 10:56:38)

Joined: 2019-07-13
Posts: 918

Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Welcome to Mafia 27  --- PurgatorEE

Moderator: HeyNK

Game state: GAME OVER!

All flavour and smileys are solely for our combined enjoyment and have no effect on gameplay.

Starring...    Trytu    Kirby    Onjit    ZeldaXD    sxrrealism Slabdrill    NorwegianboyEE    Processor    Caleb101 peace    Zoey2070   2B55B5G TNG   mutantdevle   Kira   Crybaby   mrjawapa   TaskManager

Stuck in PurgatorEE (Alive at Endgame)
Invited to EEU (Heaven)
Kicked out of the World (Hell)
Game Events:

Game start
Hell phase 1 ends
Heaven phase 1 ends
Hell phase 2 ends
Heaven phase 2 ends
Hell phase 3 ends
Heaven phase 3 ends
Hell phase 4 ends
Heaven phase 4 ends
Hell phase 5 ends
Heaven phase 5 ends
Hell phase 6 ends
Heaven phase 6 ends
Game over!

Game Rules:
Game Rules
setup details
Sample Role PMs:

Vanilla Townie


Mafia Goon



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#2 2019-07-19 07:24:08

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Why Processor wants to eliminate one of our best players?
If Mutant is a townie he should definitely be kept alive. Day 1 is too early to be voting for Mutant imo, seems like something scum would want, to get rid of the most active player as soon as possible so they can control the game. I’m open for lynching one of the inactive AFK douchebags that plague every game since they often turn out to be mafia, but Processor seems more suspect right now.
And it seems like the only way we can find out mafia is by cross-checking allignments with the user’s whose allignments have been revealed after being sent to either hell or heaven.
Also, finally a game where i won’t just anti-climactically die from the mafia/serial killer backstabbing me. Yay!

/Vote Processor

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#3 2019-07-19 11:52:42

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Wtf are you talking about?

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#4 2019-07-19 12:03:13

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Wait what are people saying there? Omg this is BS. Now they can talk behind my back. //

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#5 2019-07-19 13:09:14

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Kira, you’re not being very helpful.

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#6 2019-07-19 14:52:26

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

I mean, Kira’s comments can be perceived two ways here. Either he is just pessimistic and has no idea on the best way to solve the game. (Townie motive)
Or he wants to create an atmosphere of negativity where nobody bothers trying to solve anything. Highly benefitting the mafia. (Mafia motivation)

Do you see what i did there Kira? I analyzed your posts to see which motive you could have had behind the makings of those comments. That’s how you’re supposed to play this game.

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#7 2019-07-19 17:35:24

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

How is not voting going to help us ZeldaXD? Unless the plan is to just make the game drag on and never give us any concrete information whatsoever? We should lynch someone, it is the only concrete way to find out people’s allignments. Of course, we could intentionally skip to heaven phase, but that seems like something mafia would want, because the town potentially voting mafia into heaven is much more beneficial to them than potentially voting a mafia into hell in this first turn where information is less plentiful.

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#8 2019-07-19 22:41:30, last edited by Tomahawk (2019-07-19 23:09:58)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

NoNK can you give us more updates so we know how much time is left, who's voting for who... etc?


Also there are two people that haven't posted.
Kirby and mrjawapa.

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#9 2019-07-20 13:33:03

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Well Kirby has yet to say anything, so i don't know whether it's the best choice to vote for MrJawapa yet. At least MrJawapa has some sort of excuse, while kirby is apparently the type that signs up and doesn't say **** all. Which really annoys me.
Also Processor just changed his vote to Zoey2070 without much elaboration, which leads me to believe he's just testing the waters. Still suspicious as hell, but i think i'll wait for him to actually say something of substance.
So i'll retract my current vote and think about who i should vote for.


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#10 2019-07-20 19:44:24

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Well, now there are no more afk people to hound and i agree with Mutantdevle that Zoey2070 is the number #1 person of interest right now. (Still, it's day 1. So a bit of a shot in the dark... but whatever.)

/Vote Zoey2070

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#11 2019-07-20 22:32:21

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Ohh, this is going to be a lot to take in for analysts. Make sure to isolate Zoey's posts to see what we can figure out.
Trytu is making some good points, while it's possible that many of the mafia refrained from voting Zoey, they could also have conspired to vote her to make themselves seem more innocent. This would make it easier to send a mafia to heaven on the next turn.
There are many options for who we can send to heaven. So i think i'll wait the night before deciding.

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#12 2019-07-21 06:09:01

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

So what i’m gathering so far is that Processor definitely is mafia trash.
Kirby doesn’t seem like he’d be very useful in heaven, and how do we know for a fact that he is townie?
Crybaby seems much more useful to have in the judgement day vote. I’d rather have an active player that knows his **** than the inactive player that chimes in and hastily reads the thread after like 2 days.

/vote Crybaby

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#13 2019-07-21 10:46:42

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

If you want to stay in the game Crybaby, then all the power to you. I'll switch my vote.
If someone comes up with another viable candidate then i'll think about switching my vote.
But voting for Kirby? Just no... He is inactive, and with the experience i've had with him in Slabdrill's mafia game i'd say he didn't help much at all. If we really are going for some afk townie (Which i don't think would be beneficial to us in the long run) then how about Mrjawapa? He was clearly not the preferred choice of Zoey2070 and those that voted for Kirby in the hell lynch bandwagon. So that could be something to consider.
If Kirby actually replies to this, maybe i'll reconsider but i don't think he will anytime soon, and that is exactly why i don't see the point in voting for him.

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#14 2019-07-21 15:06:05

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

NoNK wrote:

Kirby [1]: Processor, Kirby


Kira wrote:

No I didn't forget that. Sure they voted for a mafia, but the way they approached it is the suspicious part. Usually late voters turns out to be mafia, especially if you say stuff like "Yeah.. well I guess I'll just take a blind shot!"

Your comment here is a bit dishonest Kira, you make it sound like me and 2B didn't hesitate whatsoever. But in my case, i simply chose to trust Mutantdevle's intuition. I also wrote this part in my same comment:

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Still, it's day 1. So a bit of a shot in the dark... but whatever.

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#15 2019-07-21 18:40:33

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

So do we guess vote or vote the players we think are the most suspicious?

Guess vote? Do you think that's a good idea?

Quick list of my main suspects:

Processor: Still hasn't convinced me of his innocence. Especially not after i read what Mutantdevle said:

mutantdevle wrote:

I'm not all that confident that Processer deserves the town-credit that he's awarding himself for being the first to vote Zoey.

Trytu: Didn't post until Onjit alerted him, then he started arguing that i was suspicious because i was quote: "alone in my martyr PT" which seemed like a really weird and bad argument. He also said suspicious things such as "Now that there is no risk... *Votes for MrJawapa*" Then immediately unvotes.

I'm also keeping my eyes on Taskmanager and Kira.
Sxerrealism hasn't posted anything in a while, and has generally been unhelpful.

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#16 2019-07-21 19:21:50

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Thank you for your great description of why you are voting me Processor.

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#17 2019-07-21 19:50:25

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Processor wrote:

I've stated that I consider you townish and this opinion has not changed since.

Actually your list states this:

Processor wrote:

NorwegianboyEE sus.

When have you ever stated you consider me townish?

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#18 2019-07-21 21:24:53

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Kira wrote:

I'm a man...

Pfft, it's not like women online get called like they are a dude constantly.
Check your gender privilege ktnx.

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#19 2019-07-22 06:25:59

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Onjit seems a bit suspishh.
Especially his "oh, they won’t be a huge loss" comment.

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#20 2019-07-22 06:33:29

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

I think i'll keep my vote on Trytu for now, unless something else comes up.
Since he was the one that personally attacked me. And he hasn't really convinced me of his innocence so far.

/Vote Trytu

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#21 2019-07-22 06:54:50

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Who do you think we should vote 2B?

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#22 2019-07-22 08:15:40

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Ok Trytu, but i still think you're suspicious. Can you give me some more information about who you think is suspicious? Who you think is town? Etc? It would really help ease my fears about you.

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#23 2019-07-22 08:19:54

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Trytu wrote:

followed the kirby and then mutantdevle's mrjawapa bandwagon
yes i didn't vote for zoey, unfortunately missed the first hell phase from 14:00, and came back tale 22:00
i just did real life thing

now i have some suspections to you, if i would do a list of suspections then:
Kira, mrJawapa, Onjit
if i'll die and be townie, please consider this, otherwise it has no sense, but for me as townie has sense, that kira and mrJawapa attacked me
kira - mentioned about me that she consider me to vote, and asked what do other thinks about me, but didn't mentioned annything about Onjit, that was on her list too, just like protecting him (huh maybe as inactive it wouldn't has sense to ask for him so i will retreat from Onjit for now,
mrJawapa - keep showing us that i voted him and unvoted, but ignoring that then he was inactive for me, just like i was for onjit in his post
additionally make other think i (and other mafia) was attacking norvegianboy, when i didn't saw any (or much) posts about him, it woudn't be attack, and like i said i only once suspected him
voting onjit would be necessary for mrJawapa and kira as mafia because most players has him as suspection

Kira is my biggest suspection i'm not sure to the rest
if it's not attack, my plan falls apart

Never mind, i isolated your posts and found this. Must have missed it. So your main suspicions are Kira, MrJawapa and Onjit right?
What do you mean by "If it's not attack, my plan falls apart?" That sounds a bit weird. What did you mean by that?

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#24 2019-07-22 09:17:28

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

I'm feeling a good townie impression from you Trytu. You actually take the time to explore your position quite well. So i'll change my vote to the useless guy that hasn't really done anything.

/Unvote Trytu
/Vote Sxrrealism

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#25 2019-07-23 17:23:01

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

I still think it’s better to get rid of the inactive guys that don’t even place votes. At least with Trytu he has responded to our questions.

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