Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-06-14 23:22:14


Made a revamp of the among us smiley, free of charge //

Rivelka wrote:

Hello, everyone! //

I am proud to announce the new project Everybody Edits! It's called Everybody Edits Rewritten! //

This project was made to restore multiplayer functions.

The game uses the Game Code from EEmulator (latest version - 0.2.9). Currently the latest version is 246 (In May 2021 - 225). In the future we may get more game codes for later versions, so please be patient at this moment. //

The game server has been updated, so you can relax up and build worlds like in original EE! //

Differences from original EE

- Contest and Campaign Prizes (and also Superman Smiley) are available in the Shop

- Currently only some smileys and Admin Text are left as the Staff Exclusive such as the magic system is the same as the original EE

- Profiles don't work and act like Private Profiles

- Crews and Friends currently do not work

- At this moment we have no Campaigns, they are not planned at this moment

- Home Worlds and Loading Screens are decorated for every normal season/update

- Better Daily Rewards for Login

- World Previews from Lobby don't work properly, a fix is planned in the future update from some help

- You start at 1000 Max Energy instead of 200

- New and fun updates including new content in every time!

- There won't be never purchasing gems with real money (it would've be illegal and remakes, that were found of it can be taken away very quickly)

- The registration process is a bit different from this on EE, here's a video showcasing the register process:

Note: This video is out-dated, you can register now in-game!

Old versions - not recommend

SWF to play this game (1.5.2) (v246) Latest version (09.05.2023) … rYtjJV-u8E

Adobe Flash Player … _32_sa.exe

Register your Account Not recommend tool - Updated 10.10.2021 (Note: This tool is no longer neccessary!) …

Public Testing Server … xYkhf1L-20

Not recommend tool!

EESpender v1.0

Source Code and Guide:

Don't forget also to join our discord server in here!

Thanks for reading and see you in EE Rewritten! //

~ Rivelka


#2 Re: Game Discussion » EE PlayerIO Game IDs - Test Results for v89, v188 and v225 » 2021-05-27 18:33:54

Rivelka wrote:

Here's a collection of versions of Everybody Edits, that work on v225 mainly.
You may notice, that there's missing versions: v205, v206, v208, v210, v212, v218, v221.3 and v221.4 (the two last are unnecessary) and yes, the v218 was over 4 years ago, so I couldn't find it on the internet. //

Thanks for reading.

~ Rivelka

I find it great to know EE's versions are being archived and compiled throughoutly //

#3 Re: Bug Reports » NPC UI error » 2018-05-05 23:29:29

Jet wrote:
Gosha wrote:
Enurp wrote:

Have you tried moving the npc sprite over? duh gosha c'mon man.

Sometimes problems that seem to be easy to fix are very hard.

i tried messing around with things here, but it doesn't work. Maybe somebody can solve this?

oh. this uses the same script for every extra block menu

tbh they’re all bad so i would just redo the script

that is what happens when you use script from the mrshoe era to the early NVD era.
(better edit my settings, so cringy...)

#4 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Jamm's Sugestion Thread. » 2016-10-07 14:42:57

Pingohits wrote:


XD k //

#5 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Jamm's Sugestion Thread. » 2016-10-05 05:21:22

MrJaWapa wrote:

The leprechaun smiley looks a lot like the New Years smiley.

Female adventure looks more gothic. I was expect a smiley like that to never leave their house.

The blocks lack texture. I like the shade of brown, but I can't tell it's supposed to be wood.

I will try to rework it. thank you.

#6 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Jamm's Sugestion Thread. » 2016-10-05 04:36:49

jonhvictor2004sonic wrote:

The leprechaun smiley looks like:

Now every smiley with a hat looks like him?

#7 Graphics Suggestions » Jamm's Sugestion Thread. » 2016-10-05 03:56:35

Replies: 10

Hi, i'm Jonatah12 A.K.A Jamm6. I really want to work in EE as a secondary graphical artist along side TOOP

-- Leprechaum Smiley --

Hidden text

-- Theater Package (W.I.P) --

Hidden text

-- Female Adventurer Smiley --

Hidden text

#8 Re: Forum Discussion » Why are they banned? REVIVED » 2015-09-26 19:09:31

Fdoou is using a fake acc with the same name to post things while banned

#10 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Jonatah12 Graphics » 2015-06-14 23:46:10

Pingohits wrote:

jonahtah12 for graphics maker

all hail jonahtah


#11 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Valentin358's New Graphics » 2015-06-13 22:02:15

Valentin358 wrote:
Freckleface wrote:

This is now my beautifyul (<correct) smiley
V.S. Valentin358's smiley                  

omg u win XD

but , now, with my new lolface smiley, i win ( ) XDDDDD

already have a lol smiley '-'

#12 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Valentin358's New Graphics » 2015-06-13 22:00:12

anch159 wrote:

I like the rainbow block.

dat as the only thing good than the grim caroler in all the thread -.-

#13 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Valentin358's New Graphics » 2015-06-13 21:59:15

N1KF wrote:
FDOOU wrote:

sorry, only americans allowed on this forum

rip onjit and skullz17

and R.I.P me //

#14 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Jonatah12 Graphics » 2015-06-13 21:38:45

i returned, i will do more smileys

#15 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Bruce Revamps » 2015-06-13 21:36:26

Duck wrote:

i remember i requested this somewhere
now make jonatah12 on every smiley

I,m returned //
Ok, dat was not a good idea

#16 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Unicorn smiley. » 2015-04-15 01:54:58

Jedpogi wrote:


thx for note that error.
i,m not english native remember please.

#17 Re: Game Business » [NOTICE] Everybody Edits and Chrome » 2015-04-15 00:53:22

The problems in me chrome started after JaWapa said.
And now the site are completly buggy.
I can only play EE using me remake (Click in the website buttom to play)
PS: the EE come back. I think that hackers deleted the site and caused a massive runtime error

#18 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Unicorn smiley. » 2015-04-14 23:35:00

Tomkazaz wrote:
Jonatah12 wrote:

i continue thinking that me unicorn follow more the rules.

I support this sZYdwZi.pngsZYdwZi.pngsZYdwZi.pngsZYdwZi.pngsZYdwZi.png At least you made it seriously..

i try to follow EE rules and ALSO Mr. Shoe's rules of smiley creating.
Xen are incredible making everything, but he is a Pro and i am a Intermediate

#20 Re: Graphics Suggestions » bad » 2015-04-06 23:41:41

here the mime smiley revamp:

#22 Re: Graphics Suggestions » bad » 2015-04-06 23:12:00

drstereos wrote:
Vitalijus wrote:
drstereos wrote:
Vitalijus wrote:

Theese sucks, made in paint.

you're just jealous because you haven't made any smiley graphics
also you say that because they're made by me and you hate me for being a roblox hater

So yeah, I'm not jealous and I said that becouse I hate smileys made in paint, that don't have any shading.

i used paint.NET to make these graphics, also you hate my smileys because you hate me, you never actually paid attention to the smileys and go straight and say "these suck" just because I made them

I use
I don't hate you and don't hates your smileys, but they are too smooth, needs be more 3D and minus Google logo like.

#23 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Unicorn smiley. » 2015-04-06 16:12:06

i continue thinking that me unicorn follow more the rules.

#24 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Unicorn smiley. » 2015-04-04 19:57:51

xen90 wrote:
Jonatah12 wrote:
skullz17 wrote:
Jonatah12 wrote:
madiik wrote:

Thats definetly better. Beiber12 has been outranked!

i don't think that dat is better.
i worked hard and why you hate me?

Who's hating you? He just said that he prefers the one that xen90 made.

he called me as bieber.

No one really hates you, Bieber is like your nick it's not ment to be offencive.
I think being a Bieber is even a good thing i mean come one you get millions of chicks, millions of haters and million dollars each month.
Also i was reffering to your smiley that resembles you, witch looks like JB.

EDIT: get on topic ty

you see me pm.
i work really hard all the time and he used the term "bieber" offencively.
i made this smiley some time ago, are like the smiley is in beta and i got busy to change.

#25 Re: Graphics Suggestions » Unicorn smiley. » 2015-04-04 19:52:56

skullz17 wrote:
Jonatah12 wrote:
skullz17 wrote:
Jonatah12 wrote:
madiik wrote:

Thats definetly better. Beiber12 has been outranked!

i don't think that dat is better.
i worked hard and why you hate me?

Who's hating you? He just said that he prefers the one that xen90 made.

he called me as bieber.

what if he loves beiber

then he must love you

he hates me '-'

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