Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Ok so can u b on at the same time as yesterdY??
same time is...? around 18;00 gmt +1? thats my dinner time so I'm prolly later on than that
how about "Impending Doom". a giant asteroid hurtling through space towards a distant earth.
Ok um.. i'm on, but nobody else is... >_>
chewyyyyh come on we need code xd
ok it is officially decided.. we are going back to the beehive theme.
me and wezza were discussing it, and we decided that a space theme is way overused, and nobody has ever done a space theme
WE will just make a GIGANTIC beehive filling the screen, with huge bees 'gaurding' the enterance. then you have to make it to the queen.
No offense. But why the hell do our crew members need to be in like 4 - 6 others? Just sticking to one is good.
how about "Impending Doom". a giant asteroid hurtling through space towards a distant earth.
That's already been done by the MGCrew. Lol
So MX crew members.
I am going on vacation.. for a week.. i'll be back next monday. Don't do TOO much work without me xD
And i'll only be active on the forums until then, so leave progress updates here. also, could you post the link here?
look to make this work right, we need all time zones to fit in order, i can be active for ages, but yeh, well when chewy is on, and the art 'has been made' then ill work on minis, but umm.. chewy needs to either keep it active for enough time for every1 to code, or we use some1s map that can host for ages.
My bad guys. I had some "family troubles" come up today. What do I need to do?
My bad guys. I had some "family troubles" come up today. What do I need to do?
family first, so no biggie, umm .. well whoever the artist is, is needed on, but we need to re-create the beehive theme.
Are we doing it on my map?
Are we doing it on my map?
i got no idea, but i wish pyro would explain whats going on.. :s
lets all get on the chat tonight again (same time) and talk for suggestions about the map, it´s gonna be the big beehive.if chewy agrees we can do it in his level, same as the old try.
bliske, pyro and me were trying to get idea's for the mars map, but we decided to stop with the outta space theme, cause its way overused by loads of crews and solo'ers.
chewy, pm every crew member the link so we can work on it as a team and dont have to wait for 1 person that knows the link, and code.
peber, i've never seen/heard from you so would you like to contact us?
agreed, the prob is that chewy needs to be online to save :/
and I am on vacation, so i won't be able to help build the map until next monday. But we are doing the beehive. END OF THEME DISCUSSION lol.
So don't like FINISh the map until i'm active again, :s....
they wont be able to finish with both you AND me inactive...
They better not.. So guys.. you can work.. but don't like doo TOO much.. ok?
can i join? i sent a application in on your web ive got only one independently made level, and thats Water so...
lol pst the link here....
pryo lemme check his map (: im not a good minigamer tho ;p
Last edited by wezza (Jan 10 2011 1:01:56 pm)
kk wezza check your pm's
Ok and btw. i put wezza in charge while i'm gone from EE.. i gave him some orders, so make sure to listen to him... or else >_> lol
so im in? my levels
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