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#1 Before February 2015

From: nyc
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 366

Mafia Game

some guy from another forum because i'm too lazy to write it myself (but i edited) wrote:

Basic Summary

Mafia is a game of strategy and psychological trickery.

In the game's most basic form, there are two teams: town("village") and mafia("scum").
The ultimate goal of each team is to destroy the other team.
No townsperson knows who is mafia; therefore, the town's main focus is identifying mafia members and executing them.
To aid in this search, the town has several specialized roles, such as the cop and the doctor. All such roles will be explained in detail later on.

The game is divided into two parts: night and day.

At night, the mafia has meetings via PM (that is, they know who each other are) and decide which town member to kill that night.
The mafia also have specialized roles, and these players perform their actions at night as well.
Any "power roles"(PRs) from the town (cop, doctor, etc.) also send the host their night actions at this time.
Once all actions have been sent, the night ends.

In the daytime, all players (from both teams) participate in a vote.
The players democratically choose who should be killed that day, often explaining why they suspect (finger of suspicion/fos) a person of being mafia, trying to get others to vote their way.
The purpose of this vote is to eliminate the mafia, but it often ends in the death of a townsperson due to misinformation.
Daytime ends after someone is killed.

The game continues in this way until either the mafia has the same amount of members or more than the town, or all the mafia have died.
Forum Rules:

1. All Mafia discussion is limited to this thread. You may not theorize, collude with other players, or otherwise ruin the game except in the thread. If you are part of a team, such as the mafia, you may discuss the game with them during the designated times. Also, please do not post in the thread after the game has begun if you are not one of the players who have signed up:

some man

2. You may not post at night. There is one exception: all dead players are allowed to make one final post whenever they choose. You may not reveal any information about the game in these posts.

3. The host is not a player, and is completely impartial. Posts made by the host can be trusted.

4. During the night, you must send me, the host, your night action in a PM. If you do not send it in a timely manner, you will be killed.

5. If you have to leave for a few days or are otherwise incapacitated, let me know ASAP so I can kill you.

6.If you are not an active player (i.e. not posting, not voting, etc.) you will be killed. Do not sign up if you aren't going to play.

7. During the day, everyone votes on who should be killed. Once a majority is reached (that is, more than half the votes), that person dies. If everyone has voted and no majority is reached, a countdown begins, at the end of which whoever has the most votes will die.
(note - you may "no-lynch"(nl), or vote for no one. this is different from not voting)

8. a day or night (half of a cycle) will take 24 hours. day votes/night actions should be posted by 12am - midnight in EST/EDT. you can compare time zones here

9. whoops forgot about this one - if you edit your posts, do not delete what you had before, just make a note to others to ignore it, since strikethrough text doesn't seem to work here. do not delete your posts. these are really for people who changed their mind about something or their vote and don't want to double post. if someone has already posted you may make another post with more content/change of vote(you can edit your old post too following this rule)

Basic Strategy

Mafia games are fun when people use trickery and mind games to help their team win.
This is an art form, and is hard to master, but don't be discouraged from trying. In almost every game there is inevitably a bandwagon phase, or a phase in which people simply stop posting. Mafia is not a game of mindless voting, it is a game of thinking. Games go well when mafia use the system to their advantage (posting fake reports, claiming to be roles they aren't) and townspeople have actual discussions about the evidence - fake or real - that is presented to them. Games go poorly when no reports are offered, no roles are claimed, and no discussion happens.

The game officially begins August 1, where roles and stuff will be given out
feel free to ask any questions before it begins

Role list:

Village Aligned:

2- vanilla villagers (blue)- all you can do is vote
1- doctor - pr that chooses one person a night to save from being killed by the mafia - may not choose themselves
1- cop - pr that chooses one person a night to see their alignment (village/maf)
2- millers - appears as villager to self; when investigated by cop, will appear to be guilty; when lynched, will appear as vanilla mafia; when killed, will appear to be miller, can only vote

Mafia Aligned:

1- vanilla mafia (nilla)- can only vote
1- godfather - when investigated by cop, will appear to be innocent; can only vote

check your pms often



some man


it is d1
4 votes to kill

Last edited by Fradeshan (Aug 1 2014 10:03:27 pm)



#2 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

A lot of questions, sorry.
2. In this exceptions, after I'm killed I can't give out my theories about who's who, just some random comment, or what? Can you give an example?
4. Every player must send you an action at night, is that it?
8. The link you gave sends me to a website with the time fixed to New York, so I've to post before 00:00 New York time, right?
And another question - since in the rules it is said that the mafia has to discuss their actions at night, is it real world time or the night begins after the vote has finished, that I didn't understand.
Last question: Townspeople discuss their thoughts about the evidence at the night, at the same time as the mobs or when?
Sorry for the many questions, and thank you in advance for answering. //

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

dude just delete your useless posts like i did lol
well good morning everyone, anything important?

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

creature is being nonsencical as usual, nothing new here
voting for anch until further notice, lets get playing

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

speculation over the nightkill isn't how this game usually goes. a random number generator thwarts all your efforts.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

VOTE: Anch

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

BTW to the cop: since a miller died, guilty reports are 50% accurate

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

not surprised only 2 intelligent people decided to play this

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Mafia Game

I don't do random lynch....
As often.


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