Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I'll join the Troll Original thing. What if the room isn't saved? Does it still count if the owner reverts the changes?
If it isn't saved don't count.
Yep. But can't be yours own rooms.
I like how Lopoi ignored me completely
I like how Lopoi ignored me completely
Who are you?
kkkkk jk
No, it was nothing.... or nothing..... I dont remember well......
I tried it in one of my level (in guest) but here the code still the same.....
IDK, maybe it was some bug......
I tried it in one of my level (in guest) but here the code still the same.....
IDK, maybe it was some bug......
Go into a level, set the code. Copy the level link. Go to lobby.
Open a new tab with the level link. Go into that level. Type in the code. It wont work.
And if it were a glitch it would happen to other people as well.
Lopoi2 wrote:I tried it in one of my level (in guest) but here the code still the same.....
IDK, maybe it was some bug......
Go into a level, set the code. Copy the level link. Go to lobby.
Open a new tab with the level link. Go into that level. Type in the code. It wont work.
And if it were a glitch it would happen to other people as well.
Well, I tried it again and didn't work.....
Yep, this was strange......
hay put me in the partisipants list for the first 2 i think ill pwn the hunter and do well on the original so count me into those 2. and a question about the games can we form teams to play this then the leader gets the prizes or we all get the prizes or something like that? and btw im already trying to get a guy for the hunters challenge
Last edited by The Red Troll (Mar 12 2011 1:39:28 am)
I need TGT and Lopoi2 to make ranks for this group.I can be amateur.I think ranks are like this:
5)Like A G6
3)Lead Troll
there are already ranks there a few pages back see if u can find em
Got sumthing for ya fellaz...:lol:
Some trolled levels. I think these happened in 1 day. Some of these did I, some of these did our brothers and sisters.
Lol this level existed 1 minute... But there's more...
A great popular beta level with lots of art. I just made it more beautiful, but the others didnt seem to like it. they just dont have any sense of art...
And I discovered some more Troll Physics. I made them up myself. Have fun:
dont forget...
Thank you for your attention.
wow plus rep for the epic trolls u made and if u no our brothers and sister who did those trolls i will +rep them 2
Remember the Beta level I trolled? They kicked me 10 seconds after I began trolling. But then I returned with some Reinforcements and look what we did:
Oh yes.. that's the minimap of this BEta level. Soo beautiful. I recruited new fellaz, mah fellaz helped me.
Aww... Look!! How cute! A group picture we made after the level was trolled...
Its a souvenir cover for one big Achievement
From Left to right:
(:}) = Linus21
)(:D) = Davinmrz1999 (me)
(|:|) = Pinkdaisy
(|:.) = Fattony
Also, a guy called "DRAGONLORD" helped us. But hes not on the picture
I recruited some fellaz, Can i get a better ranking? :P
i just talked to DAVINMRZ1999 and i wanna join, if u see , there is a pic wiv me him and pinkdaisy in:D:D:D
wow nice recuits ube won the hunters competition alreadly and btw the laster image i got before it was cleared and code changed hint to lvl owners never be brb or that could happen with the helper/s
Last edited by The Red Troll (Mar 12 2011 8:26:27 am)
OMG, looks our troll hood is growing up, nice..
@Burnett: Need to see with TGT.....
Good Trollers...
LOL! Some trollers are just a BIG FAIL. One of them just came to a tinychat in where I was, and asked to get code at my hotel. He was so noob, that asked for code to troll, in a map where you have to be lots of days online. So, he got pwned by his own troll hammer.
wow that is a troll fail
[thebestidea]if i join...would you guys still troll my maps?[/thebestidea]
if so then im in.(i will troll)
Fail or not, a troll is a troll. and we are one. Like today 20:00 pm GMT+ a popular level in the beta program. This was just F*cking FUN!!!!!
I got the code, and i just had nothing to do.... So i ordered eeverybody to troll everything. The Owner kicked me.
After 5 Minutes I returned, and when the people saw that i returned, the the EPIC EVENT happened.
more than 5 Fellaz started to bash and trash everything. It was beautiful. They did it fast, Harmonically, and yet brutally.
These Pictures show the levels at 2 different times. The owner cleared several times.
This picture shows the level, aprox. 1 1/2 seconds after CLEAR: (look on the minimap)
This was hella fun . The whole process happened in aprox. 15 mins
you guys take trolling way too seriously
aka towwl
its fun
you guys take trolling way too seriously
Are you seriously asking us this?
It was already 30000000 trillion of times answerd this question.
It's fun, try one time.
i trolled my first level today!
Edit:sorry for no green.
Last edited by Oatmeal (Mar 12 2011 5:09:48 pm)
Welcome to the team....
Where is TGT?
Thought I might post this.
One day, I was in a wonderful level. It got trolled. My sister, brother, and myself rebuilt it from scratch erasing everything trolled. I live to kill the trolls. COME BATTLE ME! FACE MY ANTI TROLLNESS DOOM! So TI:1, bring it. (BTW. I only trolled once, and hated it =.=)
Bobithan wrote:you guys take trolling way too seriously
Are you seriously asking us this?
It was already 30000000 trillion of times answerd this question.
It's fun, try one time.
Yes, I admit, I sometimes DO troll. Mainly when I get angry or if the world is stupid and doesn't deserve to be popular.
Once you find out the code, log out IMMEDIATELY then log back in as a guest. Got to the world as a guest and start working your masterpiece. This really works like a charm (but sadly, you can't really do it with beta worlds).
I don't do it too often but anyways, lopoi2, YES I HAVE TROLLED (open worlds are fun. especially with autoclicker )
aka towwl
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