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!vote Jawapa
Just woke up. Hope I'm making a good choice.
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Please provide evidence of my so called 'alignment' with Luka. I was genuinely confused as to why we were voting him.
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I notice some people rank Creature as scum. Can someone explain this? Is it because he's too aggressive or what?
Part of it is the aggression.
Part of it is the logic. Ie: I must be scum because I'm playing differently and I don't understand why we're lynching Luka. Therefore instead of explaining to me why he wants to lynch Luka, he assumes I must be in an alliance with Luka.
Part of it is this list: … 56#p598756
In which earlier on he put really inactive players as town leans, notably Kaslai, which was very weird.
Theres no tomorrow for you if you don't say your role.
Also this post is worrying to me.
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Ok I'm gonna !unvote for now. I'm gonna take a step back and consider our options.
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I really want to hear in this 5 hours: Kaslai, Calicara , Pyromaniac
What do you want me to say?
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Is not wanting to lynch really on D1 reall that scum indicative? I'm starting to warm up to Jawapa a little. What if we get this far and he flips town? Granted we don't know the size of the mafia, but I really doubt it's so large we can't wait a day to see what happens.
I know this is different from my earlier behavior. I just feel like at this point though Luka is being way too aggressive and way too self assured. His persistence to lynch Jawapa makes me believe less and less Jawapa is mafia. Also, whoever hammers votes at this point, especially if Jawapa flips town, is gonna look like scum. I think I'm just going to abstain for today.
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If I may add something. Don't bother investigating him unless you're confident there's also a lookout on him, because he'll likely get framed.
And how would you know if there's a framer? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Because at this point hammering Jawapa's like flipping a coin. Heads or tails; 50/50.
If he flips mafia good for the town.
He he flips town, I'm gonna look really scummy. I mean I still have 15 mins, but idk man.
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NOOOOOOO!!! WHO killed Papyrus?! I will hunt you down you monster!
Papy was such an innocent soul :*(
That being said, new day fresh start. Let's give Jawapa a chance to talk (why rush into things when the days just started.)
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but that is a step closer to victory
Also what's his supposed to mean. Is that a scum slip?
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Zumza don't get high on authority like Processor please. How do we know you're not the scum?
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Calicara wrote:Zumza don't get high on authority like Processor please. How do we know you're not the scum?
So far if you go back and read my posts you would see that I am angry on everybody who hadn't voted. Do you think, I would kill 2 people that have supported me on my cause?
you would if you were trying to get sympathizers. Would be like "Oh look Lukas innocent so Jawapa must be evil." Then we just end up wasting a day with a mob lynch, and if he flipped town you would just say "I didn't know."
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Calicara wrote:marcoantonimsantos wrote:but that is a step closer to victory
Also what's his supposed to mean. Is that a scum slip?
I hope this is a joke.
Also that's not a joke. We are in no way any closer to victory, why would Marco be happy about either of them dying. That's scummy.
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Because I'm not a mob seeker. I kind of liked Jawapas defense, and I'd put him more on neutral for now. And besides, I didn't want to be responsible for a hammer vote, because what if he is town and I was wrong? That's a lot of pressure.
I have as much authority as you to say how I feel even if you disagree with me.
Actually one person I feel whose been playing kind of scummy is Kaslai. I think we should be looking at him.
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!vote JaWapa
Don't hate me for this. The maths work out in our favor, and I'm not too happy with the way he's responding to allegations. It pains me to possibly hurt a friendly monster, but it is for the greater good.
what does this mean for example. It's obviously a sheep vote, and the fact he's been playing his usual lurker scum.
So far I'm seeing a possible Creature/Kaslai thing going on
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Calicara wrote:Because I'm not a mob seeker. I kind of liked Jawapas defense, and I'd put him more on neutral for now. And besides, I didn't want to be responsible for a hammer vote, because what if he is town and I was wrong? That's a lot of pressure.
We are humans we do mistakes. I will hammer if that makes you fell safe(?). The hammer vote worths as much as any other.
Or maybe instead we can lynch someone who's probably actually Mafia.
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Marco I'm not trying to start a riot against you. Your 'sarcasm' wasn't funny/amusing/insightful/whatever you were going for. Sans and Papyrus are my favorite undertale characters :c
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!vote Creature
I feel better about lynching you than Jawapa. Wouldn't surprise me if you were Mafia.
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If there's actually a cop, I expect mafia to have deceptive roles. What wouldn't make me a good frame target?
With yesterday's drama I would have more expected a framer to be on Jawapa.
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Inb4 Napstablook and Mettaton are also twin roles
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Calicara wrote:Inb4 Napstablook and Mettaton are also twin roles
How are they related though?
There's a theory that Mettatons is actually Napstablooks girls cousin Happstablook:
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JaWapa wrote:There's a tiny window for a framer (if there is one) to frame creature. If I had to wait for three days to get the results, then that would be pretty much irrelevant. But I got a reply back almost immediately.
Unless Jawapa has some extraordinary ability, I have to agree it does seen unfair he gets instant investigative results (even if it did mean we found a mafia.) Having such an ability dilutes the power of mafia deceptive roles. So if there was something like a framer, their ability would be rendered useless if it was time sensitive.
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Somehow, I don't trust JaWapa's claim because of that "instant result" feedback. I don't see Rhaz making such a trivial mistake. Or that would imply that you're framer-immune(what would be the point of a framer then) AND roleblock-immune.
!vote JaWapa
I still suspect Creature over Jawapa, but this. Any 'instant' investigative feature renders any mafia RB'er/Deceptive useless. Why would Rhazz do something like that...
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It's because we actually have a role claim instead of day one suspicions
I get it, Jawapa is a sheriff type role and that's fine and it's good we found Mafia. But to me, investigative roles should not get instant results. The whole purpose of roleblockers town/mafia and otherwise and/or Mafia deceptive is to inhibit people from doing their job. Since Jawapa did not have to wait Creature, simply, did not stand a chance.
Again, I'm glad that we found a Mafia, to me it just doesn't seem fair to them. Creature can't even give a defense, because what's the point? Unless Jawapa is using some crazy scum strategy, he's practically dead.
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I'm just gonna !unvote until I understand whats going on
Also- how does a cop being in the game compromise roleblockling roles?
Jawapa claims he got his investigative results approximately 22 minutes after sending in his night action, and not at the end of the night.
I'm gonna !unvote too. Creatures probably Mafia but let's not hammer. We've got time.
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