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#26 Before February 2015

little owl

Re: What has EE come to?

the problem is you carnt tell wicth lvls are good and bad

#27 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

This May Be True.
I Know That Huge Percentage Of EE Levels Aren't Good.If You Dont Like Them Dont Play The Level.
But EE Players That Are Called "Noobs" Will Eventually Become One Of Us "Pros" Of EE.

Also,YOU Can Help There Be Better Worlds By Making Your Own World.
Then There Will Be More "Good" Worlds.
Instead Of Complaining About Worlds Not Being Good,
Make A Good World Yourself.
With Many More Better Worlds Others Will Learn.
Then The Average World Will Be Better Than They Used To Be.
EE Will Be Improved Trough-out The Years And People Will Get Better.
So Make Worlds. . "Good Ones". . And Eventually EE Will Be Improved.
~Smileyxp   //

#28 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

Thanks for the actual good posts/CONSTRUCTIVE critiscm, i'd actually thought I was gonna get bombed by people who make these levels themselves.

I've got a good level (atleast it's what I think since I havn't released it) waiting for submission for the halloween contest. It has a unique concept, mostly overlooked on pretty much all levels. So for people that want to see that i'm actually not being a hypocrite, just wait until I submit my entry.

A good feature to counter these 'levels' would be favouritism. It might be complicated to explain, but i'll break it down:
Favouritism is basically a feature where only professional & skilled players can have. As the name suggests, these players can favourite levels which they think are good levels, and then the top favourited levels will then be included in a 'top favourites' tab right beside the normal lists of worlds. The player then has their own little favourites tab in their profile where they can select a favourite level for themselves to play.

The person who created the favourited level, will get the ability to favourite other levels once they've been favourited 5 times minimum. And the cycle continues.

To start the favouritism feature, IMO EX Crew, and EE admins will be the only ones who start off with favouritism, to prevent bad levels favourited. Everyone can only favourite a level once a day OR week, to prevent spamming.

Any suggestions please? Once i've got this suggestion all polished, i'll post it in the suggestion forum.



#29 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: What has EE come to?

level preview   //




#30 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

Well to be fair, Chris is allowed to target whatever audience he wishes and he has decided to use what I call the "Wii" model, which means he's appealing to a younger and more casual gaming crowd. Naturally more "hardcore" (aka pro) players will be frustrated with many of the decisions Chris will make to continue to appeal to this crowd, and so the divide we see with some players demanding higher quality maps and others content with the way things are is to be expected.

Remember, Chris added an auto-center and made hook jumps easier in the past, which were both indications that he caters to the younger and more causal crowd. His latest decision to restrict access to one tab will not affect the casual crowd so much and is in fact welcome to them since it reduces account sharing and trolling.

So since Chris appeals more to casual players, it makes perfect sense to see the lobby filled with stairs, easy minis, recycled ideas, and all the other maps that tend to infuriate the "hardcore" crowd but please the majority of EE players. That will not change unless Chris changes his target audience, so if there isn't enough "hardcore" content in EE for a player it might be best to move on to a different platform.

This has been happening slowly but steadily behind the scenes with many talented players and builders growing bored and leaving EE, and I expect that see more of the same in the future especially as the relationship between Chris and the EE community continues to decline.

#31 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?


Chris definetly has the rights to target any audience he pleases, though the audience he does choose isn't really making the game fun for the more mature players. I'm one of those players who like a challenge to themselves, but I reckon demanding higher quality maps is a natural thing. EE wasn't meant to have all stairs and hooks, it was meant to be a diverse sandbox game with a huge amount of different ideas. Thus, being a sandbox game.

I don't think Chris purposely made hooks easier, but rather than to polish the game physics and make everything abit easier for us.

I'm staying even though i'm a hardcore player, but what I meant was for the recycled ideas to grow out, as in people being smart enough to find it's not fun or creative anymore and refuse to create anymore of those replicas.

Thanks for your implement mustang.


#32 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

EE wasn't meant to have all stairs and hooks, it was meant to be a diverse sandbox game with a huge amount of different ideas. Thus, being a sandbox game.

EE was meant to just be a side project, and a place where you can do whatever you want. It was never meant to become this huge. It was meant for people to be able to build whatever they find fun to build. And most of the people enjoy building simple levels.

#33 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

i think your talking about my sister. the best art she makes is basically a flower which isnt that good. not bad either though. just do what i do. pick out the good ones then play them. and if they are semi good and have code at end i will make them better. then there are stairs that my sis loves. just leave. you get used to the system and like ee

and ^ since there are never new kinds of bricks anymore they just go back to easy stuff to get plays.

Last edited by catking00 (Oct 26 2011 5:18:09 am)

#34 Before February 2015

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: What has EE come to?

rhyst1 wrote:

i remember back when EE was creative. now EE has alot of what we call noobs i am just saying they are learning.

EE has been over run by noobs.

Edit -

Shy Guy wrote:

The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.

May i add a little to this?

I say beta people should be able to vote on the best levels, like lets say they is a buttom 1-5 star and they apear in a section let's call picks of the week?

Agreed with shyguy, but theres plenty of beta noobs aswell

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#35 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

EE Beast wrote:
rhyst1 wrote:

i remember back when EE was creative. now EE has alot of what we call noobs i am just saying they are learning.

EE has been over run by noobs.

Edit -

Shy Guy wrote:

The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.

May i add a little to this?

I say beta people should be able to vote on the best levels, like lets say they is a buttom 1-5 star and they apear in a section let's call picks of the week?

Agreed with shyguy, but theres plenty of beta noobs aswell

yes, but if there are only betas that have been here for X amount of time like nou and cyph1e and me and you and people then it would be a better rating system. but if im pesimistic ill say 1 star for 2.5 if im optimistic (which i totally am) then ill say 5 star for 4.75 star. (i dont give out fives too easily //

#36 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

catking00 wrote:

just leave. you get used to the system and like ee

So basically the system is a bunch of non creative sprites with high expectation of feedback from players from the maker? And then you force me to like something that doesn't worth liking (Not meaning EE in general, but typical 'noob' levels).

For people who think this is just a game, to have fun in something simple:

Stairs is not fun at all. Hooks are not either. A game is meant to be fun, but not this slow kind of repetitive fun, jumping and holding the left/right button or struggling with hooks. A good example of a FUN type of game is a game where you have to try, where things depend on practice & understanding, where levels exceed in minigame & art quality.

I'll leave it for you guys to think about it yourselves.


#37 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

Stairs is not fun at all. Hooks are not either. A game is meant to be fun, but not this slow kind of repetitive fun, jumping and holding the left/right button or struggling with hooks. A good example of a FUN type of game is a game where you have to try, where things depend on practice & understanding, where levels exceed in minigame & art quality.

Not everyone find those things fun to play, but the majority of the players does. Because everyone do not enjoy playing hard maps, where everything is at the peak of perfection. They enjoy playing the game because, it's relaxing. Take me for an example. I enjoy playing easy maps in my sparetime, even though it's repetitive. Because meh, dont have any good reason it's just fun to play them. But I enjoy racing up a stair, trying to get past other players going up and such. It only depends on what you enjoy yourself, if you enjoy easy maps that can be finished within maybe 6 minutes then play them. it's quite fun to play an easy map when you have a short amount of time to play it in. Meep. im getting bored. And im tired so this thingy I wrote isn't   coherent. Mostly because im tired and im at a lecture. But most of the players enjoy playing those socalled ''boring mini and stairworlds'' Meehp, meh not cohesive enough. and everyone   doesn't want to be creative, the just want to enjoy building a simple piece of art or minigame.

And if it instead would be 95% ''pro'' maps out there, it would be even more boring. Because, you wouldn't have much time to play through a world, since it takes to long time. And it would get
t boring seeing a bunch of good worlds eventually.   You would barely have any time to play the good maps that are around. And you would never be able to relax, since you would have to think about how to do every mini and such. While the simplistic style in a so called nooby world, is often easy to get through while barely thinking about it. and that is relaxing. Meee I hate writing long posts. But you wouldn't be able to relax if there were to many good maps out there.

Last edited by Ralaina (Oct 26 2011 5:43:51 am)

#38 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

I've read though this whole topic. All I can see is a few people putting forth great points. I agree that there are plenty of noob worlds, but I just see them as something I can improve and show off my bricks. You can use those noob-ish worlds to create something great with someone else. This game can create world peace between children, because everyone can work together in harmony to create a masterpiece. (feel free to laugh at this comment, but it is quite true in a sense) However, pro worlds are a nice change, because they are generally amazingly well drawn, and/or have a perfect balance of easy and hardin any minigames and/or bosses. Everyone here has a point, but no one is truely right. Just try and make your peace with it. I am between opinions. I like noob levels (they are easy and can be helped) and pro levels (they are a nice change from noob levels). My great saved world is going to be called 'JMN Club'. I made it for a few of my friends who play this to just express themselves in a large environment, because they don't have as big a world as me. They just enjoy building with other peoples help. //

#39 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

They must be destroyed.

#40 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

I agree completely with this topic. I'm only 12, but I've been told that I act (and thus seem, online) much older than that. I also type an average of 64 WPM. (Retested myself today // I'm in Algebra I. I used to be able to program in VB6. I have been playing this game since the first version that wasn't Multiplayer Platformworld, and I do anything to keep my levels, however scarce they are, from being at all like these unoriginal abominations that are currently filling up the Lobby.

And yeah, I've had my share of ragequits. Everybody does. But whenever I enter certain maps (Like EX Crew ones!) I open the minimap, and gape.

#41 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: What has EE come to?

smileyxp wrote:

This May Be True.
I Know That Huge Percentage Of EE Levels Aren't Good.If You Dont Like Them Dont Play The Level.

Very true, but why are you capitalising every single first letter of each word?

But EE Players That Are Called "Noobs" Will Eventually Become One Of Us "Pros" Of EE.

No they won't. Everyone has their different prefrences, they won't all start liking maps they aren't used to.

EE Will Be Improved Trough-out The Years And People Will Get Better.
So Make Worlds. . "Good Ones". . And Eventually EE Will Be Improved.

Again, no it won't everyone has their different interpretations of 'Good', posting it on the forum , which I will say again is a very small minority of the actual EE community, won't do much.

MaybeNot wrote:

A good feature to counter these 'levels' would be favouritism. It might be complicated to explain, but i'll break it down:

I don't like this already.

Favouritism is basically a feature where only professional & skilled players can have.

Whoah whoah whoah. How can you tell who is skilled and professional? This will get so much complaints because people will say "This person is better than this person so he should have favoritism"

As the name suggests, these players can favourite levels which they think are good levels, and then the top favourited levels will then be included in a 'top favourites' tab right beside the normal lists of worlds.

I like this idea actually, because it's not directly on the lobby list itself, so people can have an option of weather to play those or not. But one thing I am afraid of, they will become like stickies on the forums, threads that oftten get overlooked by some people.

To start the favouritism feature, IMO EX Crew, and EE admins will be the only ones who start off with favouritism, to prevent bad levels favourited.

Bad idea. Most EE admins aren't the most 'pro' players (no offence // and you will also probably get people who will start complaining that 'EX crew gets everything' but it does seem like the best choice for this feature if it was to happen.

Stairs is not fun at all. Hooks are not either. A game is meant to be fun, but not this slow kind of repetitive fun, jumping and holding the left/right button or struggling with hooks. A good example of a FUN type of game is a game where you have to try, where things depend on practice & understanding, where levels exceed in minigame & art quality.

Did you not read my first post at all? If you make this type of topic, you might as well read all the posts, and pick up on things other's have wrote instead of just 2 people.

DK Levels earlier wrote:

Believe it or not, the forum community, who are used to 'better' are a very small minority compared to the total EE players.
Also, the reason why EE is over run with 'crap' levels because suprisingly a lot of people enjoy them. I do remember when I first came to this game I used to love stairs, I would purposefully look for stair levels because I liked them.
A lot of people are like this, only they enjoy them longer than I have.

#42 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

The amount of uncreativity theese kids have makes me sick, what the hell is wrong with them today.

#43 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: What has EE come to?

TheGreenTroll wrote:

They must be destroyed.

#44 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

EE is about having fun.
It's like when you rant this happens:
"Oh no there are no more good levels! My life is over!"
You need to chillax and play other levels, at least at "nooby" levels you don't need to put in effort, that's what makes "nooby" levels fun!

#45 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: What has EE come to?

I agree but what are you going to do? The game is open, people can do almost what ever they want. I hate noob worlds but there is no need to say it- everyone's thinking it.


Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



#46 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

I agree 100% there are lots and lots of nooby worlds with annoying minis,bosses,races,etc.

#47 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

ee has gotten bad, too many nooby levels and nothing new really. People need to be more creative. Some people.

#48 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

At least the generic "noob-levels" can be fun to play, compared to the generic "original adventure-levels". Really though, the title of the game is Everybody Edits and as long as you, oh-so, professional Everybody Edits gamer, segregate those who are not amazingly awesome professional players - you won't be able to turn them into dead fish making boring, crappy and unoriginal adventure-levels. As the title is Everybody Edits, you should let everybody edit, without necessarily hate on everybody but the amazingly awesome never at fault professional players.

Gee, 4% of EE are untalented little wannabie kids. I know this game was targeted at kids, but atleast aim for a SMARTER group of kids. These children thinks they are imaginative, creative, and clever. Heck, theres even tonnes of groups that pick a suffix other than the norm just to 'stand out', afraid of being seen as 'copiers' and come up with a random name, blatantly describing their wannabie special-but-can't-show-it-by-just-creating-levels ideas. Sorry if that last sentence offended some mature players, but can't you just realize how foolish that is? Even 'OC Crew' would be better than that.

Heck, why even have a label? Even the idea of labeling yourself is unoriginal, why won't you just be 'anonymous'- you ARE playing this game just for fun, right? It's not like you want to be known around the community or anything, and therefore start making 'original levels'.

#49 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

Dude, im 11, and some of the games on here are extraordinary. What the hell is your avatar? Is that what you call good art? Every crew level is amazing, and I think we all know how talented EX crew are. What do you call good then eh? Ive seen mario levels, noob to god levels, art levels, boss levels, new bot genius thing levels, and art levels you can actually play in! Some of these are b****y outstanding!! You need to get a life if your not a fan.

#50 Before February 2015


Re: What has EE come to?

gemmygem wrote:

Dude, im 11, and some of the games on here are extraordinary. What the hell is your avatar? Is that what you call good art? Every crew level is amazing, and I think we all know how talented EX crew are. What do you call good then eh? Ive seen mario levels, noob to god levels, art levels, boss levels, new bot genius thing levels, and art levels you can actually play in! Some of these are b****y outstanding!! You need to get a life if your not a fan.

My avatar's 1 year old. Havn't bothered to change it, neither for my signature.

I know that EX crew is talented, but then everyone after that who uses two meaningless prefixes with a crew label after that is just a wannabie EX crew.

What I call 'good' is not the overused and boring levels nowadays in the lobbys. Levels that actually make   quite fun and challenging minigames blended perfectly (or atleast the best it can be) with art that isn't eye killing.

What the hell is noob to god levels? Plus, art levels that you can play in technically wouldn't be art levels anymore, if I think you're talking about those art levels you're talking about the levels that I want to replace the usual overused nonsense.

Oh, and plus you've just contradicted yourself. You say how good EX crew are, a perfect example of what I'm trying to say, and then you say those crap overused boxes are on par with EX crew's levels.

If saying i'm not a fan by that I don't play crap levels, then sure, i'm not a fan. But neither is 50% of the forum community either then. You go get a life yourself if that's what you do all day, smashing your jump button whilst holding an arrow.


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