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#26 2017-02-01 15:28:52, last edited by ZeldaXD (2017-02-01 15:49:15)

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

If Trump is going to ban muslims because of terrorist potential, why is Saudi-Arabia not included? They are the biggest propagaters of Wahhabism and international terrorism. Oh right... The Don has business there. This bill is a joke. The only purpose of it is to satisfy his "alternative fact" supporters.

The list of countries banned were the ones picked under the Obama administration as source of terrorism. The list of countries itself was not made by the President Donald J. Trump himself, but we can just hope he eventually bans all of them, as there are still at least 40 majority Muslim countries who are not banned.

iPwner wrote:
Evilbunny wrote:


Most importantly: terrorism is a completely blown up by the media. From 2002 - 2013, 376,923 people died from gun violence in America, compared to 390 deaths from terrorism ( … -violence/). *autistic screeching*

CNN wrote:

This data covered all manners of death, including homicide, accident and suicide.

CNN wrote:

and suicide.

What an amazing way to shoot up (no pun intended) the statistics, isn't it? Nevertheless to mention this would also include the ones caused by terrorism (this shouldn't boost it too much anyway, but it's worth mentioning)
We could go more in dept regarding guns, such as less than 2% of fatal accidents being caused by guns, or less than 2% of non-fatal accident hospitalizations. But it's not the main focus of this so let's not.



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#27 2017-02-01 22:17:08, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-01 22:42:53)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

ZeldaXD wrote:


Umm.. this doesn't impact my point at all? o.o We're just talking about deaths here caused by a certain force. The fact that guns are allowed in America have allowed for these deaths, regardless of how these deaths came about.  Also yes, I agree! Illegalizing guns would also help prevent terrorism, thanks for proving my point! The gay who killed 50 gays in the name of "god" just picked up a gun at the local store like a candy bar. And he was a US citizen... Banning 7 countries that literally no terrorists that committed crimes in the US came from is going to solve this? o-o

Also, Obama publicly condemned Trump's actions: how does this "blame the black guy" argument even work when it was Trump who banned these countries and Obama didn't advocate for it whatsoever? You're just regurgitating the same garbage that comes from conservative youtubers. o>O You people keep bickering about "sjws" but, really, where even are these people you continuously bicker about? I only see "asjws" (anti social justice warriors) flapping their lips about a problem that doesn't even exist, kind of like men in a mental asylum shrieking fervently into their shower nozzles, chortling, and preceding to guzzle on the nozzle's "liberal tears." o-O CRAZY! *slap* o:<

P.S. Autism is genetically or chemically contracted antisocial behavior. Read more here: … m-basics#1

The superconservatives who generalize all types of religions, are so vehemently opposed to social behaviors like "thug" culture, the way people type, etc. etc. all have trouble

WebMD wrote:

understanding how people think and feel

. Basically, a lack of empathy: their brains just go "that's different, so that's weird, so that's bad! IYE EEN-Teeeee-lligent."

These people are ACTUAL candidates for autism, which is ironic because many superconservatives are always throwing the word "autistic" around as an insult for people who protest any social injustice. Being over the top or using certain words or charcters isn't what constitutes as autism. -_O Lack of compassion for people who aren't a you-replica does.

Here's my final, more on topic note, not only to Americans but Europeans who seem to be completely brainwashed by the right-wing media: have you ever SEEN a muslim commit a terrorist attack? Have you ever even seen a muslim harm someone or commit crime or even cause a disturbance in any way whatsoever? Seriously, if it's getting so bad, why haven't you personally ever been impacted by it, why have you only seen it on the manipulated lens of a youtube/TV channel? If 25%, maybe even 2% of Muslims were all horrible crime committers this would make sense. But the fact is that all humans have the same capacity for evil regardless of their race, gender, religion, blablablabla. Why do I even need to mention this basic knowledge? How stupidly unempathetic are we becoming as a society? It truly is concerning.


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


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#28 2017-02-01 22:43:35

Joined: 2015-02-08
Posts: 5,067

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

ZeldaXD wrote:
NorwegianboyEE wrote:

If Trump is going to ban muslims because of terrorist potential, why is Saudi-Arabia not included? They are the biggest propagaters of Wahhabism and international terrorism. Oh right... The Don has business there. This bill is a joke. The only purpose of it is to satisfy his "alternative fact" supporters.

The list of countries banned were the ones picked under the Obama administration as source of terrorism. The list of countries itself was not made by the President Donald J. Trump himself, but we can just hope he eventually bans all of them, as there are still at least 40 majority Muslim countries who are not banned.

iPwner wrote:
Evilbunny wrote:


Most importantly: terrorism is a completely blown up by the media. From 2002 - 2013, 376,923 people died from gun violence in America, compared to 390 deaths from terrorism ( … -violence/). *autistic screeching*

CNN wrote:

This data covered all manners of death, including homicide, accident and suicide.

CNN wrote:

and suicide.

What an amazing way to shoot up (no pun intended) the statistics, isn't it? Nevertheless to mention this would also include the ones caused by terrorism (this shouldn't boost it too much anyway, but it's worth mentioning)
We could go more in dept regarding guns, such as less than 2% of fatal accidents being caused by guns, or less than 2% of non-fatal accident hospitalizations. But it's not the main focus of this so let's not.

ah, i was wondering when you would show. debate ipwner please


#29 2017-02-01 23:02:21, last edited by ZeldaXD (2017-02-01 23:07:03)

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:


Umm.. this doesn't impact my point at all?

Except it does. You were trying to play it off as if guns caused more deaths and thus were to be banned, even if they could use a knife or other methods for suicide (if they were to be illegalized)

iPwner wrote:

Also yes, I agree! Illegalizing guns would also help prevent terrorism, thanks for proving my point! The gay who killed 50 gays in the name of "god" just picked up a gun at the local store like a candy bar.

Even if guns were illegal, that shooting would have still happened, as the weapons used for attacks and most, if not all, mass shootings, were obtained illegally. How many mass shootings have been performed by NRA members?

iPwner wrote:

And he was a US citizen...

Born to Afghani immigrant parents. "Una manzana que crece en un naranjo sigue siendo una manzana." or "An apple which grows in an orange tree is still an apple."

iPwner wrote:

Banning 7 countries that literally no terrorists that committed crimes in the US came from is going to solve this? o-o

Simply false. For example, the 2016 Ohio State University attack was performed by a Somali refugee (Abdul Razak Ali Artan) and you must also consider the (very likely) possibility of migrants from these countries being ISIL operatives within the US recruiting people. But I agree, they should ban all of these countries.

iPwner wrote:

Also, Obama publicly condemned Trump's actions: how does this "blame the black guy" argument even work when it was Trump who banned these countries and Obama didn't advocate for it whatsoever? You're just *more autistic screeching*

His administration compiled the list. He temporally banned Iraqi migrants for 6(?) months in 2011.



#30 2017-02-01 23:11:40, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-01 23:54:54)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

ZeldaXD wrote:

its the KNIVES  If we look at the increasing trend, it's safe to say that today roughly 70% of murders are from guns and 30% from other forms. Knives account for roughly 10% of murders, as a generous number. If we had a mandatory confiscation and illegalization of all guns, violent death would be reduced by up to 70%, more realistically like 40-50%. Look me in the eyes with a straight face an tell banning guns isn't going to reduce more violent deaths than banning muslim countries, given my statistics. 370,000 vs. 390, Zelda. o-o


ZeldaXD wrote:

weapons used for attacks and most, if not all, mass shootings, were obtained illegally. … -full-data Scroll right to "weapons obtained legally." 82% of weapons in mass shootings in America were obtained legally. Argument nullified.


ZeldaXD wrote:

but a somali dude injured 9 people at a university!

Okay, you're actually right on that one. Good job. :-3 But Dylann Roof, a blonde, poofy-hair white guy, killed 9 people at a church. So does that mean we ban all blonde, poofy-hair white guys from entering the country?


ZeldaXD wrote:

"*autistic screeching*"

iPwner wrote:

Autism is genetically or chemically contracted antisocial behavior. Read more here: … m-basics#1

The superconservatives who generalize all types of religions, are so vehemently opposed to social behaviors like "thug" culture, the way people type, etc. etc. all have trouble

WebMD wrote:

understanding how people think and feel

. Basically, a lack of empathy.
Their brains just go "that's different, so that's weird, so that's bad! IYE EEN-Teeeee-lligent."

These people are ACTUAL candidates for autism, which is ironic because many superconservatives are always throwing the word "autistic" around as an insult for people who protest any social injustice. Being over the top or using certain words or characters isn't what constitutes as autism. -_O Lack of compassion for people who aren't a you-replica does.


ZeldaXD wrote:

bla bla bla muslims are naranjado bla bla bla randomly speaking spanish

iPwner wrote:

Here's my final, more on topic note, not only to Americans but Europeans who seem to be completely brainwashed by the right-wing media: have you ever SEEN a muslim commit a terrorist attack? Have you ever even seen a muslim harm someone or commit crime or even cause a disturbance in any way whatsoever? Seriously, if it's getting so bad, why haven't you personally ever been impacted by it, why have you only seen it on the manipulated lens of a youtube/TV channel? If 25%, maybe even 2% of Muslims were all horrible crime committers this would make sense. But the fact is that all humans have the same capacity for evil regardless of their race, gender, religion, blablablabla. Why do I even need to mention this basic knowledge? How stupidly unempathetic are we becoming as a society? It truly is concerning.


Zelda, have you ever met a Muslim? In real life? I admit I probably joked about Muslims in private, but I hold no true, heartfelt prejudice about them and wouldn't mistrust someone solely based on their religion. In all likelihood actually, you're probably friends with a Muslim that just doesn't shout about it in public. The majority of them look and act much more similar to us than you might think. All they do is worship some fake god, and honestly, is there really any harm in that? o.o

Also, to your comment about how apples and oranges can't be grown together...



EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


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#31 2017-02-01 23:18:49, last edited by Norwee (2017-02-01 23:20:01)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

zeldaxd wrote:

You were trying to play it off as if guns caused more deaths and thus were to be banned, even if they could use a knife or other methods for suicide (if they were to be illegalized)

Make it necessary to have a mental evaluation to own guns and ban the assault rifles, it's that simple. Cultural values are difficult to change, i'm guessing that's why most Americans are unable to comprehend this basic logic. So if they can't have guns they will use knifes you say? Ok... so how many gays/pro-abort protesters/infidels/cinema watchers/schoolchildren do you think you could kill if you had a rusty knife vs a fully loaded assault rifle with 30 rounds, spare magasines, backup pistol, etc etc?

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#32 2017-02-02 00:05:26, last edited by ZeldaXD (2017-02-02 00:10:31)

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Ok... so how many gays/pro-abort protesters/infidels/cinema watchers/schoolchildren do you think you could kill if you had a rusty knife vs a fully loaded assault rifle with 30 rounds, spare magasines, backup pistol, etc etc?

A teenager in my country almost killed 9 of his classmates with a knife he pulled off in class, and few years ago one killed his teacher and almost killed 5 classmates with an amateur-made crossbow so I'd say too many. But I was talking about SUICIDES, not mass shootings.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Make it necessary to have a mental evaluation to own guns, it's that simple.

A handful of states already require this along with background checks. But I agree it should be enforced (although as it currently is, that is up to the states, as the United States is not a country per se but rather an union of "countries") and have more strict checks.

iPwner wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

weapons used for attacks and most, if not all, mass shootings, were obtained illegally. DOY! … -full-data Scroll right to "weapons obtained legally." 82% of weapons in mass shootings were obtained legally. Argument nullified.

Many of these "legal" acquisitions are quite dubious, considering the source of its acquisition is in many cases unknown or very shadily obtained, which isn't exactly what you could consider to be "legal". Puts this percentage in quite a doubt, and then the "most" keyword comes into play (also read the response to Norwegianboy). Again, how many mass shootings have been performed by NRA members?

iPwner wrote:

Here's my final, more on topic note, not only to Americans but Europeans who seem to be completely brainwashed by the right-wing media: have you ever SEEN a muslim commit a terrorist attack?

So now you can only criticize Islamic terrorism if you've seen it live? And this seems logical to you?

iPwner wrote:

Have you ever even seen a muslim harm someone or commit crime or even cause a disturbance in any way whatsoever?


iPwner wrote:

Seriously, if it's getting so bad, why haven't you personally ever been impacted by it, why have you only seen it on the manipulated lens of a youtube/TV channel? If 25%, maybe even 2% of Muslims were all horrible crime committers this would make sense.

So you don't care when they kill your people? You don't care because you've not been personally impacted by it? Why are you so selfish and why do you dare to talk about empathy, and to assume things? Way more than "2%" of the Muslims we're importing are crime committers. We certainly aren't importing the best.

iPwner wrote:

But the fact is that all humans have the same capacity for evil regardless of their race, gender, religion, blablablabla. Why do I even need to mention this basic knowledge? How stupidly unempathetic are we becoming as a society? It truly is concerning.

Certain humans are more prone to evil than others, especially if motivated by an ideology as cancerous as Islam.

iPwner wrote:

Zelda, have you ever met a Muslim? In real life? I admit I probably joked about Muslims in private, but I hold no true, heartfelt prejudice about them and wouldn't mistrust someone solely based on their religion. In all likelihood actually, you're probably friends with a Muslim that just doesn't shout about it in public. The majority of them look and act much more similar to us than you might think. All they do is worship some fake god, and honestly, is there really any harm in that? o.o

If you're trying to pull the "you've never met a Muslim" card it's not going to work. In fact, it's only going to make it worse for your case, as I've met and know Muslims. Have YOU met a Muslim?

And the other quote block is more autistic screeching about muh evil hyperconservatives.

Hidden text



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#33 2017-02-02 00:51:48, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-02 01:01:19)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

Okay, so seeing that you didn't reply to most of my cold hard analytics, I'm assuming you concede? :3

Saying "in my country" doesn't make it a personal: they've never personally impacted your life in any way. The point of this argument is that they are so rare and you blow it completely out of proportion even though it's never impacted you in any way whatsoever. Or anyone you know. Or anyone in your city.

Also, in the event that your "statistics" are backed up by unbiased data collection sources, a 2009 to 2015 increase of ~500 attacks is still completely negligible. o_o These events could just be someone pulling a knife out in public. In a population of 743 MILLION people, how is this noteworthy in any way whatsoever? -_- Yes, Muslim people committing crimes did rise, but it's so minute that it's completely negligible

I'll just restate the statistic I got from the CDC (an official government source): 370,000 deaths from gun violence compared to 390 from terrorism, 2002-2012.

Please stop generalizing an entire group of people based on meager evidence. Just because one poofy haired white dude kills 390 people over the span of 10 years doesn't mean all poofy haired white people should be banned. o.o This applies to Muslims as well. And also the situation in Europe. How is this hard to process?


Also, just to prove your point about "more than 2% of Muslims are violent" wrong with your own statistics: 56.19 million Muslims live in Europe. If we're generous and subtract Russia's 27.27 million, that's 28.92 million. 700 Muslim attacks a la your statistics. 700 divided by 28,920,000 is a 0.0000242047% rate.

Pwned. //


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#34 2017-02-02 02:04:45

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

I just made a pretty cool statistic using Zelda's terrorism chart (so this is already a pretty right-leaning statistic) and the Muslim population of Europe on how many Muslims have been connected to violent attacks. *Note: I couldn't make 41,314 squares because Google Docs lagged too much, but I got to 20,000 by creating 20x20 chart, copy and pasting it 10 times, and then copy and pasting that 5 times. (20x20x10x5=20,000).

Click here --> … sp=sharing <--

Anyways, I'm gonna leave now because 3 hours just went down the drain writing these posts. ;3


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#35 2017-02-02 02:11:31

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:

If we had a mandatory confiscation and illegalization of all guns, violent death would be reduced by up to 70%, more realistically like 40-50%.

I'm not sure if that's realistic though. Ban and confiscate all you want, they'll still be obtained. Heroin is illegal and is confiscated, yet there's a lot of it here.
Let's say that some how guns were unobtainable. If someone wanted to kill, they would resort to other methods.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Make it necessary to have a mental evaluation to own guns and ban the assault rifles, it's that simple.

Everyone seems to think they have the perfect plan to prevent these issues.

I won't say this is a horrible idea. I sort of agree.

But it wouldn't go over well. There would definitely be cries of discrimination, and people arguing over rights being taken away.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

vs a fully loaded assault rifle with 30 rounds, spare magasines, backup pistol, etc etc?

How many mass shootings have people dressed like their touring the Somali dessert for ISIS? Holy ****.

ZeldaXD wrote:

In fact, it's only going to make it worse for your case, as I've met and know Muslims.

Isn't Spanish culture heavily influenced by Muslim culture?

iPwner wrote:

Saying "in my country" doesn't make it a personal: they've never personally impacted your life in any way. The point of this argument is that they are so rare and you blow it completely out of proportion even though it's never impacted you in any way whatsoever. Or anyone you know. Or anyone in your city.

I'm going to jump in here.

I've never seen it in person. But, the attack at Ohio State was only about an hour from here.

Discord: jawp#5123


#36 2017-02-02 03:03:56, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-02 03:13:08)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

Well, if guns are banned it's gonna be better than how it is now at the very least. But I see where you're coming from, criminals will find a way. However the decrease will still be drastic.
That's 182 unintentional shooting deaths right off the bat, in the 1st month of 2017. That's already almost half how many terrorist related deaths occurred from 2002-2012. At this rate by the end of the year that number's going to be 2000+, more than half of 9/11. I really see where you're coming from, but the evidence doesn't support it.

Also thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy in that "his people" were heavily influenced by Muslim culture yet he still segregates against them immensely. :3 Although, I can see where this attitude comes from, considering the half a millennia of Spanish conquest of other perfectly swoovilent cultures.

Ok, going for reals this time.


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#37 2017-02-02 03:25:08

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

It's kind of odd that Donald Trump's temporary ban on Muslims is getting by the conservatives' radar even though it seems like a violation of the First Amendment and freedom of religion.


#38 2017-02-02 04:06:26

From: somewhere probably.
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,015

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

N1KF wrote:

It's kind of odd that Donald Trump's temporary ban on Muslims is getting by the conservatives' radar even though it seems like a violation of the First Amendment and freedom of religion.

its not a Muslims ban. its a country ban.

color = #1E1E1E       



#39 2017-02-02 04:22:59

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

shadowda wrote:
N1KF wrote:

It's kind of odd that Donald Trump's temporary ban on Muslims is getting by the conservatives' radar even though it seems like a violation of the First Amendment and freedom of religion.

its not a Muslims ban. its a country ban.

You're right. If my quick search is correct, however, he seems to have mentioned that he plans to limit Muslim immigration in some way. While it's not the one brought up in the first post, Muslim immigration is being talked about here already so I thought I would say my thoughts on it.


#40 2017-02-02 14:07:52

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

This might be biased as a Brazilian, but if guns are banned wouldn't criminals just obtain them ilegally?


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#41 2017-02-02 16:33:29, last edited by ZeldaXD (2017-02-02 16:37:20)

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:

Okay, so seeing that you didn't reply to most of my cold hard analytics, I'm assuming you concede? :3

I didn't reply to your autistic screeching, which doesn't deserve any answer at all. Unless you're talking about the gun percentage, I already replied to it and invite you to review it yourself.

iPwner wrote:

Saying "in my country" doesn't make it a personal: they've never personally impacted your life in any way. The point of this argument is that they are so rare and you blow it completely out of proportion even though it's never impacted you in any way whatsoever. Or anyone you know. Or anyone in your city.

Only in the Nice attack in France, 86 people died and 434 people were injured. Just because it has not impacted me directly (yet) it doesn't mean I shouldn't support measures to prevent it from happening again. I remind you in 2015 alone we had 687 jihadist-related terrorist attacks, and the trend is going up, considering the amount of attacks which went on in 2016 in France, Belgium and Germany, and which should be prevented, no matter how "rare" you say they are as they're becoming more common. "Or anyone in your city. " It has indeed affected people from my city and my country. it should also be noted the only reason we don't have any terrorist attacks anymore is because of our highly efficient police, considering they captured 83 jihadists in 2016.

iPwner wrote:

Also, in the event that your "statistics" are backed up by unbiased data collection sources, a 2009 to 2015 increase of ~500 attacks is still completely negligible. o_o These events could just be someone pulling a knife out in public. In a population of 743 MILLION people, how is this noteworthy in any way whatsoever? -_- Yes, Muslim people committing crimes did rise, but it's so minute that it's completely negligible.

734 millions? Are you pulling numbers off air? These statistics (for terrorism) are only in European Union member states, and in 2010 the amount of Muslims in the European Union was about 19 million. Rape increased a 500% in Sweden since the migrant crisis started. This is not what you could call a "negligible" number of crimes. No crimes are negligible. And oh, this is merely Germany (2017). And yes, per capita, they do commit more crimes than the native population. Who could have thought.

iPwner wrote:

I'll just restate the statistic I got from the CDC (an official government source): 370,000 deaths from gun violence compared to 390 from terrorism, 2002-2012.

These "gun deaths" include suicides, which boost the statistics way too much and thus are not comparable to planned murder (terrorism) oh, and you should include 2013-2016, considering San Bernardino, Orlando and so on.

iPwner wrote:

Please stop generalizing an entire group of people based on meager evidence. Just because one poofy haired white dude kills 390 people over the span of 10 years doesn't mean all poofy haired white people should be banned. o.o This applies to Muslims as well. And also the situation in Europe. How is this hard to process?

Islam is a cancerous ideology which calls for this in their holy book. Not all of them are bad, but a vast majority are and they have an obvious objective here. We can't keep this situation of crime and terrorism just so you can virtue signal.

iPwner wrote:

Also, just to prove your point about "more than 2% of Muslims are violent" wrong with your own statistics: 56.19 million Muslims live in Europe. If we're generous and subtract Russia's 27.27 million, that's 28.92 million. 700 Muslim attacks a la your statistics. 700 divided by 28,920,000 is a 0.0000242047% rate.

As I've already stated, these are only statistics for the European Union member states. Considering the amount of muslims in 2010 (in the EU) was of 16 millions, go assume. Also, these are the numbers of -SUCCESSFUL- ATTACKS, not the number of participants, which could be way more, and the stats are even higher if we account for the attempted attacks. Furthermore, terrorism is NOT the only attack which counts as a crime, you'd also have to count murder, robbery, and a large list of crimes.

iPwner wrote:

Pwned. //


MrJaWapa wrote:

Isn't Spanish culture heavily influenced by Muslim culture?

No, the only ""influence"" we could have the mosques they left behind and that's it. They INVADED our country, just as they're doing right now in Europe in the year 700 and we fully kicked them out in 1400. Read about the Reconquista and also, consider the vast majority of Muslims in Al-Andalus were converted Iberians, and also consider the fact we did blood cleansing up to the 20th Century. We have way more Roman and Visigoth influence than other.

iPwner wrote:

Also thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy in that "his people" were heavily influenced by Muslim culture yet he still segregates against them immensely. :3 Although, I can see where this attitude comes from, considering the half a millennia of Spanish conquest of other perfectly swoovilent cultures.

There is no "hypocrisy" in here. See response above. And it would only be logical that, after your country was invaded and forced to Islam for 700 years, you would be against it happening again. But considering you're a masochist, I don't think you can see the logic in this.

iPwner wrote:

I just made a pretty cool statistic using Zelda's terrorism chart (so this is already a pretty right-leaning statistic) and the Muslim population of Europe on how many Muslims have been connected to violent attacks. *Note: I couldn't make 41,314 squares because Google Docs lagged too much, but I got to 20,000 by creating 20x20 chart, copy and pasting it 10 times, and then copy and pasting that 5 times. (20x20x10x5=20,000).

Click here --> url <--

Your statistics are flawed for various reasons. Read previous responses.

N1KF wrote:

It's kind of odd that Donald Trump's temporary ban on Muslims is getting by the conservatives' radar even though it seems like a violation of the First Amendment and freedom of religion.

It's not a Muslim ban, it's a ban of migration from certain countries, which is legal (see 8 USC 1182)

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

The constitution doesn't cover non-citizens. I, as a Spaniard, am not allowed to freely carry arms just because the US constitution says citizens can, because I am not an US citizen. Furthermore, Muslims in the US can still practice their faith without any problems, so it does not violate the constitution in any way.



#42 2017-02-02 21:28:03

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

ZeldaXD wrote:

The constitution doesn't cover non-citizens. I, as a Spaniard, am not allowed to freely carry arms just because the US constitution says citizens can, because I am not an US citizen.

Yes it does, and yes you can.

As long as it's open carry, and you're not a felon, you're allowed.

Discord: jawp#5123


#43 2017-02-02 22:11:32, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-02 22:13:16)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...


Lol. Let's use your new number of 16 million Muslims. 687 attacks / 16,000,000 Muslims is still a 0.0.0000429375%, or 1 in 23,289, even with your extremely right-leaning numbers. Obviously you fail at basic math. ;0 "Much higher than 2%" he said. But hey! It's a new world order! The order of post-truth politics, where we just ignore truth and go with that fleeting inner "GUT" feeling in our rectum. Maybe 'unclasping' that compiled ball of white dung OUT the rectum could help alleviate some of these uberracist/imperialistic ulcers, rather than continuing to treasure this hot white dungball between your 'nalgas' as your Spanish collective has been doing since the year 700? Just a thought, Mr. Fox. ;3

While it may be funner to slip an audio-clip of "autistic screeching" over my completely rational and enlightened points, you could also take the carretera baja and flush that clogged earhole of mind and admit your mathematically flawed generalization?

Jeez... I always thought you made those Hitler levels jokingly, but it seems you actually embody some of that ideology. :S


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#44 2017-02-02 22:14:13

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:


Lol. Let's use your new number of 16 million Muslims. 687 attacks / 16,000,000 Muslims is still a 0.0.0000429375%, or 1 in 23,289, even with your extremely right-leaning numbers. Obviously you fail at basic math. ;0 "Much higher than 2%" he said. But hey! It's a new world order! The order of post-truth politics, where we just ignore truth and go with that inner "GUT" feeling in our ****. Maybe 'unclasping' that compiled ball of white dung OUT the rectum could help alleviate some of these uberracist/imperialistic ulcers, rather than continuing to treasure this hot white dungball between your 'nalgas' as your Spanish collective has been doing since the year 700? Just a thought, Mr. Fox. ;3

While it may be funner to slip an audio-clip of "autistic screeching" over my completely rational and enlightened points, you could also take the carretera baja and flush that clogged earhole of mind and admit your mathematically flawed generalization?

Jeez... I always thought you made those Hitler levels jokingly, but it seems you actually embody some of that ideology. :S

It seems like you fail at reading comprehension. I repeat my previous statements;

As I've already stated, these are only statistics for the European Union member states. Considering the amount of muslims in 2010 (in the EU) was of 16 millions, go assume. Also, these are the numbers of -SUCCESSFUL- ATTACKS, not the number of participants, which could be way more, and the stats are even higher if we account for the attempted attacks. Furthermore, terrorism is NOT the only attack which counts as a crime, you'd also have to count murder, robbery, and a large list of crimes.



#45 2017-02-02 22:18:11, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-02 22:38:09)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

The reason I ignored that was because there's no evidence to back that statement up and it lies purely on assumption. <_< That infographic already looks extremely alt-right, so the statistics are already blown up into the right field; probably even a robbery by a Muslim that was reported to the police was counted as "Islamic terrorism." If you can give me an unbiased statistic (so, that means you can't use a website that has the Islamic symbol shrouded in blood or constant positive commentary supporting Trump, and probably conducted by a government source) supporting that even 1% of Muslims in Europe have committed violent crimes, then you win. If not, I win. // Sounds fair?

If you can't find evidence and can only rely on your colon despite never even seeing or even hearing about an in-town incident involving any violent, most likely even unpleasant, Muslims in real life, then don't bother replying.


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#46 2017-02-02 22:57:35

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:

The reason I ignored that was because there's no evidence to back that statement up and it lies purely on assumption. <_< That infographic already looks extremely alt-right, so the statistics are already blown up into the right field; probably even a robbery by a Muslim that was reported to the police was counted as "Islamic terrorism." If you can give me an unbiased statistic (so, that means you can't use a website that has the Islamic symbol shrouded in blood or constant positive commentary supporting Trump, and probably conducted by a government source) supporting that even 1% of Muslims in Europe have committed violent crimes, then you win. If not, I win. // Sounds fair?

If you can't find evidence and can only rely on your colon despite never even seeing or even hearing about an in-town incident involving any violent, most likely even unpleasant, Muslims in real life, then don't bother replying.

First off, the statistics are sourced, and they come from the Europol TE-SAT, which is, indeed, a intergovernmental source. Second off, you're disregarding the statistics merely because I, as a Trump supporter, made them. For the other statistics, I'd like to refer to this post as good enough information on this matter. If I have time, I will make more in-depth statistics on crime by religion in the EU if I find good, complete sources. The post I previously linked is not of the entirety of the EU but, it is a good indicator of the trend in the rest. It should also be taken into account that, in that post it only shows the imprisoned ones, it would be boosted even more if we also count for the ones who don't go to prison, which is not an assumption but something QUITE obvious since not all criminals go to prison. As of now, I believe the information is enough to end this discussion.



#47 2017-02-02 23:09:00, last edited by Norwee (2017-02-02 23:59:54)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

ZeldaXD. The Hitler of the 21st century's rise to power has come true as prophesied. The day will come when the fat maggot Trump who lives on the misery of the people will face against the hammer and sickle of justice. The war of the ideologies of GREEDY SELFISHNESS and the ideology of EQUAL RIGHTS is coming. Trump looks with fear on the people's of the world who has not yet been enslaved by his greedy empire.

Everything will be great he says, but no one asked the people. Although they are over 99% of the US population, they will gain nothing from his policies of hatred and fear, only suffering and death. Unwilling to follow his racist policy, the government brainwashes them to brain-dead fleas (republicans) and so they assault the people he tells them to hate.

However the people of the world are determined to liberate their motherland from the evil empire. Because only when the red flag is victorious, only then all people around the world will become free. With their red flags they enlighten the fleas who are able to think freely once again and turn back to humans. As such, they turn their rifles against their rulers and change the society into a true democratic socialist one. All countries unite and form the Socialist World Republic. Eternal peace and friendship has come!

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


Wooted by:

#48 2017-02-03 00:00:05, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-03 00:31:01)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

My post just got deleted because the forum lagged out... so I'l just summarize what I wrote. Thanks for sourcing your statistic... only thing is that europol's data actually supports my point. //

D5JtZ2Q.png?1 … eview-2015 the pdf

If we say "vast majority" means 3/4, then that leaves Islamic terrorism as the last 1/4 of the 205, or at roughly 51 attacks. Now if we say a "majority" means 6/10, then that means roughly 600 people committed "counter-terrorist" terrorism against people who they thought were Islamic terrorists. 51 to 600. That's roughly a 12:1 ratio.

12 times more people commit attacks against Islamic people than Islamic people actually commit religiously inspired attacks.
Because they think the islamic people will attack them. Think about that for a second. o-o

All other types of crimes committed by Islamic people in 2015 are in the single or double digits. Look at the source.

Does anything else really need to be said? 50 Islamic attacks for the EU in the whole of 2015 out of a population of 16 million. And these are all taken from your own sources.

Mic drop. I'm out. ;3


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®


#49 2017-02-03 00:05:13

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

iPwner wrote:

My post just got deleted because the forum lagged out... so I'l just summarize what I wrote. Thanks for sourcing your statistic, but the thing is that europol's data actually supports my point. … eview-2015


Could you specify how Europol's data supports your point?



#50 2017-02-03 00:06:10, last edited by iPwner (2017-02-03 00:39:29)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Donald Trump just banned 1/200th of the US population...

I just didn't want to lose my post by the forum lagging out again. :B It's updated now. But I'll just repost it here in case you didn't see it.

- repost start -

My post just got deleted because the forum lagged out... so I'l just summarize what I wrote. Thanks for sourcing your statistic... only thing is that europol's data actually supports my point. //

D5JtZ2Q.png?1 … eview-2015 the pdf

If we say "vast majority" means 3/4, then that leaves Islamic terrorism as the last 1/4 of the 205, or at roughly 51 attacks. Now if we say a "majority" means 6/10, then that means roughly 600 people committed "counter-terrorist" terrorism against people who they thought were Islamic terrorists. 51 to 600. That's roughly a 12:1 ratio.

12 times more people commit attacks against Islamic people than Islamic people actually commit religiously inspired attacks.
Because they think the islamic people will attack them. Think about that for a second. o-o

All other types of crimes committed by Islamic people in 2015 are in the single or double digits. Look at the source.

Does anything else really need to be said? 50 Islamic attacks for the EU in the whole of 2015 out of a population of 16 million. And these are all taken from your own sources.

Mic drop. I'm out. ;3

- repost end -

All I'm saying is, given this evidence, consider reconsidering your perspective on Muslims as a whole. **** islamic terrorists and Islamic aggressors and all violent people and crime committers. Persecute them all. But please, do not cast judgement on the overwhelming innocent majority beyond what they are: innocent.

And yes, you're right that attacks from Muslims in Europe has increased (this is the matter of less than a 50 attack increase). And this is because their population increased because they let in refugees. It only makes sense. And the fact that there's 12x more counter-Islamic-terrorism attacks than Islamic-terrorism attacks just proves we're all equal, as the non-Islamic population in Europe is exponentially larger as well, proving no race is pre-disposedly more aggressive.


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q

Im A ®a®ity ®



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