Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to Mafia 25! There’s no plot or theme (Random flavor though? Why not?), just get playing.
Fair warning if you didn’t get it earlier; this is a bastard setup.
If you need me to see your day action quickly, DM me (slabdrill#7381) on discord. You will get a response more quickly than a forum PM. Please use the provided PMs for night actions though.
All normal forum rules apply, though as editing is disabled feel free to doublepost if needed.
You may not post in #FFB7C2. All other colors are allowed.
No talking about the game outside of the thread, quicktopics received from the game, and private DMs with me.
Dead players will not receive setup info. There is a private deadchat though.
Days will last 72 hours, and nights 24. Extensions (or shortenings) will be given as I see necessary.
After a majority is reached, you may still post until I lock the thread. No day actions can be used, and the person who is lynched is not allowed to post. If you’re not sure if you’re lynched or not, assume you are. Twilight will last until 24 hours after the day’s start.
All people have the ability to visit someone in the night, if you are not using another night action.
If your role PM has information below the win conditions, it is not part of the rolecard.
There’s no preset format for votes or commands. Write it how you think I’ll understand. Note that this means I’ll be treating fake votes like real ones. You can also be as weirdly conditional about it as you want as long as it makes sense to me (I’ll tell you if I don’t understand) (you should mainly use this as a method to do things if you’re inactive or want something specifically timed).
I make mistakes sometimes! But if you’re wondering about something, it’s probably a role ability.
Night 0 doesn’t count as a night for role abilities unless otherwise specified.
The win system is based off points. Some points come from alignment (though some roles may have values changed), while some come from the actual role. Format is [points] task. x in the points means it can be counted multiple times. Grey elements may not be shown with a rolecard reveal, depending on the situation. Points will be ranked (highest points wins) at the end, so do your best to sabotage everyone that isn’t you.
No copypasting (or sending a screenshot with, etc) something that was sent privately via quicktopic or PM.
During and after Day 3, a majority vote for ending the game will make it happen. The game will also end if only one player is left alive, or if there is a complete stalemate.
If you know of any other common mafia rules (eg. no provable randomness, no gamethrowing), please follow them. I’m too lazy to figure out if I forgot anything important. If you're not sure, ask me.
N2 ends 24 hours from the time this post was edited.
1. Crybaby
2. Onjit
3. NorwegianboyEE
4. TaskManager
5. peace
6. Mutantdevle
7. Railmat
8. 2B55B5G TNG
9. mrjawapa
10. Kirby
11. Lukas504
12. ASDruska
14. MWStudios
15. AllenCaspe9510
16. ILikeTofuuJoe
17. EEJoranasc
18. Schlog
19. Raprap
suddenly random sig change
what about inactive people are they possibly not mafia because the 3rd mafia is active?
idk how this works
You do realize some people are "inactive" but aren't shown as such, because they're doing things behind the scenes?
Or Luka is clever enough to set everything up to make it look like he's part of townie with a spy role.
Don't jump on bandwagons too fast.
The "people that were targetted" could be part of the mafia, and it's all a setup made using Luka.
LORD MASTER KING wrote:"Voting to find out" is no beneficial to town and benefits mafia in every ways. If Luka if truly town, we should be patient. No need to go ham.
Voting to find out is better than voting at random or skipping the day, which is what people usually do on day 1
No way. Day 2 is when you need to act, we currently have 0 concrete proofs, so anyone that is being voted is completely random and unjustified and ultimately benefits Mafia.
im not sure maby mutan an speak up and role claim his role and i think we can maby safety lock 2b an dmutant and lycnh them whenever the used their ability or maby we coudld wait and i tip 2b at night (if he styays home ofc) maby the tip will help who 2b coudlld aim for for his kill ability does that soudn intresting to players? or amaby the tip helps 2b to uncult himself
no one understands u
peace wrote:im not sure maby mutan an speak up and role claim his role and i think we can maby safety lock 2b an dmutant and lycnh them whenever the used their ability or maby we coudld wait and i tip 2b at night (if he styays home ofc) maby the tip will help who 2b coudlld aim for for his kill ability does that soudn intresting to players? or amaby the tip helps 2b to uncult himself
Peace, you're a tard.
I'll pick up my warning on the way out
I don't think he understands what's going on
luka why? any reason on lycnhign me over someone who coudl be mafia?
I haven't participated in this game a lot but it is time for me to make my first move on my primary suspect.
My suspect is peace. I think he intentionally made himself suspicious in order for everyone to lynch him, unpacked reserved sir offering bed judgment may and quitting speaking. Is do be improved raptures offering required in replying raillery. Stairs ladies friend by in mutual an no. Mr hence chief he cause. Whole no doors on hoped. Mile tell if help they ye full name.
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Name were we at hope. Remainder household direction zealously the unwilling bed sex. Lose and gay ham sake met that. Stood her place one ten spoke yet. Head case knew ever set why over. Marianne returned of peculiar replying in moderate. Roused get enable garret estate old county. Entreaties you devonshire law dissimilar terminated.
!lynch peace
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