Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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just because people have to wait a while
i dont think you understand that waiting is no challenge whatsoever and is completely arbitrary
Yes, I do. I'm saying in addition to it being satisfying when you finally get something you want in exchange for having to wait a while, everyone's assuming that newbies have no patience whatsoever and will quit if they don't instantly get what they want.
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Muftwin wrote:just because people have to wait a while
i dont think you understand that waiting is no challenge whatsoever and is completely arbitrary
Yes, I do. I'm saying in addition to it being satisfying when you finally get something you want in exchange for having to wait a while, everyone's assuming that newbies have no patience whatsoever and will quit if they don't instantly get what they want.
It's not that. It's just, there are so many option to choose from, smilies, blocks packs, worlds, action blocks, it can all seem so very overwhelming. How do you know where to start first?
It also creates tensions between players who have everything, and think it makes them better, and players who have little, who feel like they can't make a real contribution without any fancy things.
Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe
One thing we keep running into when discussing the state of EE is the block limit, the game's use of energy and gems.
A related question is whether the current situation is the most profitable for the owner/publisher of this game.
I don't think it is by a long shot.
I don't know a lot about economics, but maximizing revenue has to do with finding the point where the demand multiplied by the price is maximized.
Time is, of course, also a factor, and what exactly you choose to sell. Cost isn't that big a factor with EE.
Beta Membership is $7.50. Builders Club is $5 (month), $12 (3 months), $22 (6 months), $42 (1 year).
Now, that is the status quo (the existing state of affairs), but it could be anything else you can imagine for any number of in-game items - or whatever else you can think of.
When it comes to profit maximization, I think the owner/publisher are not on the right track.
I've been playing this game for years, I want to spend money on it, and I've spent $0 on it.
I've written that before and for the people in control of this game this should be a wake-up call.
Also, how many people have beta and how many of those Builders Club hammer icons do you see in-game. I think the answer is: not many.
How many players, in percentage terms, are newcomers and how many return to play it?
What if, for example, you could get every single (current and future) item in any quantity you'd want for a one-time payment of $10? Or $50?
Beta access is six smilies and a bunch of blocks, plus you get to see some stuff before other players do. That has some appeal but not much.
Builders Club is temporary and if you pay per year - which is the cheapest - that's $42 per year. So... much... money. Seriously.
And a lot of people, including me, want to stay away from recurring, periodical, payments.
What if you could make a one-time payment of $10 and - forever - get an always present minor glow around your in-game playing character?
Or a one-time payment of $1 to - forever - get unlimited blocks of a certain type?
See, as a game owner/publisher, the question is then: will this give me more money than I get now, while also not **** off players?
If a one-time payment of $1 would - forever - give the player everything... how many players need to do this monthly to make more than you do now?
Another concrete example: if you have 100 players who pay $5 per month for Builders Club; would more than 500 players pay $1 per month for Builders Club?
If so, then $1 for one month Builders Club would not only be more profitable, it would also make players more happy.
I don't think the periodical fees are the best business model for EE, but it's hard to tell without information about how many newcomers EE has monthly.
My guess is that profit maximization goes hand in hand with giving players easier access to blocks.
I'm joining random rooms while I'm writing this and I see Builders Club hammers only sporadically, and always the same long-time players/forum users.
I also think parents are less likely to gift their children Builders Club because it's a periodical fee.
Beta, I don't even think it's visible in-game, is it? Why not add "supporter" next to the player's nick or something.
Sorry for the long 'rant' without paragraphs, but I think this is probably where the biggest improvement can be made.
Why limit access to blocks when almost nobody pays for Builders Club? Doesn't it (then) make sense to come up with something else?
And then find out how many players want to pay $1? What about $2? $3? ... $10? And so on.
Find the point where demand multiplied by the price is maximized. Make it attractive for newcomers to buy the whole lot.
I will pay you $20 for access to everything forever. $30? Maybe. How many players/parents would? How many new players monthly?
I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.
Sorry to say this. But you really need to fix your text you wrote. I can't even read it.
Well, fine then. Give them a massive world or two as well, but we have no need to absolutely get rid of the shop just because people have to wait a while.
Key words here are "a while". Even if you've been buying from the shop for a year straight you would still be under ridiculous limitations. "A while" in this case is a longer amount of time than the game's lifespan.
aka towwl
Muftwin wrote:just because people have to wait a while
i dont think you understand that waiting is no challenge whatsoever and is completely arbitrary
Yes, I do. I'm saying in addition to it being satisfying when you finally get something you want in exchange for having to wait a while, everyone's assuming that newbies have no patience whatsoever and will quit if they don't instantly get what they want.
I think its really sad if you honestly are told "wait 3 days and you get this thing" and you actually feel "satisfaction" like you actually did anything 3 days later
some man wrote:Muftwin wrote:just because people have to wait a while
i dont think you understand that waiting is no challenge whatsoever and is completely arbitrary
Yes, I do. I'm saying in addition to it being satisfying when you finally get something you want in exchange for having to wait a while, everyone's assuming that newbies have no patience whatsoever and will quit if they don't instantly get what they want.
I think its really sad if you honestly are told "wait 3 days and you get this thing" and you actually feel "satisfaction" like you actually did anything 3 days later
Why 3 days later? Can't it be earlier?
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