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#1 Re: Forum Games » Admit it » 2019-07-21 23:36:31

Admit it, that you are the one of these people:


Hidden text

#2 Re: Bug Reports » Maybe someone hacked the number of the subscribers of my crew. » 2019-07-21 22:46:51

den3107, thank you that you told me it.
skullz17, Honestly, the smiley what you posted is really obvious, but that wasn't obvious for me in the first time. I am sorry what i wrote before. It's my fault.

Maybe you are right guys, and the bots caused the most of the problems and the too much subscribers.
Then because of the bot, sadly, i can't remove the false subscribers from my crew. //
Thx your help.

#3 Re: Bug Reports » Maybe someone hacked the number of the subscribers of my crew. » 2019-07-21 21:18:47

Honestly idk that what you wrote is a some kind of joke or no, but my problem is serious. Please understand it, you too guys.
Thx. //

#4 Bug Reports » Maybe someone hacked the number of the subscribers of my crew. » 2019-07-21 18:43:12

Replies: 4

Hello guys!

It's mostly will be a question, because i would like to know that Is it possible to hack the number of the subscribers of a crew?

My crew is small. During 1-2 years we published at least 10 worlds... the number of the visitors are mostly 10000, BUT the number of the subscribers are more the 3000. This is a bit weird for me.

That's true that our worlds are good, but i know that well that every 3rd person WON'T subscriber our crew beacuse of the good worlds and the enjoyable gameplay.

If this kind of hack is possible, then maybe someone hacked our crew's profile in the past.

Honestly i would like to know about your opinions, guys.

The name of the our crew:


~Have a nice day~

#5 Re: Worlds » ~River Crossing~ » 2019-07-09 01:51:13

Thank you Trytu your message.
There is really a bug in the desert island what could have caused you lots of problems, so i try to fix it as fast as possible.
Moreover there was problem with the rules too, because i didn't write down obviously, that the raft couldn't be used by a traveller and an other traveller's bag.
Sorry, if i ruind your gameplay.

If anyone find a bug during the game, then that could be the best, if you reset the current challenge, reread the current challenge's rules again and continue the game.
~Have a nice day~

#6 Re: Questions and Answers » Resetting all switches » 2019-07-07 15:27:34

If you can, then you have to either buy the "Switch pack" in the Shop or beat a certain campaign and to get access to the "switch pack". Maybe this certain campaign is the "puzzle pack 1", where you have to win the all of the tiers to get the "switch pack". It's only an idea, but i hope that you can get that pack soon.

#7 Re: Questions and Answers » when can i play the game o nfacebook again? » 2019-07-05 20:37:57

Isn't that obvious that Peace accidently missed a "s" from the end of the url link?

#8 Re: Worlds » ~River Crossing~ » 2019-07-04 10:38:23

Dear 2B55B5G TNG,
There was a little problem in the system, and because of that, from the challenge of the lions you could use the raft with 3 people.
Fortunatelly i fixed this little bug, because in the whole game you need the use the raft with either 1 or 2 people.
Thx, that you mentioned the bug.
~Have a nice day~

#9 Re: Worlds » ~River Crossing~ » 2019-07-03 20:57:05

Dear Sensei1,
I can agree with you when you mentioned that the system is a bit slow... so maybe in this week i try to work on the system to make that a bit faster, and i hope that the future players will enjoy more the gameplay. ^.^
Thank you that you tried this little game.
~Have a nice day~

#10 Worlds » ~River Crossing~ » 2019-07-03 00:37:56

Replies: 9
~River Crossing~

Click to play PWKAK7GFxacEI!



I wanted to show this for a while for everyone, and finally i successfully fininshed the "River Crossing" game.


It's a puzzle game where a group of people want to cross a river, and you have to help them to do that. If you helped them, then they will reward you with a gold coin every time.
In this game there are 9 challanges (9 puzzles) what you have to solve to get the trophy, so the gameplay is a bit short.

I tried to make for the challanges are different and different art, but the few of them are a bit unrealistic, so please forget it. //

If you have at lease a little free time then I suggest you to try this game once.
I want to see and know that who can solve the all of the puzzles and get the final reward in the end of the game.

~Good luck~

#11 Re: Worlds » ~Forest Exploration~ » 2019-07-01 14:39:03

Hello everyone!
If you tried this game, then please share with us your results when you got the trophy.
Honestly i would like to see that how many gold and blue coins did you collect during the game. ^.^
~Thank you~

#12 Re: Questions and Answers » what happaned to fastmaplers minebot? » 2019-06-30 14:50:21

Maybe the person who created the minebot are on a vacation or do something else, far away from the computer. That could be the best, if you play with the minebot on the next time...  but it's only my opinion.

#13 Worlds » ~Forest Exploration~ » 2019-06-28 23:16:58

Replies: 2

Click to play PWDRC_eQIicUI!

Finally I finished the one of my last world where you can explore a whole forest free and collect as much coins as you can.
There is an ancient temple in the hearth of the forest where you can find different and different treasures.
Are you enough good to get them? :3

Special thanks to commanderkitten for the ancient temple art.

Inspirated by: unau

Enjoy yourself. ^^

#14 Re: Worlds » ~Royal Garden~ » 2019-06-10 10:15:29

Thank you so much peace that you posted the map.^^

#15 Re: Worlds » Ruins » 2019-06-10 09:12:50

This is the one of my old world what i built when I liked so much the dragons //
The story isn't important, but the minis are very challengeable.
Good luck and enjoy yourself. //

#16 Worlds » ~Royal Garden~ » 2019-06-10 00:06:16

Replies: 3
~Royal Garden~

Click to play PWTSKgSZNkcUI!

Fortunatelly I successfully fininshed this wonderful world with my friends.

Special thanks to commanderkitten and hexxel. They helped me so much.

Enjoy yourself


#17 Worlds » Ruins » 2019-06-09 23:14:07

Replies: 3

Click to play PWfI_Y6NQWcEI!

Finally I fininshed the one of my biggest world.

Beat the all of the 26 minis, defeate the different and different creatures around the ruined kingdom and save the people from the dangerous dragon.

Difficluty: Easy- Extreme

Enjoy yourself.


#18 Re: Worlds » Rapid Dungeon (arcade game) [working now] » 2019-05-31 10:06:54

Yes, the teleports won't work. Please fix it. I would like to play with this and see that what kind of game you made. //

#19 Re: Game Suggestions » arithmetic in signs » 2019-05-30 12:39:14

Crybaby wrote:

So what you're saying is it's like % is how you parse code into your signs and
that code (the code itself, not its results) doesn't count towards the sign's
maximum character count because that code doesn't
actually appear on the sign itself?

Hopefully I'm getting that right

Yes. The caracters between the "%%" won't appear on the sign itself, and because of this that could be such a waste if the signs count them, when we write something.

Peace wrote:

yeha btu what if the resutl itself is longer?

Idk. What I suggested was just only an idea, and honestly idk, if it's possible to make it or no.
And If it's too hard to do it (if it's too complicate), then you can ignore my idea. //

#20 Re: Game Suggestions » arithmetic in signs » 2019-05-30 10:35:28

Yeah, it's a good and useful idea, because our games could be more and more interesting and colorful with this little "calculator"... because of this i agree with this...
However the lenght of the characters (letters) what we could use in the sign is limited, and it could be a big problem when we would like to write a complex and long formula.

Koya wrote:

%{10-%coins%}% -- coins:4 --> 6

%{%coins%/3, 2}% -- coins:4 --> 1.33

Such as If Koya's formula twice or 3 times longer, then we mostly wasted too much "free characters " what we could use in the signs.
Honestly, If the people would like this little "calculator", then let's add more "free characters " to the signs.

So if we can use now 140 characters, then that could be more better if in the future we could use more then 200 characters OR use 140 caracters just like now WHILE the "calculator" doesn't count the characters between two "%%".

This is all what i would like to say. You can ignore it, if you want, because it's only my opinion. //

#21 Re: Game Discussion » Good profiles to download using the downloader tool for EEU? » 2019-05-30 10:00:12

This is my little suggestion:

Their art style is beautiful. Please don't forget them. //

#22 Re: Worlds » OCTO'S ROLLERCOASTER » 2019-03-08 16:07:22

It's a fantastic and a fun world. I like it. ^^

#23 Re: Campaign Suggestions » Time Travel » 2019-03-02 08:50:05

Thank you that you fixed that. have a nice day. ^^

#24 Re: Campaign Suggestions » Time Travel » 2019-03-01 14:09:22

"Space by Treejoe4" isn't available, because the owner deleted this world.

#25 Re: Worlds » ~Stardust Kingdom~ » 2019-02-07 10:51:20

2B55B5G wrote:

Why not Easy-Hard

I am sorry, but for me it's better, that's all :3

This world isn't a so hard world, because only 1 or 2 minis are a bit challengeable, but the most of them are easy and enjoyable. ^^
have a nice day

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