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#101 2019-08-05 21:14:37

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Processor wrote:

What do you guys make of this?

I'm certainly not comfortable sending Crybaby anywhen within the next 2 heaven phases.

Did Norweiganboy and TaskManager have similar attitudes?

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#102 2019-08-05 21:22:59

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

mrjawapa wrote:

Trytu - kinda bandwagon hoping, but I'm considering him new. He said mutant seems helpful, which I agree with. I'll consider them a townie for now. If he keeps switching votes around, might be worth looking at.

    Kirby - makes me ****. I would join a kirby vote due to his inactivity.

    Processor - I'd like an explanation for his zoey vote. Have a feeling it's because of her vote on kirby. I will consider them a townie because of this.

    Zoey2070 - makes me ****. Her vote for kirby is really suspicious imo. I would not oppose a zoey vote. If she is voted into hell, we need to look at the others that voted for kirby.

   mutantdevle - as the devil, he deserves to be voted into hell. I dont really have the patience to read everything on mobile, but I dont recall any of his posts that made me go "wow he's def town/mafia". BUT, more meta, I think he's "helpful". I think it's better to keep him alive, and there be a chance of him being an enemy, than to kill one of the better mafia players.

   Kira - "wow people might lynch me based on the things I say"

   Crybaby - pulling his vote back from kirby is a townie thing to do, especially after zoey threw a random **** vote in, making it L-1.

More to come on other people, after I reread everything

-mobile, with 3 hrs of sleep

This post is interesting. He doesn't mention either norweiganboy or TaskManager despite the fact that they had noticeable contributions by this point.


mrjawapa wrote:

Mutant - Wants to stay in purgatory to help sift out the mafia. Plus, he called zoey out for the careless vote for Kirby, ultimately getting her lynched.
Crybaby - Kirby was at L-1, and he pulled his vote back to prevent a hammer. If he was mafia, he would have left his vote and let Kirby be hammered.
Kirby - Targeted by the mafia. The idea that the mafia was going to to kill one of their own teammates doesn't make sense here.

Processor - I keep changing what I think of him. He doesn't explain his votes or his reads, which is kind of scummy. But, there are a few posts that are very town-like.
Zelda - I had him in neutral-to-mafia-leaning but there are two posts that make me think he's town. One says we should only send confirmed townies to heaven. The other says crybaby is town, but we shouldn't send him to heaven yet, because we could use his help.
Norboy - I keep changing my thoughts on him too. Ultimately, I went with this because his actions seem town-oriented. He cast a vote for processor after processor randomly voted for mutant (thought processor was trying to get rid of a threat early). Trytu tried raising suspicion on Norboy twice. Once because norboy was "alone in his vote" and another because of the group PM (norboy was not in the group with everyone else, and trytu was meta-gaming). If I didn't believe trytu was mafia, I would probably put norboy in neutral. But it looks like mafia is targeting him.

Neutral/Unsure//Mixed feelings:
Sxrealism - When I read through the entire thread, I didn't take a single note for them. They haven't done anything to make me think one way or the other.
2B - Hasn't done much. He voted for Kirby due to inactivity. At one point said guess votes should be avoided because they could kill a townie.
Caleb - I thought his vote for mutant early on was very suspicious. It looked like an attempt to start a bandwagon early, and eliminate a major threat for the mafia. But then I thought the vote was a joke... hard to tell.
Taskmanager - Hasn't done much. Voted for kirby due to inactivity. Meta'd the group PM as grounds for voting Kirby. Later decided that sending inactive people to heaven is a bad idea, because we need useful people there if judgement day comes.
Kira - complained about how mafia games work, and hasn't been much help, but appears to be trying in heaven phase 1.

Trytu - Vote hoping, and a couple instances of, what I'm going to call, bait-n-switch.
Onjit - Hasn't done anything for me to say one way or the other. He has only voted for inactive people, and didn't vote for Zoey. I wouldn't question the inactive player votes,  but not voting for zoey makes it suspicious.

I think it's entirely plausible that jawapa put all of his buddies in the middle two sections.

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#103 2019-08-05 21:43:41

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

I've been re-reading and now I trust crybaby. There's just too many things they wouldn't do if they were scum. There's the unvote on Kirby, not wanting to go to heaven, and I don't think they'd think to use invisible text in a post as a method of seeming townie if they were mafia.

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#104 2019-08-05 23:15:28

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

So I just went through the entire thread and made a note of how the 4 flipped mafia members have interacted with everyone. I only recorded their interactions with living players and their fellow flipped buddies. Note, this is not their reads, this is their interactions. That means whenever they mention/quote/respond to someone. If their interaction showed hostility or was very obviously negative towards a player I marked them as 'against'. If their interaction was supportive of a player I marked it as 'for'. And if the interaction was passive it was marked at neutral. I also used the '-' symbol to mark when their style of interaction has changed by the end of the phase.

Here are my results:

I want y'all to look at that and make your own conclusions from it. Properly study it. Now, I want you to write your conclusions in a post. Once you have done that, submit your post, come back to this one, and open this spoiler:

My conclusions from it. Please submit your own post with your own conclusions before opening this spoiler

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#105 2019-08-06 13:47:01

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Processor wrote:

Mutant's idea is great

it allows us townies to cross check our findings and make sure we aren't biased by one or another

Do what mutant told you to do before opening this post

I assume the contents of your spoiler here were not based on the image I posted?

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#106 2019-08-06 19:54:36

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:
Kira wrote:

!vote Kira

Let's go along with Mutant's plan.

Mutant wrote:

"Heaven 4: Kira
Hell 5: Zelda
Heaven 5: Processor
Hell 6: Crybaby
Heaven 6: mutantdevle
Hell 7: peace
Judgement day vote: send Slabdrill to hell with the assumption that 2B55 is town."

thsi sis wrong youre sending 3 townies to hell then?  and why crybaby to hell?

What makes you so sure all 3 of them are town? That's quite a bold statement.

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#107 2019-08-06 20:17:14

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace, that order is derived from how the mafia have interacted with each and every player here.

The base assumption is that myself, Kira and proc are town as that's agreed by most people. Then, everyone else is put in order of most scummy to least scummy for the hell lynches. Crybaby is high up there as, although he is one of the towniest players, he also has multiple connections with the mafia. So, he is either being very cleverly framed or played a really good game but has been caught by association tells. I'm not sending Slabdrill to hell anywhen before judgement day because I don't think he's scum. The reason he gets sent to hell at judgement day is that only him and 2B55 would be left at that point and 2B55 is far more townie than he is. They are also both more townie than you are which is why you get sent to hell first. Honestly, you shouldn't even be worried about being sent to hell because it's very unlikely that the game is even going to reach that point.

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#108 2019-08-06 21:09:30

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

!vote Kira


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#109 2019-08-06 23:00:30

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Are we correct with the next phase of the plan Zelda?

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#110 2019-08-07 01:26:31

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Does anyone actually have anything to add at this point? I assume Zelda would want to make some posts to try and convince us not to lynch them. I’d also quite like Crybaby to have some input on the situation.

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#111 2019-08-08 12:46:05

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

!vote Zelda

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#112 2019-08-08 20:23:24

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:

rereading some posts made there is something i find scummy here:

mutantdevle #960 wrote:

I've been re-reading and now I trust crybaby. There's just too many things they wouldn't do if they were scum. There's the unvote on Kirby, not wanting to go to heaven, and I don't think they'd think to use invisible text in a post as a method of seeming townie if they were mafia.

mutantdevle #962 wrote:

So, based on the findings of all this, this is how I propose the rest of the game should be resolved.

Heaven 4: Kira
Hell 5: Zelda
Heaven 5: Processor
Hell 6: Crybaby
Heaven 6: mutantdevle
Hell 7: peace
Judgement day vote: send Slabdrill to hell with the assumption that 2B55 is town.

he calls crybaby town but 2 posts later when he made that ghrapc and analyzed it he wants crybaby to hell why mutant? why do u want this?

I did further reading and then changed my mind... is that really so hard to understand?

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#113 2019-08-08 23:56:14

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:

hwo can you chnage your midn so fast ?

Time is not what causes people to change their mind. It's the content that they read that makes them change their mind. When I go back and read a load of content that I don't have to wait any time to receive, time becomes a non-factor in my opinion changing.

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#114 2019-08-09 00:00:06

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

!vote processor

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#115 2019-08-09 14:06:52

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Crybaby wrote:


are you sure about this, Mutant?

Of course not. But I don't see this game going any other way really. If proc is mafia then I doubt we'd ever catch him - unless you have a strong reason to suspect him that you'd like to share with us? But the way I see it, the game has stagnated and all there really is now is to see if our conclusions are right.

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#116 2019-08-09 19:46:45

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:

mutant what is your reaction abotu zelda being town?

That's why the plan extended beyond just 1 phase.

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#117 2019-08-09 22:32:45

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Crybaby wrote:

My problem is that nobody seems to oppose you except for Peace. Everyone is agreeing with you on this plan, everyone, including the last Mafia members, so whatever your plan is is something they must agree with because itll help them

Well there's not a lot the mafia can do to be honest. The townie reaction is to accept the plan. The mafia reaction is to reject it - but they obviously can't do this too strongly or they'd be obvious. So, the last mafia member would either give up or subtly try to seed doubt into the plan.

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#118 2019-08-10 12:36:57

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Which mafia is winning from it? Point them out to me and tell me why they’re mafia.

These criticisms are pointless if you have no alternative.

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#119 2019-08-10 23:05:26

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace why do you even scum read me? It's hard to understand given your way of typing. But from what I do understand, it seems like you've just chosen to scum read me rather than it being something that has genuinely formed.

!vote Crybaby

Unless anyone has any objections of substance, I'm continuing with the plan.

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#120 2019-08-11 14:04:44

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

If Peace is town, there’s a high chance that Mutant is mafia.


I don't mean to sound arrogant, but if I was mafia, I'd have already won.

There's no reason I'd put myself so low on the list to be sent to heaven. Why waste my time dragging out the phases when I could have taken either Kira's or Proc's place in heaven?

Why would TaskManager criticise me so hard when I was at my closest to being lynched in the game? He had no reason to believe he'd be lynched at that point.

Stick to plan. Both Kira and Proc gave their full support to this plan. It's not a coincidence that the only people taking issue with the plan are those on the lynch list. Proc being town was my only worry about the plan - I have no reason to doubt that the rest of the plan leads to victory.

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#121 2019-08-11 14:07:43

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:

mutant why on earth do you scumread crybaby? why just why hes labeled town by almost everyone

The fact that 100% of the time ALL mafia members said that Crybaby should be sent to heaven instead of me. And he's not labelled as town by almost everyone, he just used to be. Since then there have been doubts, especially from proc.

peace wrote:

and if ur gonna say 'he could be a jawapa 2.0 and play a trick aswell' then think about YOU who coudl do the same so prove hes scum

And vice versa, if you believe that 'jawapa 2.0' isn't a possibility, then you shouldn't be scum reading me. So you should either be open to both of us being scum or neither of us.

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#122 2019-08-11 15:26:50

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

peace wrote:

u mafia can do ANYTHING in this game remebr the zoey bandwagaon where 3 maby even all 4 mafs bussed her out? you forgto abotu that one?

So your point is that, because 3 mafias bussed Zoey, ANYTHING could happen. So you scum read on me is nothing more than a conspiracy theory?

peace wrote:

you just setted up this plan to maeke you seem townish by sneding 2 townies to heaven first so everyoen will believe you

Why would I do that when I am townie enough to be sent to heaven first?

peace wrote:

ALL? so you knwo the last maf memebr?

I clearly meant all the mafia that have flipped.

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#123 2019-08-12 00:25:48

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

The only difference this makes to the plan is that peace and crybaby are swapping places.

I'm going to heaven now. If crybaby is not sent to hell next phase he will be sent to hell during judgement day. Crybaby, if you are town, you'd be throwing the game by not getting lynched tommorow.

!vote mutantdevle

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#124 2019-08-12 15:41:32

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Crybaby wrote:

Are you just going to ignore what I said about 2B?

I read it. It doesn't change my opinion though.

Crybaby wrote:

The whole reason I thought you were town is because I thought you were staying to the end, knowing that even if you and the Mafia member were left, you'd get voted into heaven on Judgment day

The plan was always me being in heaven on this phase. I made that very clear.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

I don’t feel like following this plan is safe.

Well it's nice of you to voice your concerns now rather than when it was devised.

When the plan was devised, everyone present agreed to it. You were all given plenty of opportunity to voice any opposition to it. The plan was specifically made with consideration that we may end up in a judgement day. It's called safeguarding. So the fact that y'all are losing faith in the plan just because mafia hasn't been lynched yet is honestly ridiculous. Crybaby, if the only reason you were town reading me was that you thought I didn't plan to ever go to heaven then you shouldn't have been town reading me at all. Screwing over the plan now out of paranoia just makes all of the phases since Kira being sent to heaven redundant. Regardless of what you do, you are being sent to hell. Either next phase or in judgement day. So to avoid screwing things up, just accept your role in the plan. This plan is a commitment. Trust me and stick to it.

@Slabdrill has your opinion of the plan also changed or are you still on board with it?

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#125 2019-08-12 18:35:30

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

If Crybaby or Slab is mafia I believe they would've defended themselves way earlier.

So you think I'm mafia?

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