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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#2 Re: World Creation » Binary Calculation Tutorial v1.1 » 2019-03-28 20:49:45

Good post! I'll add that computers largely do not actually subtract binary values. Negative values in binary are, in most cases, represented as a two's complement value, where the most significant bit (the leftmost bit in most representations) is the sign bit - 0 for positive, 1 for negative. When using a signed integer of this type, subtraction is performed as the addition of two numbers where at least one is negative, because the rules are actually the same.

Quick rundown on calculating two's complement values

For example, take the calculation 10 + (-3). Normally you could represent 10 in 4 bits, but since we need the MSB to be a sign bit we have to use at least 5.

  01010 (10)
+ 11101 (-3)
  00111 ( 7) 

Technically this does overflow (the output value is 100111 = -25, but since we're using 5-bit hardware in this example we have to throw out the MSB). At this moment I don't remember the rules for when overflow should be ignored.

#3 Re: Off Topic Discussion » miss kobayashi's dragon maid in some amount of time » 2019-02-26 07:26:41

What a good-**** show, I'm very hype. That video is spot-on.

#4 Re: Game Suggestions » ee chat should support unicode » 2019-02-17 00:51:57

PiotrGrochowski wrote:

then restrict to VSECS instead! it has 361 characters (not 191) but covers more symbols and languages!

No Japanese //

#5 Re: Debates » UNOFFICIAL STAFF COMPLAINT/ DEBATE » 2019-02-12 02:38:42

Zoey2070 wrote:

// i hat zeoy //

Beat me to it // // //

#6 Re: Off Topic Discussion » What are your favorite memes right now? » 2019-02-11 11:00:56

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

This exact video is and always will be my favourite meme.

That just reminded me, CoD hit markers are always great.

#7 Off Topic Discussion » What are your favorite memes right now? » 2019-02-11 09:24:34

Replies: 5

If you're anything like me, you latch on to a couple memes and hold on for dear life, all the while nobody knows what the hell you're talking about when you talk about them.

My favorites right now are, in no particular order,

  • 1 2 Oatmeal
    Somebody on a Simpleflips stream song requested this video of a German guy singing an original song quite off-key to the Gourmet Race theme from whatever Kirby game it's from.
    Naturally, this spawned a slew of really great memes. (side note: I actually have two Oatmeal playlists because my standard for flagship meme YouTube playlists is weirdly high.)

    Oat Stop Me Now is a personal favorite, and My Longest BUP BOI Ever, though not strictly Oatmeal related, is also good if only for the unexpected "O-hoat-meal" in the beginning. Also, I can't help but appreciate We Are Number 1,2, Oatmeal for the sheer effort that must have gone into the sentence mixing in the first part, and for the integration with We Are Number One, one of the greatest memes of all time.

  • Reese's Puffs Remixes
    I feel like this one pretty much explains itself. My favorites are the sleepers, where it sounds like a normal song until the titular Reese's Puffs rap comes in. Truly art.

    My personal favorite has to be this one (I promise I'm not picking We Are Number One-related videos on purpose) for the flawless inclusion of the Reese's Puffs rap in the beginning. Puffs Gon' Give It To Ya is also pretty great because it technically counts as a party jam. I'm just sad that it didn't leave the intro untouched or it would also count as a sleeper. Sad :^(

  • """""Party jams"""""
    This one isn't really a meme per se, but I carefully curate this list of bad remixes of songs that I personally might see myself playing at a party or that the guys in my fraternity always play at parties. Sometimes I'll throw in a song that I can imagine gets played at parties even though it doesn't fit into one of the two previous categories just because I enjoy it so much (see Skrillevator). I also have the Watch For Rolling Rocks 0.5x A Presses video on there because I love the idea of that coming on at a party out of nowhere.

    My favorite is X Gon Give It To Ya Maybe because frat guys love X Gon Give It To Ya for some reason and because CRJ is god. Also the remix is just flawless. Executed perfectly. If you don't listen to anything else on this entire post please listen to this one.
    I also really like this one and DK Rhapsody (another really intricate song).

As far as image memes go, I the airpods one is pretty good idk.

#9 Re: Forum Business » Update Discussion for forums » 2019-02-09 21:51:01

TaskManager wrote:
Different55 wrote:

When reporting a post that has already been warned/reported, the report page will now tell you.

makes sense if the post has already been warned
but if it was reported but not handled yet, why would i need to know that

Dual reports don't help moderation, they only clog up the report feed. If a post has already been reported but not dealt with, there are two possiblities:

  1. The report was seen but not responded to - in this case, the report was deemed not worthy of moderation and any further reports are not valid.

  2. The report was not seen - in this case, the report will eventually be seen, any further reports are just duplicates that waste moderator time.

#11 Re: World Creation » Chungus' Kingdom » 2019-01-31 09:50:32

I'm garbage at EE (playing and creating) but I really dig what you have going so far. It's got some pretty fun minis that are juuuuuuust the right level of annoying. But easy enough for someone like me to beat.

#12 Re: Forum Discussion » Add an option to change "Woot" text » 2019-01-29 17:49:53

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I would also like to see an negative woot option so i can do that on your post for unironically using the terms "based and redpilled".

kek, sounds pretty bluepilled to me.

#13 Forum Discussion » Add an option to change "Woot" text » 2019-01-29 17:25:54

Replies: 5

I don't want to "woot" posts that I think are good, that's lame. I'd prefer to mark them as "based and redpilled".

I also think there should be some sort of negative woot option (I propose "cringe and bluepilled") and perhaps some sort of post quality voting system that sorts topics and posts based on a ratio of "based and redpilled"s to "cringe and bluepilled"s which is especially weighted towards recent up- and down-woots.

#14 Re: Forum Discussion » Make EE Forums Great Again » 2019-01-29 17:13:59

Tomahawk wrote:

[...] Quoting the entire OP is unnecessary - and annoying when it's long - but permanently stopping people from doing it would require a policy change from Diff [...]

Different55 wrote:

Yeah those are just "avoid" instead of "don't" because none of them are a problem inherently. [...]

Speaking specifically about quoting the OP: It's not a problem in general - breaking up the post to respond to different parts (see: this entire thread) is very useful. Even quoting just a single (perhaps long) section of the OP can communicate that your reply only refers to that particular part of the post (though some post-quote editing should be used to make a succinct, high-quality post). On the flipside, I can't think of a single legitimate use for quoting the entire OP. Perhaps it's not worth warning points, but

Tomahawk wrote:

maybe some 0-point reminders

would be nice.

Not that it's necessarily an issue around here, I've only noticed it in this topic.

#15 Re: Forum Discussion » Make EE Forums Great Again » 2019-01-29 12:49:47

peace wrote:

[literally the whole OP]
forums will be a mess wiht no double posting rule and why you want to go offopic? if you want make a new topic cussing is bad spam minor rule is kidna meh

Speaking of making the forums great again, can we introduce a rule against quoting the entire OP in your reply (without segmenting it to discuss different points)? I already read the OP, I don't need literally the entire thing quoted to know what it's about.

#16 Re: Forum Discussion » Make EE Forums Great Again » 2019-01-29 10:47:03

Let me preface this by saying that I haven't been active on the forums for years and years, so I'm not really in touch with its modern culture.


Creature wrote:

Remove the "No off-topic" rule

How many interesting discussions did we miss due the fear of going offtopic? Starting a somewhat different discussion in a thread isn't that bad and someone can always return to the OP discussion.

I don't think this is necessary. If your post is even tangentially related to the topic then it shouldn't be considered off-topic in the first place.
If you have a thought to share that's actually off-topic, just have that interesting discussion in a new thread.

Different55 wrote:

[...] only when the off-topic branch is derailing the discussion.

I don't see this as an issue, actually.  If the thread evolves to discuss the new issue (given that, again, it's related to the original topic), that's what the thread becomes about. If the OP is dissatisfied with how the conversation is going, they should have the right to request a new thread be made and warnings issued if the discussion continues.


Creature wrote:

Remove the "No doubleposting" rule

Creature wrote:

Yeah, I want to post my content like this.

Creature wrote:

It doesn't hinder the discussion at all if you don't mind a few extra pages.

Creature wrote:

Actually it even helps. By making people more comfortable posting, for example.

Creature wrote:

You can't force me to shove everything I have in mind into one single post.

Agree. Well, the example you posted is just obnoxious, but doubleposting with distinct thoughts (that are both related to the thread) is not an issue.
Also (evidently):

Different55 wrote:

There's no such rule.

#17 Re: Off Topic Discussion » Off-Topic chat thread » 2019-01-27 16:53:31

Different55 wrote:

Might just go for a binary kernel when you're installing, once you're up and running you can always compile that stuff in the background later.

Could, but you don't get internet clout unless you compile your own kernel, like a man. I'm not really waiting super intently on the install anyways, this is just a """""fun""""" weekend project.

Different55 wrote:

Also hours seems like a really long time for kernel compilation. This dude at least can compile a kernel in 20 minutes on what he calls "old hardware."

Weird, we have comparable hardware (both Penryn c2ds, his is just clocked a lil faster than mine). The only major difference I can think of is he might have an SSD whereas I'm still running the stock 5400RPM HDD, but I can't imagine that's a huge bottleneck.

It seems like most other sources also mention times in the 10-30 minute range even for older hardware, but a few people say that it takes them hours. I wonder what the deal is with that.

The journey continues!

I got through (most of) my gentoo install without a hitch. For some reason 'emerge @world' wasn't compiling linux like it did during the initial run, so I decided I'd need to do that manually. However, I kept running into weird issues. Either it would error out halfway through the make or just fail to even start due to some missing files (turns out I was running 'make' instead of 'make all', whoops.)

After consulting the folks on the Gentoo IRC I found out that, as is mentioned in some distcc resources, compilers on different distros can produce unexpected results even if the major version is the same. Oh, well. Now I have a gentoo chroot set up on my desktop and main laptop with the thinkpad (host) only handling preprocessing. Probably could use pump mode, but I've read it can be buggy and I don't want to halt compilation now.

It's running on 2 hours and I've just finished compiling the drivers, and this is with three computers working in tandem. Still seems a little strange, but I'm not gonna worry about it. To be fair my kernel isn't incredibly optimized (mainly becasue I was afraid I'd break something if I disabled stuff all willy-nilly). Once the system is up and running I'll try trimming the kernel down even more. Or maybe I'll just wait until the next update.


Edit the third:

Just as I finished typing up that last edit the compilation finished. Total runtime: 2 hours 1 minute. Probably slightly more, I started the timer a little late. Nice! Can't wait to finally boot my install and proceed to do absolutely nothing with it!

#18 Re: Off Topic Discussion » Off-Topic chat thread » 2019-01-27 15:26:34

I just made a big ol' gooferino, my friends //

So I'm in the process of installing Gentoo on an old Thinkpad of mine, as one does. I decided to run a quick test before wiping my drive just to see what kind of a night I was in for, so I quickly (read: slowly) grabbed the Linux source from Github and attempted to benchmark the compilation. Actually I manually paged through every file in the source tree and typed it out by hand but that's beside the point.

Three hours in I decided I wasn't gonna sit around for that. It was sure to be a long night if I didn't speed things up a bit, so I installed and started distcc on every computer I could get my hands on, hoping it would turn a multi-hour process into... still a multi-hour process in most likelihood, but hopefully less so. I ran through the Gentoo install, and got to the very exciting

emerge @world

About three hours later, I notice that although jobs are being dispatched to my other machines (occasionally), they eventually fail and are built by the laptop anyways. Oh no!

After about a half hour of googling and trying different things out, I realized that my slave machines were running a different55 major version of gcc than the host, which is of course why my jobs were failing. Damn. I had to halt the updates (it was compiling Linux at the time so it wouldn't be done for a few hours at least if my test was any indication) and install the proper version of gcc (which is testing in portage. Like, what the hell Gentoo, I thought you were supposed to be ~bleeding-edge~ /s).

Once that compiles I'll be on my merry way, and hopefully in not too long. I'm hongry and tired and my wife left me because I stopped paying attention to her.

Who can relate?

#19 Re: Forum Discussion » WYSIWYG » 2019-01-21 03:02:31

I think the best (read: easiest) implementation of this is to have some sort of live preview.

For longer posts you're probably better off using an actual editor. Emacs has multiple modes for editing bbcode (albeit without a preview, though I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to make some faces for the limited set of formatting possible in bbcode). I'm sure bbcode packages exist for other, lesser editors. If you're wondering: yes, this entire post was an excuse to shill Emacs.

Interestingly, there's a bbcode exporter for Org. Seeing as Org is basically the greatest tool to ever exist (and has packages for live preview, though I can't confirm this is still the recommended way to live-preview org files), this is probably the best you're going to get.

#20 Re: Game Suggestions » [EEU] Music, and democracy! » 2019-01-15 11:46:41

TaskManager wrote:


tbh allowing players to upload/create music as midi files only would be the best way to allow custom music, in my opinion

I second this. EE\[U\] doesn't really need full audio files, and short of encoding inappropriate content in MIDI a la this (which becomes low-quality and is easily thwarted with a note limit per time quantum) it would eliminate the need to curate content.

Also diff why can't I escape square brackets? >:^(

#21 Re: Forum Discussion » WYSIWYG » 2019-01-13 11:19:38

MWstudios wrote:

One question about this video:
If you want to remove the tag, how do you do it?

The traditional implementation is to have the formatting button be a toggle, so to unbold text you'd have to highlight it and click the bold button again.

#22 Re: Questions and Answers » Is there still any benefit to using the beta website? » 2019-01-13 11:16:54

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

[...] i get completely triggered if i accidentily get linked to the normal client website.

honestly, it's bad enough we have to share a server with the non-beta plebs ?

#23 Questions and Answers » Is there still any benefit to using the beta website? » 2019-01-13 02:08:49

Replies: 14

Frankly I'm not sure there was ever any benefit to using beta.[ee].com instead of [ee].com, but does it do anything special other than use the old website design?

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