Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2016-02-08 00:04:38

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

Do not post in this thread unless you are in the game.
If you wish to join go to the signups thread and join the backup queue. If a player needs to be replaced out the first person in the backup queue will take their spot.

The following rules are in play for the game, and I will be stricter on these rules than I was last time.

1. All forum rules apply, however spam and multi-posting rules are more lenient. So long as your posts are relevant to the game it shouldn't be an issue, but don't push it.

2. Do not post in this thread unless you are alive in the game. All posts made by dead players and people not in the game will be deleted.

3. You may not edit or delete your posts. This function will be disabled in this game.

4. Do not quote someone else's post and edit for misleading purposes.

5. You must stay active and contribute to discussion to stay in the game. If you stay inactive too long, you will be prodded for inactivity and replaced if you don't respond to the prod within 24 hours. Earning more than one prod will result in you being replaced or modkilled.

6. Do not quote, copy paste, or screenshot any message sent by the game moderator for any reason. Paraphrasing is allowed, such as saying your night result or what your role is, but don't copy paste an entire role pm.

7. Do not gamethrow. Gamethrowing is defined as actively working against your role/faction's win condition, and is dealt with on a case by case basis.

8. As soon as a majority is reached, it counts as the day being over. The moderator may not be there to lock the thread immediately so do not post after majority is reached.

9. You may not talk about the game with living players through any means other than the game thread and Mafia night chat.

10. Remember that this is just a game. If I see any form of harassment that may warrant a replacement or modkill.

11. If any player breaks any of these rules please private message me on the forums and I will deal with it. Do not use the forums report feature to report someone breaking one of the game rules unless they are also breaking a forum rule.

12. The moderator's word is final.

If you have any questions you can pm me or post in this thread, however keep in mind that questions relating to the current game I will likely not be able to answer, so only ask about game mechanics.


#2 2016-02-08 17:40:55

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

RhazzleFrazzle wrote:


I have spotted the mafia.



Wooted by: (3)

#3 2016-02-14 15:18:07

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Mafia 4 game thread (Day 2)

ZeldaXD wrote:
RhazzleFrazzle wrote:


I have spotted the mafia.




Wooted by: (4)

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