Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Different55 wrote:villager wrote:Any idea how long we have to wait ?And if u dont then its fine.
I'm helping them set it up, which is why I'm no longer an administrator here.
It might be a while. If things go impossibly well, it won't be up until the new owners have full control over everything related to EE.
did you choose to downgrade yourself, or did the other mods downgrade you
Atilla got the idea into his head that I was going to steal his style sheets (which are based of free and publicly available style sheets so I don't know if it even works like that) so he de-admin'd me to keep me from doing that, I guess? Not entirely sure, but the reason I'm not an admin anymore is that he doesn't see the reason for me to be an admin. Not sure why they made all these mods and admins here in the first place but whatever. It's not like I was using it or anything anywa. Most of the timethe mod actions are being done by atilla and Meredith anyway.
Pingohits wrote:Different55 wrote:I'm helping them set it up, which is why I'm no longer an administrator here.
It might be a while. If things go impossibly well, it won't be up until the new owners have full control over everything related to EE.
did you choose to downgrade yourself, or did the other mods downgrade you
Is it just me or i see DIFFERENT55's name bolder than normal users's name even he has lost his powers? :rolleyes:
Yeah, my name is actually bold. No idea why. Probably justsome lingering admin stuff.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
hey! look whose story still exists, woooo
Yeah, but tak4n's super long story thread was lost. :/
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
oh no what a pity
Yeah, but tak4n's super long story thread was lost. :/
My account seems to have been wiped. According to this forum I have never existed
Different55 wrote:Yeah, but tak4n's super long story thread was lost. :/
My account seems to have been wiped. According to this forum I have never existed
Your account exists, it just needs to be merged with your current one. Then you get all your posts back and you can edit you old posts. Your old posts are still here so you have existed.
thx for sig bobithan
tak4n wrote:Different55 wrote:Yeah, but tak4n's super long story thread was lost. :/
My account seems to have been wiped. According to this forum I have never existed
Your account exists, it just needs to be merged with your current one. Then you get all your posts back and you can edit you old posts. Your old posts are still here so you have existed.
This, more or less. I only moved posts, not accounts, so people have to recreate their accounts.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Hmmm... I should probably start writing this again shouldn't I?
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Im pressing that button for 17 days idk if still works.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
unrealistic 1st chapter; benje would never die
I will probably believe that the criminal murder Master1 before finishing this.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Last Chapter:
Master1 has quit writting the story and suicided, the end.
This is a false statement.
Real Last Chapter:
Master1 is sitting in his house thinking up an ending to the story. An email then pops up asking if he wants to be a guardian. He says yes and then atilla murders him with a chainsaw, which would have caused a one-hit KO if he were attacked at the middle of Final Destination.
The end
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Master1 wrote:After a long break from writing, I am back to finish what I started. The sequel to my previous murder story, And Then There Was One, will be coming very soon. If you haven't read the first one, and are interested in this story, I urge you to read it now. This story will leave off right where the previous one ended, so you will be pretty lost if you are skipping it.
The story will keep the same basic concept of the old one, (Someone trying to secretly murder everyone on the island) and it will have 12 Chapters this time.
Chapter 1: Murderer No More
Benje00 sat alone inside the blood-covered death house where he had just finished killing his final victim. Night slowly began to fall as he patiently waited for Rpgmaster2000 to come retrieve him. Benje00 felt weird referring to him by anything other than his code name Big “S” or “Superman”, but his job was done, so it didn’t matter anymore. Benje00 looked around, thinking about what he had done. All those murders, some of them friends, some nothing more than acquaintances. He couldn’t believe that he had pulled it off. He crept around the dark house, looking at each of the bodies. He saw Honey and Boh, lying as still as rocks in the upstairs bathroom. He saw Gkabyss’ and Failgirls’ bodies, crusted with a dark red layer of blood.
As he stared at their lifeless corpses he began to feel regret creeping up his throat... then his phone rang, snapping him back to his senses. “Hey Benje00, It’s Rpgmaster2000. I talked to Chris earlier today, and he wanted me to bring another group of people to meet up at the island. Just thought you should know.” All the regret that he had previously felt was immediately replaced by shock. Was Rpgmaster really going to bring another group of people after what had happened? Then again, Rpgmaster was clueless as to how many people had actually died. The only planned assassination was MrShoe’s. “Uhh… Okay,” Replied Benje00, struggling to create words. “Benje00… Is there something wrong?” Asked Rpgmaster. “No… Not at all,” Answered Benje00, trying to sound much more confident than he actually was. “Good,” Said Rpgmaster, “I will arrive first thing tomorrow morning with ten new players. Make sure MrShoe’s body is well hidden, we don’t want anyone knowing that he was murdered. We will come up with an excuse later. Oh, and tell everyone else I said hi!” “Sure thing… Bye...” Replied Benje00. “...Goodbye, Benje00, and good work.”
Benje00 then realized the huge mistake he had made. He shouldn’t have called up Rpgmaster to take him back. Of course he would notice that everyone was missing, how could he be so dumb. Benje00 was now in a very complicated situation, and he needed a way out of it now. He had less than ten hours before Rpgmaster would return, and if he saw the dead bodies, Benje00 would be given a life sentence in prison, or worse, the death penalty.
He quickly began to devise his plan. He knew that Rpgmaster and the new players would be arriving by plane, so he needed a way of destroying it, thus removing their ability to take him to prison. He also knew that the bodies needed to be hidden, and he needed a good excuse for where the players had “gone.” Benje00 began his work. He rounded up the remains of all the bodies he could find, and stuffed them into the secret passageway linking between bedroom number two, and the basement. He then began searching for as many weapons that were in the house as he could find, he knew that there must be a storage of them somewhere, how else would the old house owner have defended himself against anything that wanted to cause harm? Benje00 checked the house map and found a new secret passage, under one of the floorboards in the living room. This lead him to an underground room with knives, a couple small guns, and a few bombs. “Bombs,” Benje00 said to himself, “They would be perfect for blowing up a plane.”
As he emerged from the underground room, he became aware that the sun was beginning to rise off in the distance. He hurried outside, and ran to the beach, this was his best bet at spotting the plane early. He wanted them to see him, and land far from the house, this way the explosion would not damage it. Ten minutes passed… Twenty minutes… Thirty minutes… an entire hour had gone by when Benje00 finally heard the loud sounds of a plane coming in. Rpgmaster, being a pretty decent pilot, landed the plane smoothly on the soft grass near the beach. One by one, the members of the plane began to exit. Benje00 watched as Buzzerbee, Forcesniper, Fradeshan, Meredith, Muftwin, Rpgmaster2000, Tak4n, Thedoctor, Thwinkt, Toxic, and Zoey2070 all stepped out of the plane and onto land. Benje00 greeted all of them and welcomed them to the island. Then Rpgmaster asked the terrifying question of “So Benje00, where are the others?” Benje00 who completely forgot that he needed a good excuse, came up with a lie on the spot and said, “Oh, they’re all at the house, they expected you to land over there. I was just out for a walk when I spotted you guys.” “Great!” said Buzzerbee, “I can’t wait to meet Gkabyss.” “If you guys just head off into that direction,” said Benje00, pointing North, into the treeline, “You will come across the house fairly soon. “Sounds good,” said Fradeshan,” and they began to walk off, leaving Benje00 alone for just enough time to set a couple bombs by the plane. He set timers on them to go off within an hour. This should be enough time.
Benje00 then ran quickly after the group to catch up to them. He then lead them in circles around the forest, pretending to be lost. He knew his excuse would be over the moment they stepped foot in the house and nobody was there. As they walked, Thedoctor spotted a cave off to the side. “Look there!” He shouted excitedly. Benje00 recognized that cave, and the decaying body that lie in front of it. He had forgotten to hide Stagecrew’s body. The group walked over and saw the dented skull of Stagecrew. Rpgmaster turned to Benje00, “So… This is what that was all about… You murdered him didn’t you?” Benje00 then became frightened. “No!, it wasn’t me!” “Then where are the others? You said they were at the house, and we have been walking in circles for nearly an hour! Are you scared to take us there?” Asked Rpgmaster. Benje00 knew it was over for him, and then he heard a sound that instantly filled him with joy. An explosion off in the distance, and he knew the plane was toast. They were all trapped there, and he was safe, or so he thought. “WHAT WAS THAT?!?” Yelled Zoey. “Never mind that! Take us to the house right now! “Screamed Rpgmaster. Benje00 felt slightly safer knowing that they couldn’t take him away from the island, so he lead them to the house.
Upon reaching it, they were all faced with the truth. The bodies were hidden, but blood still stained the carpets in several areas. They all knew Benje00 had murdered the rest. Thwinkt was especially convinced. He grabbed a rope out of his backpack, and forced Benje00 into a chair, and tied him to it for questioning. “DID YOU, OR DID YOU NOT MURDER EVERYONE THAT WAS ON THIS ISLAND!” He roared. Benje00 wanted to lie, he knew he couldn’t tell the truth, but something inside him told him he had to. “Yes, I did”, said Benje00 silently. The group all knew what they had to do. They decided to return to the plane, and they were going to take him straight to the police.
As they reached the place where they had landed, they all saw what had made the loud banging noise earlier. The plane was in pieces, and a huge crater had formed in the land. “YOU!” Yelled Rpgmaster, staring at Benje00. “If we are going to be trapped on this island, we will not have a murderer among us!” Shouted Thwinkt as he began to attack Benje00. Most of the others joined in and Benje00 was brutally beaten until he was nearly dead. “Guys, this is enough,” said Toxic, who was one of the few that didn’t attack. “What are we going to do? Murder him and become murderers ourselves?” She said. “She’s right,” added Muftwin, and although they were all angry, they agreed, and everyone slowly began to walk off… Well… Almost everyone. They could have easily left Benje00 there, still clinging onto the little life he had left in him, but no. Someone else had different plans. Benje00 continued to lie there in the grass, completely knocked out, when a knife plunged itself into his chest. It had begun once again.Chapter 2: A Mysterious Disappearance
No one muttered a word on the trip back to the house. They were all stunned by what Benje00 had done, and nobody could stop thinking about how they were now trapped on the island. They were in the same situation that the previous group had been in, except this time, there was no murderer… Or so they thought. The long silence was finally broken by Rpgmaster, who said “You know guys, after thinking about it, it was pretty dumb of us to just leave Benje00 on the beach. When he wakes up he’ll be after us for sure. Should we go back, get him, and bring his body here to keep an eye on?”“Oh I don’t think that will be necessary,” stated Meredith. “Those injuries from the fight looked pretty lethal. If he survives them, he will most likely be too weak and in too much pain to cause harm.”
“But Meredith,” started Zoey, “Wouldn’t it make sense for us to get him, just to be on the safe side?”
“Yeah, I agree with zoey,” said Fradeshan, “We should go back.”
“Alright fine,” said Meredith, “but can we do it in the morning? That forest seems pretty scary at night, especially knowing that several murders were probably committed out there.”
The others agreed.
That night, they decided to sleep in pairs, two to a room, except for room five, which had three. The pairings were as follows: Buzzerbee and Tak4n, Muftwin and Thwinkt, Thedoctor and Rpgmaster, Forcesniper and Fradeshan, and the final room contained Meredith, Zoey2070, and Toxic. The darkness of the night seemed to last an eternity. Everyone was in deep thought as they lie in bed. Tak4n’s mind was racing the instant his head hit the pillow. He thought about how Rpgmaster seemed convinced that it was Benje00 who murdered everyone previously. Sure, the evidence pointed to him later on, but how had Rpg known it the instant they found Stagecrew? Something obviously wasn’t right… It couldn’t just be a coincidence, could it?
The next morning, everyone began to rise as the sun peeked through their windows. Fradeshan, who was the first to go to bed that night, was up rather early. He sat up in his bed and examined the room. It took him a moment to realize that Forcesniper was already up and gone. He quietly got out of bed, and walked downstairs. Just as he reached the bottom, he saw Forcesniper coming through the front door.
“Hey Fradeshan!” said Force calmly. “Sleep well?”
“Not really,” said Fradeshan. “Where did you just come back from?”
“Oh, I just went out for a walk, didn’t want to wake you up… I figured most people would be sleeping in after everything that happened last night,” Answered Forcesniper.“Yeah… Everyone else is still in bed.” added Fradeshan. At that moment, they began to hear sounds coming from upstairs. “Nevermind,” said Fradeshan. “I guess someone’s awake now.”
Meredith, Toxic, and Zoey had all woken up, and were talking in their room. “So,” said Toxic, “I guess we’re all going to retrieve Benje00 now?”
“No!” said Meredith.
“Why not?” questioned Zoey.
“Benje00 is probably dead by now, and I refuse to touch a dead body… That’s why I didn’t want to do it last night.” Answered Meredith.Toxic then said, “I think he was just knocked out, he didn’t look dea-,”
They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Zoey, who had the bed closest to the door, got up and checked to see who it was. “We thought we heard noises coming from up here!,” said Forcesniper. “Glad someone else is finally awake.”
“Yeah we’ve just been talking for a while, didn’t realize we were so loud,” said Zoey. “We’re about to head downstairs.”
Meredith then gave Zoey an evil glare, but followed them downstairs without saying another word. When they returned to the ground floor of the house, more and more people began to slowly make their way down as well. Buzzerbee, Tak4n, Rpgmaster2000, and Thedoctor all joined the other five downstairs.
“You guys ready to head out for Benje00?” Questioned Rpgmaster.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Muftwin and Thwinkt?” said Buzzerbee.
“Nah, I say we let them sleep,” replied Tak4n. “Last night was rough, so who knows how long they could’ve been up,” he continued.
“I think we should wait for them,” said Meredith.
“Oh stop coming up with excuses Meredith,“ said Zoey. “Let’s just go and get it over with.”
They then left the house, and traveled to the location where Benje00 was attacked. “...Where is he?” Asked Tak4n.
“He was right here... “ Said Rpgmaster.
“How…?” questioned Buzzerbee.
They all stared blankly at the spot on the ground where Benje00’s body was last seen. Benje00 was gone.
“I knew we should have come back last night!” Yelled Rpgmaster. They all turned and gave Meredith an evil stare. “You were the one who didn’t want to come back!” said Forcesniper. “I… I’m sorry,” said Meredith. Tak4n then spoke, “You guys do realize what this means right?” “Yeah,” said Rpgmaster, as a feeling of uncontrollable fear hit him. “It means Benje00 is now in hiding, and we’re all in danger...”
Only one person knew that Benje00 had been stabbed, and that his body had been removed overnight.
“Guys, let’s head back to the house. I feel much safer there.” stated Buzzerbee. “Yeah, same.” said everyone else in unison. As they were about to leave for the house, Fradeshan stepped on something that made a cracking sound. Everyone heard it, and turned around to see what had made the noise. They glanced down at Fradeshans feet and saw the destroyed remains of Rpgmaster’s cell phone, resting on the rough ground. Rpgmaster had left his phone on the plane, and it was now as good as gone. Benje00 had the only other phone. “How could I be so stupid…” muttered Rpgmaster. “I have screwed us all.”
The walk back to the house was quiet once again. It stayed that way until they were within eyesight of the house. Then, all of a sudden Fradeshan’s mouth opened to say something, but before any words could come out, a loud banging sound blasted it’s way through the silence. A bullet had implanted itself in his skull. Fradeshan collapsed to the ground clutching his head in pain. A split second later, the pain instantly stopped, and Fradeshan felt nothing. He would never feel anything again.
Last edited by Master1 (Jan 30 2015 9:40:07 pm)
Hope you scrubs are happy, about time right?
Yay next chapter is out. Maybe update OP.
Can't, apparently my forum account hasn't been linked. This entire time I thought D55 had already done mine, but I guess he missed it.
I have to wait until he's done that before I can edit my old posts. :/
Wooo! the OP has now been updated!
Enjoy Chapter 2
After i died in an other EE story for trying to find the true murder. I believe in this circumstances of mysterious assassinations, I prefer to be an idiot but to survive much longer / Or maybe to make an agreement with the devil.
All is about survive now, isn't it?
However because Im not made of tin, I will try to keep everybody safe.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
After i died in an other EE story for trying to find the true murder. I believe in this circumstances of mysterious assassinations, I prefer to be an idiot but to survive much longer / Or maybe to make an agreement with the devil.
All is about survive now, isn't it?
However because Im not made of tin, I will try to keep everybody safe.
I'm confused
Chapter 3 will be posted by tomorrow night, time for me to stop being lazy and set a real deadline for myself.
Nice Buzzerbee, we got another one >:D
Edit: my list is down to 6 potential murderers. Ruled off 3 people this chapter including Fradeshan. Hmm who from the 6 could it be.
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