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#1 2017-07-22 23:45:23

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Mafia 12

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1. All forum rules apply, however multi-posting rules are more lenient. So long as your posts are relevant to the game it shouldn't be an issue.
2. Do not post in this thread unless you are alive in the game. All posts made by dead players and people not in the game will be deleted.
3. You may not edit or delete your posts. This function will be disabled in this game.
4. If you stay inactive too long or not contributing to discussion , you will be prodded for inactivity and replaced if you don't respond to the prod within 24 hours.
5. Do not quote, copy paste, or screenshot any message sent by the game moderator for any reason. Paraphrasing is allowed, such as saying what your role is or does, but don't copy paste an entire role pm word for word.
6. Do not gamethrow. Gamethrowing is defined as actively working against your role/faction's win condition, and is dealt with on a case by case basis.
7. As soon as a majority is reached, it counts as the day being over. The moderator may not be there to lock the thread immediately so do not post after majority is reached.
8. You may not talk about the game with living players through any means other than the game thread and Mafia night chat. No exceptions.
9. Remember that this is just a game. If I see any form of harassment that may warrant a replacement or modkill.
10. If any player breaks any of these rules please private message me on the forums and I will deal with it. Do not use the forums report feature to report someone breaking one of the game rules unless they are also breaking a forum rule.
11. The moderator's word is final. If I say not to do something it means don't do it. If you have an issue then it's best to save until the end of the game as to not interfere with the game.



#2 2017-07-23 11:42:47

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Oh god 3 pages already? I don't think I am going to be able to keep up as much this game.

Anyway, based on everyone who has commented so far these are my reads:

Proc: Town
Bimps: Slightly cautious but leaning towards town.
Maxi: Can't really tell.
N1KF: Slightly leaning scum
Hummerz: Town
Smitty: Slightly leaning scum
Diff: Can't really tell but leaning towards town.
Gosha: Can't really tell but leaning towards scum.
Rhaz: Can't really tell.
Kira: Can't really tell.

Zumza: Yet to comment.
Jawapa: Yet to comment.

Devlin: Leaning towards Satan.
Onjit: Leaning towards God.

If anyone want's me to justify any of those then feel free to ask but tbh most of it is purely from vibes or examining subconsciousness through text. Neither of which are very reliable.

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#3 2017-07-23 11:45:04

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Since Zumza commented whilst I was typing that comment is obviously inaccurate.


Zumza: Slightly cautious but leaning towards town.

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#4 2017-07-23 15:38:15

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Processor what makes you think I am so Town? It's kinda scary tbh that I've barely said a thing and your like "YEAH HE IS TOWN" same with smitty. Eek.

Well anyway, I don't think Gosha is scum as such. I think they are just kinda bad. But since I already had a small scum tell on him already, and since you seem to trust me I guess I can trust you. I do see where you and N1KF are coming from with Gosha acting scum like. They do seem unable to defend themselves in the slightest and their previous vote on Jawapa with the sudden jump to Maxi does seem a little off for me.

!vote Gosha

Also Zumza is your vote on Jawapa a joke or serious?

Since Jawapa has commented now this is my read:

Jawapa: Can't really tell but leaning towards town.

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#5 2017-07-23 15:53:32

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

SmittyW wrote:

take your next bus stop to satans house

Erm no... I don't want them anywhere near my bae's house.

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#6 2017-07-23 17:01:24

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Gosha wrote:

It will be so funny when you kill me and i'll turn out to be a town ?

This right here is why you are getting lynched. This is a scum action. You realise if you are town and then town wins the game in the future you still win despite being dead right? You are not helping the town right now which is a scum action and scum get lynched. If anything you are encouraging us to lynch you, which is all the more reason to lynch you.

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#7 2017-07-23 17:32:20

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 12

SmittyW wrote:
Gosha wrote:

I guess staying silence for a while is better than saying useless stuff

Yeah. Kira is the only one who hasn't spoken and he's getting off scot-free.

Kira wrote:

!lynch N1KF ur fat

I'm not defending Kira's lack of contribution but just saying: they have spoken. (That's their only post though).

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#8 2017-07-23 17:39:45

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Kira wrote:

I live in the shadows, you might not see me, hear me or even notice me, but I am always watching over my citizens...

Your citizens? What makes you think you own us? A power role?

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#9 2017-07-25 00:57:07

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

I have a strange feeling day 2 isn't going to go so well...

Lynching Gosha was a mistake, obviously. And for the record I only voted Gosha because his noob like actions did have a slight smell of scum and there were no over real candidates. The vote was rushed and since Gosha wasn't contributing very much I don't consider him as much of a lose.

On the other hand Maxi will be greatly missed. Since this is a closed game we have no idea how many power roles there are and the fact the Mafia got lucky in picking one off puts the town at a major disadvantage. Maxi's role was to find out what players have a power role which basically confirms there are a few other  players with a power roll otherwise Maxi would pretty much have been useless. Let's just hope he used that legacy ability.

N1KF I'm both honoured and concerned you consider me so town.

This post was going to be much longer but it's 1 in the morning for me and typing on a phone is just tedious. Tomorrow I will begin the day with a full analysis on proc and what I have to say might save him from being lynched but honestly he is the most scum player right now and I wouldn't mind voting for him. Well goodnight and I will post again in 7 to 10 hours time. //

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#10 2017-07-25 11:30:03

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Okay here is my detailed analysis on processor and why I don't really think we should lynch him.

It is without doubt that processor has been acting rather strange. First of all he seems so certain that smitty is town, seemingly with little justification.

Processor wrote:
Devlin wrote:

Smitty: Slightly leaning scum

I swear to godOnjit, Smitty is town.

Later on, processor also seemed to have a similar attitude towards me as he did to smitty despite me not saying anything during this time. He even used similar wording to justify my innocence without explanation.

Processor wrote:

Devlin is Town, I swear to Onjit!

I don't really get what would have changed processor's mind about how strongly I was town as I had not had the chance to say anything during this time. Originally I had me down as the same level of town as everyone else but updated me to the same level of town as smitty for seemingly no reason.

Next we have processor's repeated pushes on Gosha with seemingly little evidence. I do consider there a small amount of scum for us to go on for Gosha but there were probably better candidates. Processor however seemed to think there was no chance of anyone else being scum aside from Gosha, at least that's how he phrased what he said. Personally I think processor knew that Gosha was probably town but I don't think that mattered to him. Sometimes it felt as though processor was trying to convince Gosha that he was Mafia...

Processor wrote:
Gosha wrote:

Why me lol

Ask Onjit why he made you mafia.

Gosha wrote:

I said only 2 things and you already think I am a scum

Yes, you're using sarcasm to defend yourself. Typical newbie scum behavior in my experience.

Gosha wrote:

I am gosha,  I won't lie,  I am town!!

Now listen to me, you will repeat after me: "I am gosha and I am scum."

Finally another thing I found strange, though it may not be as big of a deal to the rest of you, is how processor was kinda appealing to me.

Processor wrote:

Also @Devlin, Bimps and N1KF both look pretty town to me so far.

Also lynch Gosha please.

I have no idea why you would aim that specifically towards me? Is it because you feel I am 100% town? Surely you should be trying to convince everyone of your view and not just me.

I do not think processor is town* but I do not think he is Mafia either. Instead, I think he has a neutral / 3rd party role. This is what he seems to have been hinting at. Maxi was even suspicious that this might be the case and I think the words of the dead are the words we should listen to the most.

I think there are 2 possibilities as to what processor's role could be. First of all there is of course the jester. If this is the case then lynching him would be a very bad idea as it would play into the Mafia's hands. Secondly, his role could have been one that has to execute a specific player, eg. Gosha. If this is the case then it means that processor has already won the game for himself and now acts as a normal townie. I think this second option is correct considering processor said this:

Processor wrote:

Also totally not roleclaiming or anything. Also I could be powerless from now on, treat me like a well respected citizen.

"totally not roleclaiming" sounds sarcastic to me which hints to me he does indeed have a special role. I believe he said this in preparation that Gosha would be lynched which, if it was to have Gosha killed, his role would no longer have an effect and he would become a well respected citizen.

So basically I think that processor is / was a neutral role. As a result lynching him would be a waste. This being said I would be willing to lynch him if we are running out of time to reach a decision. This view may change however if processor does not answer my following questions adequately.

For processor:

Why did you appeal specifically to me when you said bimps and N1KF were town?
Why do you think smitty is so town this early in the game?
Why did you want us to lynch Gosha in particular?

Additionally, if your role was to have Gosha killed then why not just tell us that? It will confirm my suspicions and will clear your name is it would mean you are technically now a confirmed townie.
Also if you are a jester I would appreciate it if you told us that also. If you are then hopefully the rest of the town will agree with me in offering you the chance to win along side us. By this I mean if we become 100% confident of who the Mafia players are, then we will lynch you before we lynch the final Mafia player so that you can win the game also. (This applies to anyone who is a jester).

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#11 2017-07-25 11:35:53

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

N1KF wrote:

Okay seriously Processor you've given us enough hints by now. Maxi consistently criticized you throughout Day 1, and he ended up dead the very next night.

This is a good point but I'm going to use it to state another reason why processor is probably innocent rather than scum.

I don't think Maxi was randomly killed. I think the Mafia saw that Maxi was on the offensive towards processor and decided to kill him to make processor look more suspicious. I have a strong feeling that regardless of processors role, lynching him will be a benefit to the mafia.

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#12 2017-07-25 13:31:30

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Here are my new reads:

Proc: Town
Bimps: Leaning town.
Maxi: RIP
N1KF: Leaning town.
Hummerz: Unsure.
Smitty: Town.
Diff: Unsure.
Gosha: RIP.
Rhaz: Unsure.
Kira: Unsure.
Zumza: Town.
Jawapa: Town.

Devlin: Leaning towards Satan.
Onjit: Leaning towards God.

So conclusion: I have absolutely no idea who could be scum. At this point no one seems dodgy to me. The only scum actions I can see now are a lack of contribution from some players but I don't consider silence to me a scum action. This day I am just likely to join whichever wagon I feel is most justified. So basically, whoever is the most persuasive today I will side with.

If you would like me to justify my reads then feel free to ask.

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#13 2017-07-25 18:13:18

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

I'd also support lynching Kira but since their only crime is not speaking enough I'm not going to vote for them yet. Their actions don't seem to be scum motivated so I don't really see it as a reason to vote for them but absence is not acceptable. We have plenty of time during the day to find a better candidate. It will be interesting to see Kira's response though.

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#14 2017-07-26 09:03:46

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From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

hummerz5 wrote:

If proc is simply a Jester, and we can conclude that, then I wonder if the combined knowledge of the mafia came to that conclusion as well. If that's the case, would they try to get us to lynch proc?

Personally I don't think he is a Jester I think he was some sort of executioner role. But that does make me wonder why he originally tried to vote bimps if his target was Gosha.

Speaking of bimps:

@bimps you seem to note a lot of things which mainly consist of mafia vibes. Despite your apparent noting you haven't really contributed anything useful yet. Your constant short posts, often consisting of only 1 sentence, aren't really enough of a contribution imo. So is there any chance you could give us a proper post that consists of your reads?

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#15 2017-07-26 16:32:22

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

There are 3 Mafia members and 3 people banned. Coincidence? I think not.

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#16 2017-07-27 00:15:56

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Processor I'm fairly certain Zumza is town. They have been defending your a lot and if you check all the posts they've wooted they mostly consist of posts defending your innocence. I just feel that if Zumza was scum then they would have been against you since you were / are the easiest lynch target.

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#17 2017-07-27 09:25:12

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Processor I feel like it is more likely there are 2 scum currently voting for you rather than 1.

I'd just like to make a statement here. Anyone that does not mention the overwhelming amount of evidence that processor is a neutral role in their vote message against him I would consider to be instantly suspicious. Kira you failed to mention anything about that possibility. N1KF and Jawapa, I don't recall you mentioning it either (I could just go back and read but eh) so I'd like both of you to comment to reinforce why you are voting processor. I don't think Hummerz is scum because they did mention several times that they do think processor may have a neutral role.

hummerz5 wrote:

I would like someone to explain to me (in the spirit of township) what the role-changing system most likely means. Could it be a cult? If we ignore this it'll probably screw us over yeah?

The fact that his role can change tells me that he is / was an executioner. This is based on the research I did on the possible roles before my first Mafia game. IIRC the executioner's (who is a neutral role) task is to have a specific person hung. If the person gets shot by the Mafia or dies in some other way the executioner changes to become a jester and must try to get themselves lynched. If however, they successfully hang their intended target they win the game. The game doesn't end when the executioner wins. This means that the rest of the game will technically be meaningless for the executioner as they have no abilities nor do they have an alignment. Since they have already won, the town winning doesn't matter to them. But nor does the Mafia winning. The rest of the game has no effect on the executioner from the moment they have their target lynched. This means that if processor is an executioner, he no longer has any abilities or motive. He can choose whether he wants to help us or not and I think he has chosen to help us.

For those of you who are wondering about what evidence there is that processor is at the very least a neutral role (that now has no power) this is all the quotes I could find:

Hidden text

The quote I have put in bold is what I believe to be the most compelling evidence that processor is / was an executioner as that is exactly how the role could function. He has the option to side with town which he appears to be doing.

So anyway, I'm going to be voting kira for now. My first and least important reason is that it would be easiest to get a wagon against him rather than anyone else as opposed to proc. Right now I think a lynch against anyone else is a better lynch than proc. Secondly, although a lot of other people are also quite quiet, you have not said much. The little you have said just feels like you are 'trying' to help whilst not actually doing so. Furthermore, everyone you have accused of being scum I pretty much trust. You have primarily accused the 3 people I consider to be confirmed townie (if you count proc's neutrality as townie). So basically your opinions are essentially the opposite of mine. And since I know I am townie, the opposite of that would be Mafia.

!vote kira

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#18 2017-07-27 09:56:02

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 12

Kira wrote:

I could say the same " And since I know I am townie, the opposite of that would be Mafia.", but that doesn't justify anything does it?

It would justify your vote on me. Vote for me if you want. On the other hand I do not consider it a good enough defence of yourself to simply say "I could give the same reason". Instead a better defence would be to clarify and justify why you think the people that I happen to trust are the mus scum like.

Also is it possible you could address the possibility that processor could be a neutral role?

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#19 2017-07-27 17:09:50

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 12

Kira could you stop avoiding my question, this is the 3rd time I have had to ask it now:

what are your thoughts on the possibility that processor could be a neutral role?

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#20 2017-07-27 19:30:38

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 12

We have just over 4 and a half hours to vote. To be honest though I would prefer a no lynch to a lynch of proc.

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#21 2017-07-27 21:39:28

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 12

Both proc and Kira are at L-2.

Smitty why you no vote yet?

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