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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Game Suggestions » Variables » 2015-12-10 00:39:27

Replies: 2

I looked around a bit but didn't see this, even though it seems like it could be very useful. Apologies if it's already been suggested.

Short version: there's a variable at the top right corner of the screen, near the coin and death amounts. When you pass over certain blocks, an amount is added to or subtracted from the variable (although the variable can't be reduced past 0). Variable doors and gates would open or close when you have a certain amount of the variable. This way, cumbersome switch systems to keep track of how much health or money you have can be reduced to almost nothing.


  • Keep track of health, money and similar with only a few blocks.

  • Replace the large coin-giving reward systems with just a straight fall with a variable block.

  • Do repeated-choice puzzles where you find out if you succeeded only at the end without the hassle.

  • Keep track of score without using coins (in case you need to use them for achievements or similar).

  • if a way to print the variable on signs is added, they would be the only way to display something that can increase and decrease on signs.

  • Give less useful prizes to players who don't win without forcing them to fail for 100% completion.

  • Let people reset their progress without rejoining the world.

As it stands, the only way to do something like this is either with a huge number of switches (which takes up far more space than necessary) or with blue and gold coins (which causes trouble if you want to use those for any other purpose). The methods can both work, but they're also inefficient, and may cause problems on smaller maps where there isn't room for them.

#2 Re: Bug Reports » Black Friday » 2015-11-27 12:54:42

Same problem here. 16 gems, but it wants me to buy more gems to get a 13-gem pack. Seems to definitely be a Kongregate problem. I really hope this gets fixed before they end the Black Friday event.

#3 Re: Bug Reports » I don't have chains. » 2015-06-12 19:35:55

When I refreshed after the streamlining update, I found that when I looked in the items tab, or in the ladders section of my inventory in a world, chains were gone. Since chains can still be placed by some people, and they were visible in the "new" inventory rearrangement picture in the blog post, I presume that this is a bug.

I have all the non-gem packs except for stacking ones (spikes, coin doors, etc.) and the piano and drum packs, so I doubt they were moved to a pack I don't have.

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