Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Game Discussion » History of home worlds » 2024-04-28 08:58:57

I can't download worlds here, I get message, that page is not found, how can I do?

#2 Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Wiki's design has been updated!!! » 2024-04-27 17:31:35

Replies: 2

I think, it is major design update since 6 years or so.

#3 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2024-04-19 08:39:39

Updated the first post to update the github link as the previous one no longer works! So here's a new one!

Enjoy! - Rivelka

#4 Re: Questions and Answers » Ask Me Anything! » 2024-04-03 16:30:46

Hi Xenonetix and welcome to 2024 world!

#5 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-08-01 09:48:28

Important Announance: The thread is now closed, if you have questions about EE Rewritten, feel free to join our discord server here:

Download new EE Rewritten versions here:

#6 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-07-14 08:20:18

wjyg wrote:

help why i can't join the game

Use this link: to download latest release of EE Rewritten.

#7 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-06-29 10:15:13

Hello, everyone! //

The new update v1.6.0 is now ready! //

Welcome to the amazingly sunny day! Yes! We are starting the summer vacation in Everybody Edits Rewritten!

First thing I want you say, that happened at the last time.

I have hired capasha to help me at client and server code of EE Rewritten.


New items:

*Added the Towels (come from my original EEO mod from v269)

Other changes:

*New Summer Loading Screen made by Vex (in forum known as Nickelbath) from Loading Screen Contest!
*Re-designed Impostor smiley (by forum user Jonatah12)
*Right click version now references as "Everybody Edits Rewritten"
*Cave backgrounds were re-arranged to color scheme in EER (same as Pastel backgrounds)
*Postman smiley is now red in minimap (similar with police smiley, he's blue and postman's red)
*Gentleman smiley is now too much black, so he's invisible in minimap!
*Changed some in-game texts
*Purchase gems buttons were blacked

Things, that were added right before this update:

*Added the friends system
*Fixed the extra tongue smiley
*Re-added the Garden ladders

Why "re-added"? Garden ladders were previously introduced in v1.2.0 update in October 9, 2021 and later removed in v1.2.14 update (December 26, 2022) and v1.2.15 (December 30, 2022) with leftovers, because they weren't working properly and acting as regular blocks, so don't worry now, they were fixed in this today update, so enjoy them!

Download link: … wS2Ug7_rQU

Have a great and fun sunny day! See you in-game!

~ Rivelka

Important announcement: This was last update to be posted in forum. I encourage you to join our discord server:

Closing thread is planned on August 1, 2023.

#9 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-05-10 13:36:12

Nickelbath wrote:


EDIT: i can't login, it's hanging on the loading screen

Is now working again. I forgot to update the new Game Code server in Multiplayer tab.


#10 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-05-09 20:07:33

Hello, everyone! //

The new update v1.5.2 is now ready!

Happy Birthday to Everybody Edits Rewritten!


New items:

*Added 2nd Anniversary Smiley! Remember to get it before June 9, 2023!
*Added gray pastel background and white, gray and black cave backgrounds!


Other changes:

*Squirrel Smiley was missing in SmileyMap in the sever code, so everyone could use it for free! It is no longer possible, sorry!

Download link: … rYtjJV-u8E

See you in-game!

~ Rivelka

#12 Re: Bots and Programming » [Release] EEOditor 2.0.8 » 2023-04-19 15:10:57

capasha wrote:
Rivelka wrote:

Hey, that's the worst thing! Now I can't get help from here. //

Help for what? The Wiki pages?


#13 Re: Bots and Programming » [Release] EEOditor 2.0.8 » 2023-04-19 13:42:00

capasha wrote:
N1KF wrote:

It looks like Capasha's entire GitHub account disappeared, along with the stuff on it. Where can I download this, and find the other things you've released over the years?

Nothing interesting on the GitHub anyway. The reason I deleted everything, people never get happy whatever I do. I use my free time to do this, and try to deliver things that people MAYBE want.

Last uploaded file of EEOditor can be found here: …

Hey, that's the worst thing! Now I can't get help from here. //

#14 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-04-09 09:24:41

Hello, everyone! //

The new update v1.5.1 is now ready!

Happy Easter!


New items:

*Added orange egg for Easter 2012 Decorations! If you own it, you'll get it for free!
*Added vertical sawhorse for Construction Package! It will be available for free everyone!
*Added mug and clock for Domestic Package! If you own it, you'll get it for free!

Other changes:

*Pastel backgrounds were arranged according to current color scheme: (white, gray, black, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, pink)
*Fixed the weird white line above magenta aura in the shop

Download link: … ELrz7YySiw

See you in-game!

~ Rivelka

#15 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-04-06 08:04:48

Hello, everyone! //

The new update v1.5.0 is now ready!


I have meant to release this update on April 2, but because of Playground and busy with school, had to delay this update, but finally it's ready! //

New items:

*Added the Edit Block! It will let you give edit in your worlds without having manually giving them! Useful for free edit or boss levels! (design made by Vex (in forum known as Nickelbath)
*Added the 9th Magic Block along with their backgrounds for previous ones! The latest one will be available for energy to celebrate joining it to magic block/background team!
*Added the Squirrel Smiley (we will continue to add things from original EE until it's discontinuation)

Other changes:

*New Loading Screen made by Vex (in forum known as Nickelbath) from Loading Screen Contest!
*Postman smiley is now free and available to everyone!
*Fixed a bug, where Winter 2018 Half Blocks weren't morphable (bug known since update 1.3.0, don't place and save them, or it will break the world code)
*Multi-jump effect block and Domestic Pack Expansion are no longer on sale or featured
*New Home World Design to be more Springy/Easter!
*EE Blog is now using Web Archive, for the case, when the original blog is not available or is down
*News are fixed!

Download link: … yZG67Nts0I

See you in-game!

~ Rivelka

#17 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-04-01 08:06:42

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#18 Compost Bin » playground is best! » 2023-04-01 07:24:47

Replies: 1

I think that playground is best idea ever, you think?

#20 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-03-12 15:49:01

Core wrote:
capasha wrote:

When are you not going to copy other peoples work? This block belongs to EECM.
You always copy other peoples work, same as in your PFP. And always ignoring people in this thread.
There was 90% people that voted for all blocks, still you ignore the vote result and continue use gems for items that will take forever to get.

"Yeah you need gems, and that will give you x time to get through login rewards", funny? No.

Sucks that someone taught this guy what a paywall is and how to use it.

I can stop doing updates if you don't like it. How many times do I have to repeat this. I don't have an idea for block designs and have to copy it somewhere. I have made an huge mistake, when creating poll for people wanting free blocks. :/

I also plan quitting here. My post and video shouldn't not exist here.

#21 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | MULTIPLAYER IN 2024 » 2023-03-11 20:27:25

Nickelbath wrote:
Rivelka wrote:

The new Edit Block is coming soon!

Question: Was the Edit Block sprite ripped from EECM?

Yeah, it's from EECM. I had no idea, how to replace it with something else and I even used it in my EEO mod even. :/

#23 Game Discussion » R.I.P. Everybody Edits Blog - 2010-2023 » 2023-03-05 14:33:57

Replies: 1

Goodbye Everybody Edits Blog - 2010-2023. I will miss you very much! I checked it every day to see what's new in Everybody Edits world! New updates, items, campaigns or even rewards to earn! Regularly updated for 13 years, aside from breaks! Benjaminsen, MrShoe, Xenonetix and finally Satanya! The modern technologies have taken you FOREVER! :'(

First page:
Last page:

This your may last chance to check out all their blog posts to refresh your memory!

Sorry for very low quality!


~ Rivelka

High quality video:

#24 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | Announcing the Loading Screen Contest! » 2023-03-04 22:30:09

Rivelka wrote:
Nickelbath wrote:


also gentleman smiley don't work, it just defaults to regular smiley

Hmmm... I see also, the new gentleman smiley is missing in database. I'll try to solve this problem as I can.

UPDATE: I have fixed this problem! The reason, why it wasn't working, it was missing in the game code, but I added it. You need to reload the game and you should see your new gentleman smiley, enjoy!


P.S. Yeah, it's my test account.

#25 Re: Game Discussion » Everybody Edits Rewritten | Announcing the Loading Screen Contest! » 2023-03-04 22:22:52

Nickelbath wrote:


also gentleman smiley don't work, it just defaults to regular smiley

Hmmm... I see also, the new gentleman smiley is missing in database. I'll try to solve this problem as I can.

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