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#1 2017-07-22 23:45:23

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Mafia 12

General Rules
1. All forum rules apply, however multi-posting rules are more lenient. So long as your posts are relevant to the game it shouldn't be an issue.
2. Do not post in this thread unless you are alive in the game. All posts made by dead players and people not in the game will be deleted.
3. You may not edit or delete your posts. This function will be disabled in this game.
4. If you stay inactive too long or not contributing to discussion , you will be prodded for inactivity and replaced if you don't respond to the prod within 24 hours.
5. Do not quote, copy paste, or screenshot any message sent by the game moderator for any reason. Paraphrasing is allowed, such as saying what your role is or does, but don't copy paste an entire role pm word for word.
6. Do not gamethrow. Gamethrowing is defined as actively working against your role/faction's win condition, and is dealt with on a case by case basis.
7. As soon as a majority is reached, it counts as the day being over. The moderator may not be there to lock the thread immediately so do not post after majority is reached.
8. You may not talk about the game with living players through any means other than the game thread and Mafia night chat. No exceptions.
9. Remember that this is just a game. If I see any form of harassment that may warrant a replacement or modkill.
10. If any player breaks any of these rules please private message me on the forums and I will deal with it. Do not use the forums report feature to report someone breaking one of the game rules unless they are also breaking a forum rule.
11. The moderator's word is final. If I say not to do something it means don't do it. If you have an issue then it's best to save until the end of the game as to not interfere with the game.



#2 2017-07-23 11:39:39

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Processor wrote:

wat. my vote is as legit as my love for Zoey

I consider your love scummy

But I will go with !vote JaWapa for the moment.


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#3 2017-07-23 13:51:58

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Gosha wrote:

Hi, i am 100% not mafia

said the russian.

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#4 2017-07-23 14:47:44

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

MrJaWapa wrote:

"This online tool allows you quickly pick a random name (winner) from a list of names."

I'd like to know what I won

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#5 2017-07-23 14:51:26

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Processor wrote:
Zumza wrote:

I'd like to know what I won


Cool, I'd like to donate my prize

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Wooted by: (2)

#6 2017-07-23 15:01:48

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Processor wrote:
Zumza wrote:
Processor wrote:
Zumza wrote:

I'd like to know what I won


Cool, I'd like to donate my prize

Donate it to Gosha please.

A donation should be given to someone who needs it. If I can't find that person, I'm afraid I'll have to return it back to Mr. JaWapa.
But neither I can refuse you so !vote Gosha.

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#7 2017-07-23 16:14:21

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Devlin wrote:

Also Zumza is your vote on Jawapa a joke or serious?

Yes. Mr. JaWapa never was a fan of day one lynching, in this game the odd number strategy was also invoked, therefor I was curious if he would toughen this idea into our minds as usual. It seems however that my "aggressive" vote backfired through a rng.

Different55 wrote:

I'm sticking with zumza as allegedly chosen fairly by RNGesus.

This subjective fairness isn't at all pleasant for me. I really don't like jumping towards others so fast. On the same page, thats why I'll also !unvote Gosha to restore the L-3 vote count on him.

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#8 2017-07-23 17:01:29

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Different55 wrote:
Zumza wrote:
Different55 wrote:

I'm sticking with zumza as allegedly chosen fairly by RNGesus.

This subjective fairness isn't at all pleasant for me. I really don't like jumping towards others so fast. On the same page, thats why I'll also !unvote Gosha to restore the L-3 vote count on him.

literally all I got rn. Do you want me to keep rolling dice until it comes up with someone who's okay with dying?

Ask your dices.

Gosha wrote:

It will be so funny when you kill me and i'll turn out to be a town ?

Its also funny that you don't want to persuade us to think otherwise than lynching you.

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#9 2017-07-23 17:03:05

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

I got ninja'd by Devlin GG

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#10 2017-07-23 17:16:40

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Zumza wrote:

I really don't like jumping towards others so fast.

1 hour later:

hummerz5 wrote:

Zumza! Jumping toward others so fast

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#11 2017-07-23 17:42:43

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Different55 wrote:
Processor wrote:
hummerz5 wrote:

!vote zumza

I'm not a fan of you preferring a useless lynch over a decent one. I do not see how lynching Zumza is any better that Gosha.

Don't like people pushing random people for dumb reasons. Would prefer no reason over dumb reasons tbh.

Different55 wrote:

Just picking the biggest bandwagon would make it easy for the mafia to push a townlynch on d1 for a free kill

I struggle to understand your reasons. You would prefer a no reason to a dumb reason while on the same note you're saying that we shouldn't follow the biggest bandwagons made by mafia which aim a free kill. So what is the difference for the mafia in the end between this two?

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#12 2017-07-23 17:46:27

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12


Are you directly implying that Proc push on Gosha is scum motivated?
Are you implying that JaWapa is somehow a confirmed townie and he is the one who made the true dice roll?

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#13 2017-07-25 05:50:16

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

What you're doing now its kind of hypocritical, you push hard into a Processor bandwagon, same as he did towards Gosha.
And as @SmittyW said, we are equally responsible for that lynch. You should had spoken up before a town member getting murdered innocently.
Everything you're doing now its based on an unfounded conclusion that Processor has to be mafia because he strongly suggested to lynch a townie.
Could you think a bit further and tell me what would you do in an event of Processor turning up as town. Should we then lynch you tomorrow for the same reasons?

Thus, meanwhile:
!vote n1kf

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#14 2017-07-25 05:54:05

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

And as a side note, I did explain my vote on Mr. JaWapa.

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#15 2017-07-25 07:07:01

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

hummerz5 wrote:

Zumza are you talking to n1kf or me or everyone?

It was meant for N1KF mostly.

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#16 2017-07-25 09:39:07

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

To be honest I did sense a weird vibe from hummerz5 in this mafia game. But if you want us to lynch him today I'll say pass.

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#17 2017-07-25 10:16:21

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Processor wrote:
Zumza wrote:

To be honest I did sense a weird vibe from hummerz5 in this mafia game. But if you want us to lynch him today I'll say pass.

Is pass a yes or no?

I don't know to be honest, he does seem pretty town otherwise. I guess I'll just keep an eye on him for now.

A "pass" as in a "no". but I'm not bound to this decision
And while I do believe you are town(quite strongly in fact), I may not entirely neglect what had been done, and said, against you.
In this game, hummerz5 invoked a lot of weird roles/combinations like jester, duos... to excuse himself perhaps for some actions. While he is always a cautious person, I do have this feeling that something's not quite right this time. Perhaps he knows a bigger picture of the puzzle we don't? I doubt.
Can cautiousness be taken as scum indicative? For from my point of view hummerz isn't a PR. (N1KF did suggest he might however, and I must say the descriptions he made for each of us are well made)

Speaking of, whats your opinion on N1KF?

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#18 2017-07-25 10:32:30

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Kira wrote:
Processor wrote:

I'm not a fan of you preferring a useless lynch over a decent one. I do not see how lynching Zumza is any better that Gosha.

Processor wrote:

I want you to vote Gosha.

Processor wrote:

Are you really going to ignore all the scum signs and just not lynch Gosha because you think I might benefit from it in some weird way? Like, I mean, look, has it even occurred to you that I might just be aligned with town?
Diff is protecting Gosha in some weird way and I want him lynched in case Gosha turns out to be scum.

This right here is what I call manipulation and does justify my vote to lynch Processor.

Please so far you had only jumped in bandwagons. You didn't seemed to have made any own opinions so far.

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#19 2017-07-25 13:59:57

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Devlin wrote:

Kira: Unsure.

I would agree with a Kira lynch.

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#20 2017-07-25 14:53:36

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

All your posts seem to be dust in the eyes.
Obvious moves, leaking character...

Pointed you out and I'm instantly suspicious.

Kira wrote:

I live in the shadows, you might not see me, hear me or even notice me, but I am always watching over my citizens...

Kira wrote:
N1KF wrote:

As a sidenote, I don't like how Kira is being so ominous and quiet. As cool as the gritty Batman-esque in-the-shadows type of persona is, it ain't helpin' us much.

Sometimes the best way is to stay quiet, It's day 1, I chose now to reveal too much right off the bat. Get to know who you're dealing with then strike.

You're suggesting you're some kind of PR. I wouldn't think you would just throw out your role so easily, it wouldn't be wise.

Kira wrote:

This right here is what I call manipulation and does justify my vote to lynch Processor.

You also talk about manipulation but you never really had any opinions of your own or at least never told us anything. Today you've also appended to the first bandwagon.

RhazzleFrazzle wrote:

!vote Zumza

What even are your posts? They look so forced and unnatural.

I'm just trying to add more dynamics into the conversation. Trying to say everything I could now in case I might not be able to later.

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#21 2017-07-25 17:44:40

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

!vote Kira

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#22 2017-07-26 14:41:21

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

I'm a living meme?
You felt my heart with joy!
Thank you!
No sarcasm or joke, really. LIVING MEME FTW. I can really die happy now.

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#23 2017-07-27 06:05:17

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Common hummerz, are you not paying attention? This doesn't seem like you... We do have evidence that a player role may change during the game. It had been said that our role cards are not definitive, and we also know that some players can legacy their role to others.
Can this be a mafia slip? Something that mafia didn't bother to read, to make the connection needed for this conclusion?

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#24 2017-07-27 06:08:28

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

@Onjit how much time til day end?

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#25 2017-07-29 06:17:49

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,656

Re: Mafia 12

Kira clearly game gamethrowed. Why would he vote for himself? Why he would avoid Devlin questions? He lynched himself! There were still chances for somebody to pull out their vote or decide a no-lynch.
I also want MrJaWapa prodded for inactivity his last post was ~96 hours ago!

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