Welcome to Mafia 27 --- PurgatorEE
Game state: GAME OVER!
All flavour and smileys are solely for our combined enjoyment and have no effect on gameplay.
sxrrealism Slabdrill
Caleb101 peace
▼Stuck in PurgatorEE (Alive at Endgame)
sxrrealism Slabdrill, Vanilla Townie, survived to Endgame
2B55B5G TNG, Vanilla Townie, survived to Endgame
▼Invited to EEU (Heaven)
Kirby, Vanilla Townie, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 1
mrjawapa, Mafia Goon, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 2
NorwegianboyEE, Mafia Goon, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 3
Kira, Vanilla Townie, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 4
Processor, Vanilla Townie, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 5
mutantdevle, Vanilla Townie, sent to Heaven during Heaven phase 6
▼Kicked out of the World (Hell)
Zoey2070, Mafia Goon, sent to hell during Hell phase 1
Trytu, Vanilla Townie, sent to hell during Hell phase 2
Onjit, Vanilla Townie, sent to hell during Hell phase 3
TaskManager, Mafia Goon, sent to hell during Hell phase 4
ZeldaXD, Vanilla Townie, sent to hell during Hell phase 5
Caleb101 peace, Vanilla Townie, sent to hell during Hell phase 6
Crybaby, Mafia Goon, sent to hell during Hell phase 7
Game Events:
Game start
Hell phase 1 ends
Heaven phase 1 ends
Hell phase 2 ends
Heaven phase 2 ends
Hell phase 3 ends
Heaven phase 3 ends
Hell phase 4 ends
Heaven phase 4 ends
Hell phase 5 ends
Heaven phase 5 ends
Hell phase 6 ends
Heaven phase 6 ends
Game over!
Game Rules:
▼Game Rules
1. All forum rules apply, however multi-posting rules are lenient. So long as your posts are relevant to the game it shouldn't be an issue.
2. Do not post in this thread unless you are alive in the game. All posts made by dead players and people not in the game will be deleted.
3. You may not edit or delete your posts. This function will be disabled in this game.
4. If you go too many hours without making any posts and a complaint is raised, you will recieve a prod. Failing to post for the next 24 hours will result in replacement. If somehow you manage to get prodded a third time I will replace you.
5. Do not quote, copy paste, or screenshot any message sent by the game moderator for any reason. Paraphrasing is allowed, such as saying what your role is or does, but don't copy paste an entire role pm word for word.
6. Do not gamethrow. Gamethrowing is defined as actively working against your role/faction's win condition, and is dealt with on a case by case basis.
7. As soon as a descision is made, in overtime or in the normal day, the game enters the twilight phase.The moderator may not be there to lock the thread immediately, but you are allowed to post until the moderator gets back, but votes will not be counted after a desision has been made.
8. You may not talk about the game with living players through any means other than the game thread and any private topics created as part of the game. No exceptions.
9. If any player breaks any of these rules please private message me on the forums and I will deal with it. Do not use the forums report feature to report someone breaking one of the game rules unless they are also breaking a forum rule.
10. The moderator's word is final. If I say not to do something it means don't do it. If you have an issue then it's best to pm the moderator for clarification.
11. Votes should be in h tags to prevent mod error. Bolded votes will also count but run the risk of being missed.
A vote should be in the format:
Vote: HeyNK
, or
!vote HeyNK
/vote HeyNK
... just make it obvious.
▼setup details
5 Mafia Goons vs. 10 Vanilla Townies
- Instead of day and nights, phases alternate between heaven and hell. The game starts with a hell phase. All phases have 3 day (72 hour) deadlines.
- During heaven phase, the town votes to send one player to send to heaven. During hell phase, the town votes to send one player to hell.
- Town wins if the majority of mafia is sent to hell, mafia wins if the majority of mafia is sent to heaven.
- Alignment is revealed upon being sent to heaven or hell.
- All mafia, whether alive or sent away, can talk to each other at all times in the Mafia PT.
- Townies who are sent to heaven have a separate martyr PT.
- When 50% of the living players are mafia, a Judgment Day occurs. All living players lose the ability to vote. The martyrs privately vote in the martyr PT to send a living player to hell. If the player is town, the Mafia win. If not, the game moves on to a hell phase.
- Compulsive plurality lynches! Ties are broken by the usual overtime rules.
Sample Role PMs:
Vanilla Townie
Welcome, [player], to PurgatorEE! You are a Vanilla Townie.
You are
, the second tonguiest smiley around. Every ice cream shop owner has memorized your favourite order: Mint chip on a waffle cone, no extra scoops.
As long as you are alive, you can vote to send players to Heaven or hell and post in the game thread, which is [here].
If you get sent to Heaven and the number of living mafia is equal to the number of living town, you and the other townies in Heaven must vote to send someone in the game to hell. If that person is a townie, town will lose.
You win when 3 of the mafia have been sent to hell, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
Please respond to this PM with the name of your role to confirm.
Mafia Goon
Welcome, [player], to PurgatorEE! You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partners [x, y, z, w].
You are
, a grinning smiley with an optimistic outlook on life. But you have a dark secret. One of your molars has a cavity.
The corruption of post-shutdown EE has transformed you into
, a smiley who knows only rage. Your purpose now is to spread your hatred and bile to EEU.
As long as you are alive, you can vote to send players to Heaven or hell and post in the game thread, which is [here].
You and your mafia partners can talk in [this] topic any time, even if you were sent to Heaven or Hell.
You win when 3 of the mafia have been sent to Heaven, or a townie is sent to hell on Judgment Day.
Please respond to this PM with the name of your role to confirm.