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#1 2019-05-06 19:40:31, last edited by RailMat (2019-05-23 17:18:09)

Formerly MatthijsFidder
From: Emmen (NL)
Joined: 2017-05-22
Posts: 1,534

Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Welcome to Mafia 24.

1. All forum rules apply, however multi-posting rules are more lenient. So long as your posts are relevant to the game it shouldn't be an issue.
2. Do not post in this thread unless you are alive in the game. All posts made by dead players and people not in the game will be deleted.
3. You may not edit or delete your posts. This function will be disabled in this game.
4. If you stay inactive too long or not contributing to discussion , you will be prodded for inactivity and replaced if you don't respond to the prod within 24 hours.
5. Do not quote, copy paste, or screenshot any message sent by the game moderator for any reason. Paraphrasing is allowed, such as saying what your role is or does, but don't copy paste an entire role pm word for word.
6. Do not gamethrow. Gamethrowing is defined as actively working against your role/faction's win condition, and is dealt with on a case by case basis.
7. As soon as a majority is reached, it counts as the day being over. The moderator may not be there to lock the thread immediately so do not post after majority is reached.
8. You may not talk about the game with living players through any means other than the game thread and Mafia night chat. No exceptions.
9. Remember that this is just a game. If I see any form of harassment that may warrant a replacement or modkill.
10. If any player breaks any of these rules please private message me on the forums and I will deal with it. Do not use the forums report feature to report someone breaking one of the game rules unless they are also breaking a forum rule.
11. The moderator's word is final. If I say not to do something it means don't do it. If you have an issue then it's best to save until the end of the game as to not interfere with the game.

The winner:
11. Crybaby Role: Serial killer.

Anatoly - replaced per request. Role ???
GreenyMix - replaced for being inactive. Role???
TaskManager - Shot N1. Role: vigilante
Luka504 - replaced per request. Role ???
NorwegianboyEE: Shot N2. Role: seer
ILikeTofuuJoe: Modkilled D3. Role: doctor
peace: Lynched D3. Role: townie
Zumza: shot N3. Role: townie
mutantdevle: killed N3. Role: classic cop
Different55: lynched D4. Role: role cop
Onjit: shot N4. Role: townie
mrjawapa: Lynched D5. Role: townie
2B55B5G TNG: Killed N5 Role: goon
Slabdrill: Lynched D6. Role: roleblocker
Kirby: killed N6. Role: townie

Known rolecards:

classic cop
Role cop
Serial killer


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#2 2019-05-06 23:54:04

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I think the main question we should ask ourselves for day 1 is whether we should lynch or not.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Wait, how many players are there?


13? Okay. Yes yes yes yes yes.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Personally back then i was for ending the day early, but i'm not so sure this time.

There is a huge difference between not lynching day 1 and ending the day early. I can understand if people want to oppose a day 1 lynch on mere principle, but under no circumstances should anyone be wanting to end the day early.

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#3 2019-05-06 23:58:10

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Kirby wrote:

!lynch peace

lets go

I thought about doing the same thing as a joke lol. But no, I think it would be too cruel to lynch peace day 1.

I'm tempted to say "let's lynch Anatoly first" but I think he has proven himself to be remarkably easy to sort which alignment he is so I think it would be a waste.

Right now, I think I'm going to wait until everyone has made at least 1 post before I start properly thinking about who to lynch day 1.

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#4 2019-05-07 01:08:05

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

TaskManager wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

Right now, I think I'm going to wait until everyone has made at least 1 post before I start properly thinking about who to lynch day 1.

haha if you tried that previous game it wouldnt work //

Naturally, if we get towards the end of the day and there are still people who haven't posted then, in my opinion, they automatically become the candidates for the lynch.

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#5 2019-05-07 10:31:38

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Anatoly wrote:

Lets go on random?

!vote mutantdevle

Let me fix that for you:

Hidden text

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#6 2019-05-07 19:08:24

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Anatoly, you're an absolute madman.

Anatoly wrote:

He simply interrupted the fight between TaskManager and Norwegianboy.

What fight? lol. Them questioning each other wasn't much of a fight.

Also, why do I get **** for 'interrupting' this 'fight'? Both Kirby and Luka posted before me. Also, they hadn't spoken to each other for about 3 hours when I posted. All my post was, like Luka's and Kirby's posts before mine, was an entrance to the game.

So other than this, I see no reason why you'd find me suspicious at all.

Anatoly wrote:

Me > mutantdevle (another of my suspects, will explain below)

So was I a suspect of yours when you voted for me initially? Because you said that it was just a random vote. Why are you trying to hide the reason that you're voting for me? Is it because you don't really have a reason?

Y'know Mr Anatoly, it seems that at the start of this day you decided that you wanted me dead. Did you come to that conclusion after reading your role PM? Why do you want me dead Mr Anatoly? Am I a threat to you? Because I think that you think I am. So is it paranoia that I might be evil? Or is it you who is the evil one? Because do you know what Mr Anatoly? I don't think you are mafia. No, you're nothing like your previous self that I got to know fairly well last game by being aligned with you. No, I don't think you're mafia at all. You seem to have purpose here. The things you have said, it's like you want to help. You're trying to. You have a reason to solve the game, you don't know everyone's alignment. But just because you're not mafia, doesn't mean you're not evil...

I wonder why you so freely told us that you didn't have a role. To make the investigatives not want to investigate you? To make the mafia not want to shoot at you? Tell me Mr Anatoly, are you a townie who is trying too hard to solve the game? The townie that wants to be seen as the hero? I have my doubts. Let me just ask you this, are you the NuGHuQ3.gif

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#7 2019-05-07 19:12:35

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

TaskManager wrote:

actually since our "must lynch" policy was in place to keep an odd number of players, doesn't SK's presence nullify that cause 2 deaths per night

To be honest, it actually kinda does.

Of course, we can't just rely on the SK to kill mafia for us. We still need to give ourselves power in performing lynches. But I think it's a good point to bring up that, since there are so many forms of kill in this game, we probably won't do so well to try and enforce an odd amount of players.

I would say though that it's still best to lynch today anyway so that we can save our no lynches for when they matter more.

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#8 2019-05-07 19:14:52

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Anatoly wrote:

Now question: Does the SK act like a loaf?

Sure, you can side with the town if you want to. You can basically be a night kill for the town, a second lynch if you will. Promising to side with us will keep you alive for a while longer.

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#9 2019-05-07 19:17:26

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From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Luka504 wrote:
RailMat wrote:

Prodded GreenyMix and ILikeTofuuJoe for inactivity

Are there...
Or did we just lose two players, just like that?

Prods are not the same as being replaced. In mafia, players get prodded (a PM to tell them to play the damn game) if they go a while without posting. If you get too many prods, you get replaced. They're basically just warnings.

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#10 2019-05-07 20:45:59

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

I'd just like to say at this moment (since Zumza has replaced Anatoly) that I didn't seriously think Anatoly was the SK, I was just trying to bait him on the off chance that he was //

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#11 2019-05-07 21:41:41

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Kirby wrote:

if peace is 100% sure anatoly was maf is that because peace was his magia buddy ~:u ~:u ~:u

Idk, maybe Zumza will tell us.

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#12 2019-05-08 14:20:13

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

!lynch GreenyMix

I think iliketofuujoe is more likely to be active here than Greeny is.

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#13 2019-05-08 20:11:22

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]


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#14 2019-05-08 20:14:04

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

I don't see this day going anywhere to be honest. If anyone has anything significant they want to say then that could be useful in at least getting a discussion today.

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#15 2019-05-10 16:34:10

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

@peace, how do you know you were protected?

Were you told that you were attacked, and then saved by a doctor? Or were you just told that a doctor visited you?

(DON'T quote railmat, just answer).

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#16 2019-05-10 16:38:36

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Just to make it clear, under absolutely no circumstances should the doctor ever claim unless they are being lynched.

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#17 2019-05-10 18:08:22

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Luka504 wrote:

I mean, realistically speaking, the mafia/sk would attack the more experienced and vocal people like Devlin, as they're the ones most likely to catch them in a lie.

On the contrary, I'm more likely to be protected (hence a waste of a kill). Furthermore, the longer I live, the more suspicious I become. The mafia can either kill me or let me live long enough for the town to turn on me out of paranoia. It's a simple matter of how much of a direct threat they perceive me to be vs how likely it may be for me to be protected. I don't expect to ever live through the whole of a mafia game on this forum unless there's some role mechanics reason that I remain alive.

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#18 2019-05-10 19:52:05

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

mrjawapa wrote:

Wait, so are you mafia, devle?

Here's how it works:

If Kirby = town, mutantdevle = town.
If mrjawapa = town, Onjit might be town.
If mutantdevle = Town, Onjit might be mafia.
If Kirby = Town, mrjawpa might be SK.
If Onjit = SK, mrjawapa = mafia.
If mutantdevle = mafia, Onjit AND Kirby = mafia.

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#19 2019-05-10 22:21:02

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Slabdrill wrote:

mutantdevle's post looked like 98% **** to me

It was 86% **** //

But yeah, I have no idea why people took that so seriously and tried to analyse it like I had put any degree of thought into it beyond the first line.

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#20 2019-05-10 22:23:22

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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

mrjawapa wrote:

Y'know what? Kirby, I'm tired of your negativity.

You are bringing the moral down in this town, and I can't take it.

!vote kirby

What kind of a **** reason is that? lol. I do hope that I'm not ironically missing a **** post here.

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#21 2019-05-10 22:28:35

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

peace wrote:

i go ta messsage form railmat that i go tprotected i didn togt a message htat i got attacked so i tihnk that teh dotor protected me incase i was gonna get kille dbut that none visite dme to kill me so th edocotr portected me for no reason bascilly thats what i think what happaned so this is all i got and btw peep sim not online much so dont expect me to react wihtint an hour of your post

Okay, you get a pass for now.

I suspected / still slightly do that peace is the SK. In Town of Salem, if the SK is attacked, they receive the message "you were attacked but were immune". Similarly, the attacker would receive the message "your target is immune". So if peace's doctor protection claim is a lie, then I'm willing to bet that the mafia knows he is a SK.

That said, I'm fairly certain peace would have made, or will likely make, it very obvious if he was not town. Assuming we're not underestimating him that is.

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#22 2019-05-10 22:33:22

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

My personal preference for the lynch today would be any 1 from:

NorwegianboyEE, mrjawapa, Zumza, 2B55B5G TNG, Luka504, ILikeTofuuJoe.

This isn't a list of people I necessarily find scummy, this is a list of people who are yet to do anything to make me trust them or want to keep them in the game.

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#23 2019-05-10 22:34:02

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I kind of agree with Luka, we really need to start lynching someone if we hope to get any mafia at all. And we've got nothing to really focus on rather than Peace's weird revelation.
!Lynch Peace

Do you have any reason to lynch peace other than that you'd think it would be easy to do so?

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#24 2019-05-11 12:20:04, last edited by Tomahawk (2019-05-11 15:20:03)

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

Luka504 wrote:

Devlin, may I ask what your criteria for determining which people are trustworthy? Looking at the people you don't consider lynch candidates, I'm starting to see a pattern: Most of them barely contribute, or even post for that matter.
Kirby has four posts, three of which are ****, yet he's earned your trust?
It's suspicious how the people you consider lynch candidates are fairly active and at least trying to contribute.

Ever heard of the phrase quantity over quality?

Being active in a game doesn't make you town. Just look at myself and Anatoly last game. Likewise, being inactive doesn't make you mafia. In all the people I've not mentioned as desired lynch targets I've seen at least 1 post that has made me think "Hmm, yeah, I think that comes from the mindset of someone who is town". On the other hand, everyone I did mention either has yet to have any posts like that, or has made at least 1 post that has made me think the opposite.

mrjawapa wrote:

How has anyone else done anything to make you trust them

Please break it down for me

I'd actually like to keep the reasons that I excluded people from that list closer to my chest considering that some of my reasoning comes from the thought wave of "that's how I'd expect someone with town role X to be behaving", however, I could tell you the reasons why I listed the people that I did:

NorwegianboyEE - not active enough. However, I must say that on isolating his posts and reading what he's had to say, I do like him a lot better. But at the time of writing that post, none of what he had said had stuck with me.
mrjawapa - despite being active, he is yet to do or say anything that I consider to be particularly indicative that he is town.
Zumza - not active enough.
2B55B5G TNG - his behaviour this game seems to contrast heavily against the previous one. He doesn't strike me as having nearly as much enthusiasm or desire to solve the game. In my opinion, he's a lot more cautious here. I don't think that's coming from a burnout. His hesitance makes me suspect that he is scum.
Luka504 - despite being active, he is yet to do or say anything that I consider to be particularly indicative that he is town.
ILikeTofuuJoe - not active enough.

Yes, some of the people that I haven't listed could very much be considered 'not active enough'. The difference is though that they have said things that has made me trust them enough to want to see them live another day.

*note: this is all a justification of why I put these people on that list when I wrote that list. I've skim read a lot of the new posts before writing this one and already my opinions have somewhat changed.


Luka504 wrote:

Admittedly, yeah, when I suggested that we lynch one of them, I didn't expect much opposition at all. Peace and Anatoly have the lowest possible chance of everybody in the game to contribute to the town in a meaningful way (or they might make things worse by arguing about irrelevant ****), so I thought that if we are going to lynch someone, they should be high on the list.
As I've said before, even if they turn out to be town, it isn't much of a loss.

I understand your reasons for wanting to lynch the 'easy targets'. It's a scummy tactic to try and kill off the easiest to lynch people but I must admit that I too used to prefer people who contribute less for the lynch. However, I've since learnt that it's honestly a good idea to keep people like that alive because their alignment tends to become very clear at some point in the game. If everyone can agree that a specific person is town then that's one less chance to lynch wrong. The 3/10 chance of lynching mafia becomes 3/9. (example statistic).


Onjit wrote:

mutantdevle - he's doing his whole "i am a golden god at mafia" thing again, but that seems to be how he plays in general. His random "****" that had enough meat to derail the conversation for a bit was kind of out of character for him imo, so I'm not sure if he's gaining a sense of humour or if he was trying to subtly derail the conversation and waste time

I don't mean to come of as arrogant btw. I don't for a single moment expect anyone to blindly follow me or believe that everything I think is right. In fact, on mafiascum I'm kinda known for having bad reads but then using that fact to my advantage as any alignment. But the experience that I have is definitely a great advantage on this forum. Also, I don't consider **** out of my character :3 Do you not remember when I basically threw mafia 17 because you, me and jkdrip agreed pre-game to just **** regardless of alignment? Just because I take this game seriously doesn't mean I can't joke around from time to time // (that said, I did just try to find an example of me **** on mafiascum and went 26 pages back into my post history before giving up).

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#25 2019-05-11 13:11:13

Moderation Team
From: Hell
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Posts: 3,848

Re: Mafia 24 [Crybaby wins]

ILikeTofuuJoe wrote:

Trying to lynch yourself is gamethrowing, in MafiaScum you would've already been modkiled for this.

Well that's not true at all. Self votes are used all on the time on mafiascum and can even be used tactically to give players an advantage. Whilst it is generally frowned upon for town to self vote, it is certainly allowed.

Onjit wrote:
ILikeTofuuJoe wrote:


would you like to give any particular reasoning for those, or are you just going to keep wasting our time?

To be honest, I see no harm in giving reads without explanation. Obviously, it would be nice to have explanations, but reads alone can go a long way. Eg, if he was to flip at scum, we can look at these reads and go "why did he place each person at each of these positions?"

I'll pick apart NorwegianboyEE's post in a minute but for the sake of not having too many posts in a row I wanna comment on the new posts that I have smaller comments on:

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

I become more cautious because when I was town last game, I speak some random things which makes me become very suspicious. I don’t want to do the same mistake again.

I find this to be a weak defence considering you were one of the most trustworthy people last game. I don't think you were ever accused of being mafia by anyone. You were only accused of being loaf by a select few people. Considering that, I don't understand why you'd switch up your playstyle. But thanks for admitting that you have consciously changed your approach to the way you are playing this game. That cements to me that either A) You are mafia (or, less likely, SK) or B) You majorly misinterpreted people's criticisms of you last game.

Zumza wrote:

I completely disagree with mutantdevle; if there is a doctor, and they hadn't protected peace, they should say it.

Absolutely not. If we are ever in a situation where if we don't lynch mafia that day then we would lose, then, by all means, they should claim. But if the doctor truly wishes to claim, they better have something far more important to say than just "peace is a liar" because you can basically guarantee that as soon as the doctor claims they are 100% going to be killed the following night. The SK especially has no reason to leave a doctor alive. The doctor is much better of trying to subtly tell us that they didn't protect peace so that, if they ever die, only then would it become clear what their post meant.

Zumza wrote:

Where did this cop thing got out from? Did I lost my focus on something?

I think he's just wildly speculating.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

So do you want a useless member that his every posts are ****, or a person who actually try to contribute?

I really don’t want to make random statements, because it’s useless. Look at me in the last game, I said Frex was loaf, which was a random guess, then some people said I’m suspicious.

But you did try to contribute...

The paranoia of making a 2nd post to clarify your stance tells me you're mafia but the mention that you think it was significant that a few people accused you of being loaf tells me you're town misinterpreting the previous game's criticisms.

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