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#1 2019-07-18 23:11:13, last edited by NoNK (2019-08-13 10:56:38)

Joined: 2019-07-13
Posts: 923

Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Welcome to Mafia 27  --- PurgatorEE

Moderator: HeyNK

Game state: GAME OVER!

All flavour and smileys are solely for our combined enjoyment and have no effect on gameplay.

Starring...    Trytu    Kirby    Onjit    ZeldaXD    sxrrealism Slabdrill    NorwegianboyEE    Processor    Caleb101 peace    Zoey2070   2B55B5G TNG   mutantdevle   Kira   Crybaby   mrjawapa   TaskManager

Stuck in PurgatorEE (Alive at Endgame)
Invited to EEU (Heaven)
Kicked out of the World (Hell)
Game Events:

Game start
Hell phase 1 ends
Heaven phase 1 ends
Hell phase 2 ends
Heaven phase 2 ends
Hell phase 3 ends
Heaven phase 3 ends
Hell phase 4 ends
Heaven phase 4 ends
Hell phase 5 ends
Heaven phase 5 ends
Hell phase 6 ends
Heaven phase 6 ends
Game over!

Game Rules:
Game Rules
setup details
Sample Role PMs:

Vanilla Townie


Mafia Goon



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#2 2019-07-19 11:50:06

From: Poland
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Posts: 816

Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Norvegianboy is alone in his martyr PT, it's very suspicious
i think game owner wouldn't let him to be so alone in this game, so probably he has access to mafia PT
i would vote on him but like Crybaby said, i firstly want someone to agree with me
on the other hand Norvegianboy would be safe, because game owner would know that he as looner, would be in danger to be mafia
and there is an option too, that everything is very random
what do you think?

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#3 2019-07-19 12:12:17

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

NoNK wrote:

I sent out a daystart PM to make sure no one just signs up for the game and goes afk. But forum limitations only let me send it to 14 people. Then people started replying to it for some reason? Dont do that. I used RNG to decide norboy would get his own PM just so I get everyone. Read the setup people. This is not a game mechanic.

in the setup there is nothing about it, that's the reason why it's not game mechanic??
so you said, it's only for annoucments...

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#4 2019-07-19 12:18:47

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

btw does hours in this thread couts from 0 UCN??
it's important for me, because i slleep from 23:00 to 9:00 (count to 12:00 not being able to post) in +1 UCN, so i missed most of the posts)

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#5 2019-07-19 13:54:12

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

mutantdevle wrote:

I think Onjit (and Norweiganboy) are right in that this phase's vote should be on a player of lower activity

so i'm mafia because i want to sleep to 11 am!?
i was on the opening at 23 pm, but didn't say anything because i play the first time and don't know much the way its working, so i went to sleep
(i said this in +1 UCN)

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#6 2019-07-19 14:03:23

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

TaskManager wrote:

(also UCN is not a timezone, you probably meant UTC)

i was in mistake for few posts :S

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#7 2019-07-19 21:31:50

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

btw why are there roles if there aren't any power roles, and much of the setup depends on RNG?
it just like not necessary addon that doesn't make anything much to the game except "motives"

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#8 2019-07-20 00:44:03

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

!vote Kirby

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#9 2019-07-20 12:57:52

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

mutantdevle wrote:

Considering a third of the people in the game are mafia I'm not comfortable with how quickly Kirby gained votes. I'm especially uncomfortable with it considering Maxi pretty much started the chain and I don't really trust him - that's not a "he's yet to do anything towny" kind of lack of a trust, it's a "I get bad vibes from this guy" lack of trust. So from my perspective, it seems a little convenient that Maxi 'forgot' that jawapa was guilty of the same thing as Kirby and hence it looks like he just chose for the wagon to be on Kirby over jawapa. The only thing that would make me not want to lynch jawapa instead of kirby is that jawapa is more likely to be more active. But that said, in this situation it also makes it more suspicious that jawapa would not be saying anything when I'd kind of expect very little input from Kirby.

i would vote on mrjawapa too, but then there was too little peoples voting on kirby, and you had 2 votes, so to make you protected (because you seems very helpful) i voted on kirby too
now when there isn't any risk...
!vote mrjawapa

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#10 2019-07-20 13:03:14

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Now when mrjawapa said something idk what to think :S
!unvote mrJawapa

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#11 2019-07-20 14:00:26

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Trytu wrote:

Now when mrjawapa said something idk what to think :S
!unvote mrJawapa

Hoping around a little bit, but okay. Is it meta to say it's probably because you're new?

yeah it's my first mafia game, and i just don't know what to do and how it works

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#12 2019-07-20 14:01:56

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

that thing above is answer for mrJawapa's quote, i accidientally press ctrl + V instead Quote, Tomahawk can you fix that?

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#13 2019-07-20 21:03:18

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

2B55B5G TNG wrote:
Trytu wrote:

Now when mrjawapa said something idk what to think :S
!unvote mrJawapa

You made the post that you vote Jawapa after Jawapa posted, then you said you just noticed him said something. ?????

i made it after javapa posted, because i didn't knew he posted
very often when i make post, i write it for few minutes, that's why why my post appeared after jawapa's post
then when i noticed his post, i stopped to vote him, becuase he said why he can't post
(i thought that i'm doing something that Onjit did)

ZeldaXD wrote:

I think with this we can discard Kirby as mafia goon

what about Mafia voting on Mafia? it's not logical and very risky but that makes it unexpectable
if Kirby would be mafia, Zoey would be minded as townie
still mafia number is small so maybe i overcomplicating it
it would be too risky for mafia on later stages, but on the other hand Kirby was inactive, so as someone who would be eliminated on this or other round (as inactive) wouldn't be significant (it would be not non active but a plan too)
there could be appear this scenario:
if kirby is mafia:
- zoey says to kirby "hey i have a plan, you would make other peoples you're inactive, so i'll vote you, and if they vote you, then the'll trust me, if they would think it's suspicious they would vote me, and you'll be innocent"
- kirby "ok, good plan"
still it's quite valid plan, but i wanted to share it, to make others be in unsurance

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#14 2019-07-20 22:16:27

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

!vote Crybaby
Crybaby in previous phase was considered as townie,
if crybaby is mafia, mutantdevle or mrjawapa "could" be mafia too (through defining crybaby is townie), but it's not very possible

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#15 2019-07-20 23:52:13

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

ZeldaXD wrote:

Although I agree that minimania is townie, I don't think he should be sent to heaven (yet) because I think he will be much more useful in here than in heaven (where he will not be able to talk with us), and since mafia cant kill people, theres no risk if we keep him here.

when i isolated his posts it looks like he's active and could make something to the game, but not as helpful to be risky, so i behave my vote for now
still on the jugment day we need someone who would be enough good, so if not in this stage, maybe in 4rd or 6th phase, maybe later in this phase someone another will be good to think about

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#16 2019-07-21 13:26:50

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!] - riches - glasses ( or ) - masked - elders - popular

the rest is unknown for me but maybe - not happy-like smiley - templar like - visible teeths

idk what does it mean, but it's quite visible, but maybe only one in the pair is mafia (but not in every pair cause there are only 5 mafias),
it has to be something with roles, because they cannot be so unnecessary, then kirby as templar would be townie, cause masked

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#17 2019-07-21 13:28:48

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

post above i forgot about the header:
last night i noticed that there are some links between the roles, so i tried to link them and thats what i did, i think it can do something, because i can't understand why roles are so unnecessary
it could be just RNG too

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#18 2019-07-21 13:41:37

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Crybaby wrote:

With regards to roles, Trytu, they don't actually do anything. They're for flavor.

:C // :C //
// :C // :C

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#19 2019-07-21 17:06:13

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

mutantdevle wrote:

On the topic of who we should vote into heaven today, I'm more set on Kirby than I am Crybaby. Aside from the fact that I town read Kirby more, I think Crybaby is going to be more useful to us down here. Y'all seem to think that we shouldn't be voting Kirby because he's not going to be too useful when it comes to judgement days. Well first of all, the earliest we'd experience a judgement day is in 6 phases (including this one). That means we'll have plenty of opportunity to add more people to heaven before then. So due to that, Kirby is also a good choice because he isn't likely to detract from the decision that gets made. I also think we shouldn't necessarily be so focussed on defining our actions by what's optimal for judgement day as, as far as I'm concerned, judgement days are a sort of a worst-case scenario (though obviously we shouldn't be totally unprepared for it).

!vote Kirby

like i said before i'll vote Crybaby until someone better will appear
if not now, then maybe in next heaven phases, especially Crybaby said much more than i thought, that can be helpful
(or maybe mutnatdevle just want to discract votes from Crybaby to Kirby to make them (mutant and crybaby) safe from unmasking thier mafia goon state xD)
/\ just kidding but it would be funny if its truth
!vote Kirby

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#20 2019-07-21 18:34:30

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

mrjawapa wrote:

Norboy - I keep changing my thoughts on him too. Ultimately, I went with this because his actions seem town-oriented. He cast a vote for processor after processor randomly voted for mutant (thought processor was trying to get rid of a threat early). Trytu tried raising suspicion on Norboy twice. Once because norboy was "alone in his vote" and another because of the group PM (norboy was not in the group with everyone else, and trytu was meta-gaming). If I didn't believe trytu was mafia, I would probably put norboy in neutral. But it looks like mafia is targeting him.

huh i don't targeting him, and i only suspected him once, because PM group and then i didn't knew what does PM do here
that first thing about norvegianboy's processor voting umm i hadn't commented it at all, i mostly agree with his further posts

mrjawapa wrote:

Trytu - Vote hoping, and a couple instances of, what I'm going to call, bait-n-switch.

like i said earlier it's only because i've got someone another than crybaby, and because before that date, crybaby didn't say much, so i'd considered him as Kirby like, hoping that kirby will say something too

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#21 2019-07-21 18:52:21

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

"Now that there is no risk... *Votes for MrJawapa*" Then immediately unvotes.

...there is no risk that i would make the phase took as longer to go to "overtime state" where "the most" is more important than "8" that it would be easier for mafia to vote on mutantdevle or kirby,
then MrJawapa said something, (i saw his post after i voted for him) so i unvoted him, it was quite confusing to me, i tried to look for someone who is good at the game, and mutantdevle looked good, ans his post made me think mrjawapa is better as inactive than kirby, but then mr jawapa did post, so he was active, so mutantdevle's post didn't had sense for me, so i unvoted him (oh and i thought, like removing myself just like onjit will make other peoples forget about that just like noone mentioning Onjit's switch voting

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#22 2019-07-21 18:53:08

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

*almost noone

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#23 2019-07-21 19:37:05

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Kira wrote:

Trytu - His posts doesn't add up, didn't vote for Zoey, followed the Kirby bandwagon

followed the kirby and then mutantdevle's mrjawapa bandwagon
yes i didn't vote for zoey, unfortunately missed the first hell phase from 14:00, and came back tale 22:00
i just did real life thing

now i have some suspections to you, if i would do a list of suspections then:
Kira, mrJawapa, Onjit
if i'll die and be townie, please consider this, otherwise it has no sense, but for me as townie has sense, that kira and mrJawapa attacked me
kira - mentioned about me that she consider me to vote, and asked what do other thinks about me, but didn't mentioned annything about Onjit, that was on her list too, just like protecting him (huh maybe as inactive it wouldn't has sense to ask for him so i will retreat from Onjit for now,
mrJawapa - keep showing us that i voted him and unvoted, but ignoring that then he was inactive for me, just like i was for onjit in his post
additionally make other think i (and other mafia) was attacking norvegianboy, when i didn't saw any (or much) posts about him, it woudn't be attack, and like i said i only once suspected him
voting onjit would be necessary for mrJawapa and kira as mafia because most players has him as suspection

Kira is my biggest suspection i'm not sure to the rest
if it's not attack, my plan falls apart

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#24 2019-07-21 20:23:41

From: Poland
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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

Kira wrote:

You are literally suspecting the person that suspected the first Mafia.

yeah, that thing about mrJawapa, i'm not sure about him, just reading some of his posts made me think in this way, when i tried to defend myself and say too much (or he suspected zoey to gain trust xD), like i said the way you're writting make me suspect that you're mafia
- you're one of the last of voting zoey
- not clear reputation
- your post looked just like zoey's (pointing only one person "kirby" instead both)
- actually not more

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#25 2019-07-21 21:17:10

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Re: Mafia 27: PurgatorEE [GAME OVER!]

ZeldaXD wrote:

just saying that she should be interrogated more, she doesn't say too much
btw (off topic) once she posted

what did she wrote

she voted zoey, so she could place it here to make her more safe (or only i'm seing this like that)
and more importantly she suspect others about late votes when she did late vote too and additionally without any explanation, so:
late explanation bad,
late non explanation good

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