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#1 Re: Questions and Answers » A few EEU questions » 2019-03-04 02:42:18

I think my questions are mostly answered, but where would i find xenotix or another mod to transfer my account? Do they just randomly show up or is there a place to talk to them?

#2 Questions and Answers » A few EEU questions » 2019-03-03 07:32:14

Replies: 17

So the first thing is: Is EEU (Everybody Edits Universe) a downloading game? I don't know where, but I got the impression that it was. Can someone confirm this?

Another minor question: So everything is getting transferred over to EEU except our world? What exactly is being transferred? Does it include GM, Beta, and Classic items that aren't bought with energy anymore?

The other, more important question I had is: I have an account on Kongregate, where I play EE, but I forgot my password and email for the EE website. So basically, I can ONLY play on my Kongregate account. Will EEU support Kongregate accounts or will it only transfer accounts from the official website? I'm hyped for its release but this is the one part of it that's worrying me.

Sorry if I seemed annoying, I'm just curious and worried about the change to EEU. Also, I'm pretty sure these questions were asked before, but I can't find any answers.

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