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#1 2016-02-17 20:08:24, last edited by Creature (2016-02-20 02:53:34)

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Mafia | Game 5 - Replacement needed

How to Play

Everybody will be assigned a role via Depending on your role, you’ll have a different win condition.
Town Win Condition: Kill every player not part of the town.
Mafia Win Condition: Kill every player that won’t submit to the mafia.
Witch Win Condition: Survive and take out town. Basically same mafia’s wincon, but has to survive.

During the day, the town can vote on a player to be lynched. There will have no defense, judgement, etc. Once someone gets the majority, this player is out of the game and the night starts. Days last 5 days or 120 hours, however, if the majority votes for a nolynch, it might end earlier.

To vote, you must use “!vote [player]/!nolynch”, bold and use it in a separate paragraph. Remember, voting =/= lynching. You can vote anyone you want whenever you want, it won’t automatically make you suspicious. Pressure votes are recommended.

During the night, any PR role can choose who they’re going to target. Mafia can chat with themselves while the town can make their reads. Nights last 2 days or 48 hours, however, if everybody chooses to skip the night, it might end earlier.

Whenever someone dies, I’ll reveal their role and their will, unless the janitor does a cleaning.

Factional Kill: Anyone in the mafia can sacrifice their night action to perform the factional kill. Roleblocking the mafia who's doing the kill will result in no kill.

Mafia Chat: Mafia Chat is open during the day and the night, so they can plan their moves. Nobody but them can see the chat or what they say, so if you’re mafia, post whatever you want in the chat.

Graveyard Chat: During the night, the dead players can chat among themselves and the medium, if there’s one. The medium is not forced to reveal his identity or be anonymous. However, the medium can’t just copy-paste the dead chat.

Last Wills/Death Notes: Yes, you can use them by putting /will or /dn and opening a quote. Last Wills will show up to town once you're dead, unless you were cleaned by the janitor. You can also use Death Notes if you're a killing role such as town killing or mafia (I don't recommend you use death note as mafia unless you want to cause something).

Useful links:
Basic Guide
Not so basic Guide
Playing as Citizen (This applies if you're a PR too)
Playing as Mafia
Common Tells
Although, I recommend some more googling.

1. Forum Rules apply. With the exception of spam and off-topic, but don’t exaggerate.
2. Respect other players. You’re allowed to scream at them, but don’t go off hand.
3. Don’t gamethrow. Gamethrow is work against your faction wincon, such revealing your mafia team or purposely getting town lynched. Jesting counts as gamethrowing, because there’s no jester.
4. Don’t cheat. I listed all role cards so paraphrasing meta wouldn’t work. Screenshoting your role will make you automatically the lynch target.
5. If you’re dead, you can no longer post in the game thread or in the mafia chat. However, you can post at the graveyard chat during night.
6. Don’t post outside the game thread or the quicktopics I provide. Don’t even try to, I’ll catch you no matter what.
7. This game is for everyone. However, to improve the experience, if you’re known as a toxic/gamethrower/inactive player, I’ll have to blacklist you.
8. Have fun. Don’t stress out.

Prods: If you don't post anything for 24 hours, you'll receive a prod and you'll get another 24 hours to post in the thread or be replaced. If the post seems to don't bring anything, I am going to inform you that your prod hasn't expired. Three prods and you're out, so be active.

Role List

Town Investigative
Town Protective
Town Killing
Random Town*
Random Town**

Mafia Support
Mafia Deceptive
Random Mafia***


* = One Random Town might roll Citizen.
** = Town Killing can't roll in Random Town.
*** = Janitor is unique.

Role Cards

Town Investigative
Town Protective
Town Killing
Town Support
Mafia Support
Mafia Deceptive

Signed Up:
- Processor
- Onjit
- Anak
- maxi123
- SmittyW
- Unau
- Calicara
- Ninja
- Pyromaniac
- W24
- AlphaJon
- !nb4
- Zumza RhazzleFrazzle

This is a false statement.


Wooted by:

#2 2016-02-18 01:39:58

From: USA
Joined: 2015-05-30
Posts: 591

Re: Mafia | Game 5 - Replacement needed





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