Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#3 Re: Crews » Mirin Squad » 2017-01-22 01:05:22

Luka504 wrote:

Ugh ill sign up. I guess.
Im a relatively good minigame maker and a pretty mediocre artist (definitely not the worst but have a lot more to learn.)
Im pretty creative, mostly concerning general world ideas, I have like 20 of em Rn and have no idea what to do with any of them since ill probably come up with 50 more before im even done with the first batch.
I make mostly easy worlds since I consider those ones the most fun. I consider hard worlds fun, fun like, killing a family with a chainsaw, that kind of fun amirite guis?
Im 50% edgy 40% annoying and 10% normal and 100% salty.
Really the only reason I wanna join this crew is cuz im not rly a part of an active crew (I dont consider my one man crew thing a crew really just me making mediocre worlds that get attention for no reason) and.... This is the first crew that peeks my interests.
Idk accept me or whatever

>when ur overdramatic and serious about a meme clan

#4 Re: Forum Discussion » a petition to the administration of the ee forums to free soniiiety » 2017-01-22 00:59:16

Kessiope wrote:

Can a mod come here for repair the forum.. ? hummerz5, Different55, they is serious trolls actually..

if you mean repair the forum by unbanning our hero yes

#5 Re: Forum Discussion » a petition to the administration of the ee forums to free soniiiety » 2017-01-22 00:49:21

N1KF wrote:
Gamemonger wrote:
N1KF wrote:

Can you people stop sarcastically praising soniiiety? It was kind of funny at first, but now, it just feels like mockery and disguised harassment. If you have a problem with him, just genuinely say so for once and explain in private messages. If the Everybody Edits forum hivemind keeps this up it might just get worse.

why do you always ruin everything
we love our hero and your attempts to assassinate him will never work

I'm not trying to assassinate him. I do however think his jail time is reasonable, as he needs to learn how to properly behave.

i bet you're trying to kill him now
he behaves just fine you just have a problem with him since he's here to speak out against the corrupt system, that's why he's in jail

#6 Re: Crews » Mirin Squad » 2017-01-22 00:37:15

let me in or ill make my boy son triple i ety pop a cap in you

#8 Re: Forum Discussion » Why are they banned? REVIVED » 2017-01-22 00:28:46

N1KF wrote:
Gamemonger wrote:
N1KF wrote:
Gamemonger wrote:
hummerz5 wrote:

soniiiety was banned for spam

unban him

Why? I don't think unbans are done just on request.

they will cause i said so

That's egotistical. You don't have control over who gets banned.

of course i do

#9 Re: Forum Discussion » a petition to the administration of the ee forums to free soniiiety » 2017-01-22 00:25:51

N1KF wrote:

Can you people stop sarcastically praising soniiiety? It was kind of funny at first, but now, it just feels like mockery and disguised harassment. If you have a problem with him, just genuinely say so for once and explain in private messages. If the Everybody Edits forum hivemind keeps this up it might just get worse.

why do you always ruin everything
we love our hero and your attempts to assassinate him will never work

#10 Re: Forum Discussion » Why are they banned? REVIVED » 2017-01-22 00:14:58

N1KF wrote:
Gamemonger wrote:
hummerz5 wrote:

soniiiety was banned for spam

unban him

Why? I don't think unbans are done just on request.

they will cause i said so

#12 Re: Forum Games » explain why your dad left you at birth » 2017-01-21 23:24:18

look at all these jealous haters without fathers

#13 Re: Forum Discussion » a petition to the administration of the ee forums to free soniiiety » 2017-01-21 23:22:58

Kessiope wrote:
Pingohits wrote:
Kessiope wrote:

What ? stop making stupid # about a member that nobody know and cares... he banned cause he deserve to, stop blaspheming him please..


oh... sorry pingo i apologized.. soniiiety is famous..

good, you better be sorry kid

#14 Re: Forum Discussion » Why are they banned? REVIVED » 2017-01-21 23:22:19

hummerz5 wrote:

soniiiety was banned for spam

unban him

#15 Re: Off Topic Discussion » happy inauguration day » 2017-01-21 21:31:09

he just wants to support the #freesoniiiety cause

#16 Re: Forum Games » [Season 2] Who is this EE User? [Game] » 2017-01-21 20:15:46

gp68 wrote:
Gamemonger wrote:

oh look another furry

are you just tried to get woots or what?

no im going for greatness kid

#20 Re: Off Topic Discussion » happy inauguration day » 2017-01-21 19:46:29

AnatolyEE wrote:

I think presidents aren't demokration! It's definetly a tyrann!

im sorry, anatoly, formally known as anatoly everybody edits or anatolyEE for short, but i disagree with this opinion that you have posted on an online forum about the video game dubbed "Everybody Edits". our new leader, president donald j trump, age 70, was democratically elected via the system dubbed the "Electoral College", a tyrant he is not, rather our savior from the evil short men in the country known as "Northern Korea" who want to launch ICBMs at our very own 3.797 million mi² large country dubbed the "United States of America" or "America" for short. thank you for listening

#21 Re: Game Discussion » hello people my name is anatoly i play ee and need friends on ee » 2017-01-21 19:41:41

get out of here kid you'll never be as cool as son triple i ety

#22 Re: Forum Discussion » Why are they banned? REVIVED » 2017-01-21 19:40:59

Pingohits wrote:

let's all get banned in protest for soniiiety

quick everyone post nude bdsm gifs


#23 Re: Forum Discussion » a petition to the administration of the ee forums to free soniiiety » 2017-01-21 19:39:53

i am glad for all the support on this petition, hopefully the moderators of the everybody edits online forums will come to their senses and unban this young man

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