Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Game Discussion » Is EE! cooked? » 2024-03-14 20:26:36

Replies: 35

It's been a while. I've seen lots of people say the same thing. I'm not going to try to say that I agree and try explaining why just yet, but this community is growing less hopeful by the second.

I may or may not be saying this just so every other topic isn't the same blabber about EE! being canned without our knowledge, but yeah. It's also kinda funny how that one insanely edgy topic I made a few years back was actually eerily prophetic, because now way more other people think EE! is done for as well.

I repeat, I don't mean to argue for myself that EE! is over. I'm just trying to make some kind of discussion thread for all of these statements. But I guess I can also be informed if doing that's not really necessary anyway.

#2 Re: Forum Discussion » Official Intro/Outro Thread » 2023-10-28 05:10:44

I am just here because I would like to apologize for being unfathomably idiotic in 2021.

#3 Re: World Creation » An Impossible Ascension » 2023-10-28 04:42:11

Lictor666 wrote:
Nikodemzak wrote:

Alright, who'll build it now?

Another unnecessary gravedig from yours truly, but I am going to be dumbfounded if you actually took up this depressing excuse of a concept.

If you did... well, pass on the eelvl at least. Surely it'll be better than whatever uncoordinated, lazy and edgy spike spam I would've made.

#4 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Offline: Project M (1.1.1) [MERRY CHRISTMAS!] » 2023-10-22 20:02:53

Snowester wrote:
TowerOfDustAndDecay wrote:

This might come off as incredibly stupid and not worth the gravedig, but would it be okay for this to get uploaded on Flashpoint by any chance? Other Flash emulators tend to be wonky.

Flash emulators? What OS are you using?
There's a flash projector for each of the 3 major OS, and it was actually given from Flashpoint iirc, but you could find them from EEO discord > #how-to-play

11. What, am I supposed to be on something earlier?

#5 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Offline: Project M (1.1.1) [MERRY CHRISTMAS!] » 2023-10-22 08:05:42

This might come off as incredibly stupid and not worth the gravedig, but would it be okay for this to get uploaded on Flashpoint by any chance? Other Flash emulators tend to be wonky.

#6 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2022-09-24 02:50:49

I hate to be that guy, but...

I don't think giving free edit to any world immediately without a code is that good of an idea. Let's say I wanna make a minigame level. If everyone just gets edit, the whole thing would get trolled in seconds.

#7 Re: Game Suggestions » Bubble action tool » 2021-09-11 19:37:34

Grilyon2 wrote:
TowerOfDustAndDecay wrote:

That's just no gravity but with a timer.

It's not, it have more features than no gravity

Such as?

#8 Re: Game Business » Everybody Edits! New Artstyle | Progress Report (May 28th, 2021) ☆ » 2021-09-11 19:34:41

My sand walls are gonna look horrendous now.

For real though, though most of these graphics look nice, some of them are just gonna make some worlds look pretty weird.

#9 Re: Game Suggestions » Bubble action tool » 2021-09-11 19:23:32

That's just no gravity but with a timer.

#10 Re: Game Suggestions » Elemental Cannon & Cannonball action tool » 2021-09-11 14:54:11

The slime could be used for interesting minis and stuff. I'm with you.

#11 Re: Bug Reports » Saves don't work » 2021-09-10 16:02:40

This glitch has been resolved in the Discord after someone telling me about a god forsaken newline.

#12 Re: Bug Reports » Saves don't work » 2021-09-10 01:46:36

I used it, and didn't really get good results.

#13 Bug Reports » Saves don't work » 2021-09-09 23:23:46

Replies: 3

Apparently, in EEO, I try to save my world, but it does nothing.

This is pretty much self explanatory, so I will leave the questions to you.

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