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After reviving from a underground zombie apocalyps. I nuke theredspottedcow's hill, and then give him a cow to distract him for protecting the hill, then when he eats the cow, he feels very dizzy. Then he dies because of all the rat poison i put into the cow. Theb i eat theredspottedcow. Then when he's in my stumich
I reclaim the hill and build a seven nation army to protect myself from other people that want to reclaim MY hill
My Army Protected Hill.
Last edited by Yoge (Mar 1 2012 11:35:20 am)
I call upon the dark forces who (with little mercy) remove Yoge from the hill, I bribe the army and have them serve along side my dark forces
My hill
I shine a flashlight on your dark forces, and they become lit-up forces, then I de-bribe the army, and (with little mercy) remove ChaosDemon from the hill and have them serve along side my army
My hill
I have an army of holothuroidea eviscerate all over the hill, because no one likes walking in somethings' organs, you and your army leave.
My hill.
Last edited by GKAbyss (Mar 1 2012 6:17:28 pm)
I get the pokemon Absol then use all dark powers on you
Our Hill.
I are back.
I eat your pokemon, and you.
My Hill.
I eat the hill.
My hill.
I cut GKAbyss' stomach open and retrieve the hill, then I heal him and ask for an alliance
Proposition for an alliance accepted.
Our hill?
Before you agree i hide the hill somewhere
My hill.
I said it was my hill.
My hill.
Sadly, the hill was still soaked in mine, and the holothuroidea' stomach acids. 'while carrying the hill, adrianna's hands melt, but she does not notice, as by the time she had begun to pick it up, my army of mosquitos bit every square cm of her hands, numbing them. The reason that she did not notice her hands were missing, was due to the fact that her brain still believed there was a limb there, despite there not being a limb there' by the time she noticed her hands were missing, and replaced them at the hosptal of wax hands, with a plastic pair -- which happens to be a highly expensive procedure, so she had to run home to get her extra wallet, that happened to be in her jacket pocket. She runs back to the hosptal -- after the 72 hour operation, it was too late. I had already obtained possession of the hill and hid it in a highly inconspicuous location, while wearing rubbr gloves,
Our hill.
I didnt read what's above me but one thing; I DESTROY ALL LIFE ON EARTH WITH MAH LAZERR, AND MAH LAZERR CANT BE PWNED BY YOURE LAZERR. Now everyone is dead i reclaim the hill and make it 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 feet in the air. Then up the top i build another army thats indestructeble and you cant buy them to work for you!
Mah hill biatch.
Last edited by Yoge (Mar 2 2012 3:32:17 am)
I use the Killing Curse on your army after I survive and the 'First Alliance' are protected in my triple Sheild Charm, then I blast off almost all the hill, and in a Potter-Voldemort style duel of magic versus might, I hold you off a while, long enough for Dementor reinforcements to arrive, then they all suck Yoges' soul and the other member(s) of the 'Second Alliance', then I cast the Patronus Charm to make sure my soul doesn't get sucked out.
Our (First Alliance) hill.
*builds a TON of defenses everywhere at the hill*
Our hill.
buy your hill souvenirs here! only $3.99!
you bought a souvenir, now ur broke, I bought hill from you for $1.50 Tax free
My hill
Accio all the money in the world.
We would like to atest the problem of being broke, and so, you are required to dig an inverted hill for some of the money we got. Now you have completed this, 2 hills equals a mountain. I get another Dementor to feed off you soul. Have a nice life having not the ability to think. Us, the First Alliance, add a double layered diamond wall to sheild. I cast a charm that removes it when the next owner arrive
Our mountain.
Ooh, Expecto Patronum.
dont you know cows dont have soul? Dementors are like midgets, scary but not dangerous. I teleport on hill, diamond wall is nothing for me. Then I realizes there's a wizard on the hill, not strong enough to keep all the dangers away. Even when ur together with the Strong defender of the hill, they aren't strong enough to keep all the dangers away.
Me, a little red spotted cow from the northen mountains of Atlantis, is also not strong enough to keep all the dangers away. then I got an Inspiration! The wizard, the Strong and the cow! I think I got the solution.
I see the wizard, He can see me.
Then there was a big bang... and I got a banana.
I walked with the banana towards the wizard.
He's looking furious... But I'm not scared.
He's kinda tall when I'm standing in front of him.
"What do you want?" he askes.
"I want to join your aliance" is my response.
I'm looking up, waiting for the answer from the wizard.
(btw, red spotted cows DON'T eat other cows, those are the blue spotted ones)
Last edited by theredspottedcow (Mar 2 2012 8:45:27 am)
While theredspottedcow is waiting for the wizard to answer, and when i got my soul back by those weird guys. I see that you're both not busy defending the hill, so i sneek behind you two kill you, rip you open, let those weird guys suck you're soul out and i sold you're souls to satan who will let you burn in hell FOREVER! Then i convince Chuck Norris to kill those people from the alliance, and let no remains of them. Then, after being finished of a REALLY long sentence, it was time to reclaim the hill. Then i put in front of the hill 1000 of blue spotted cows who will surely kill theredspottedcow. The wizard will not be worried because his soul is burning forever in hell so i dont have worries
B.T.W. Chuck Norris is my dad so he won't kill me:)
My Hill.
Last edited by Yoge (Mar 2 2012 11:04:32 am)
I teleport everyone except my teammate to another dimension
Our hill
I can speak with food, it's awfull to eat now...
my hill
I eat cows.
My hill.
I ask all of the members of Our Hill then use every special power that we never knew that we had then pwn you all.
Our Victorious Hill. (We also celebrate with ice cream)
I are back.
I rise from the grave and destroy you all during your Ice Cream part, I then Resurrect my teammate and he and I conquer the hill
Our Hill!
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